Tweaks of my EQ FICO (see details)?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveH, Jul 15, 2002.

  1. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks to a few new inquiries and a BT offer in the last few months, my EQ creditwatch score is down to 712.

    Normally, that wouldn't concern me in the least, but I just discovered that my credit union has a superb HELOC program (100% LTV, 2.50% margin, index of 6-month t-bill rate with 6% floor) that requires a 720 EQ score to land. So, if I want this, every little point counts! I just need it to hit 720 on the day I have them pull the inquiry. If it jumps up after that, no worries.

    All below info is from report pulled today:

    Top neg reason,

    "You applied for credit 4 times in the last 12 months."

    Second reason,

    "The total amount owed on your credit obligations is $37067"

    I have 7 inquires in the last year, and 4 show up in the last couple of months. The Prov Funding should be disputable, as we applied for a mortgage on investment property there but in wife's name only (they don't even have my SS#, which made the pull esp odd.) The list looks like this:

    07/01/2002 1ST INT BK
    06/27/2002 PROV FUND
    06/21/2002 PENTGNSFCU
    06/13/2002 CAPONEBANK
    02/18/2002 CITI
    10/21/2001 NETBANK
    07/16/2001 S T C U

    Accounts Summary

    Number of accounts 38
    Number of accounts with balances 7
    Number of accounts that are negative 0
    Total balance on all accounts $126,415
    Length of credit history 10 years, 11 months

    Account Type Company Account Number Date Opened Balance Negative Items More Information
    Revolving CITI 2/2002 $14,642 No More Information
    Revolving CITI 5/2002 $0 No More Information
    Revolving CITI 10/1999 $665 No More Information
    Revolving CITI 4/1999 $0 No More Information
    Revolving AMEX 1/2000 $0 No More Information
    Installment NETBANK 10/2001 $89,348 No More Information
    Revolving AMEX 7/2001 $75 No More Information
    Revolving FARM B 10/2001 $6,530 No More Information
    Revolving CAP 1 BANK 6/2002 $14,500 No More Information
    Revolving MBNA AMER 8/1998 $0 No More Information
    Revolving DISCOVR CD 8/1991 $0 No More Information
    Revolving FUSA NA 1/2000 $0 No More Information
    Revolving NEXTCARD 12/1999 $0 No More Information
    Revolving FUSA NA 11/1998 $655 No More Information

    What's likely hurting me most here is the new Cap 1 0% line of 20K, which is reporting at the level last drawn (14K.) I'm running it to 20K this cycle, then can cut it to $10K or less next cycle if need be.

    I also have several other large, older credit lines with 0 balances.

    Would be glad to provide other info if it would help.
  2. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

    Hey, sorry I can't help. I cant work with a credit report with no negative items!! lol

    if you were at 14k on Cap 1, and max at 20k, lowering the bal would raise your score-just not much. I think the golden area is 15-20% of credit limit. Closing trade lines might hurt you, too. this is a tough one.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    It MIGHT help to combine some accounts...4 CITI and 2 FIRST USA
  4. creditman

    creditman Well-Known Member

    good point george. sometimes too much open credit has the reverse effect.
  5. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    Your best bet is play hide the weasel one month. Just do a bt to an account after billing cycle closes, pay off other lines before they close, and you can make it look like your outstanding debt is significantly lower (for a couple of weeks anyway.) BTW, doesn't work so well with CITI as they only update when the moon is full and Saturn is in line with Pluto.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    only update when the moon is full and Saturn is in line with Pluto.
  7. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the responses all...

    "Hide the weasal"--I like. Sounds like a good plan :) That would probably do the trick too.

    Other ideas most welcome...
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Call EQ and dispute the 2 inquiries. Charlie
  9. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Hi Charlie, why 2? One's a legit dispute, the others are all legit inquries.
  10. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I thought that you had 2 that you said weren't legit. I have heard that many people have had problems disputing inquiries on EQ. I have never had a problem, but I never dispute more than 2 at a time. One time I disputed 4, but they were all for one CA that I had removed. Charlie
  11. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply and the experiences. No, just one illegit inquiry.

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