Should I sue immediately?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CaliGirl, Jul 15, 2002.

  1. CaliGirl

    CaliGirl Well-Known Member

    I put in a dispute with Experian about an account. I have no recollection of this account and thought it might be a duplicate of one that I previously paid. Today they (Exp) came back with verified and remains.

    My question is this, how can they verify an account as being correct when it says I opened the account in November of 1998 but they have been reporting it since February of 1997?

    When I called Experian about it, they said I should call the agency that has the account. So I called, and get this - there is only a voice mail and it says:

    "You have reached Portfolio Recovery Associates. If you have received a letter from us it means that we are after you and we want our money NOW, and we are going to do everything in our power to make your life miserable. Thanks"

    Now, I don't intend on suing PRA, at least I don't think so, but what about Experian. How can they "verify" something that is so blatantly incorrect?

    Any ideas.
  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Can you post this number? I've got to hear this message.
  3. SK

    SK Well-Known Member

    Seriously, is that a direct quote of the CA's message? You must be paraphrasing. A message like that is just begging for a lawsuit. If the message actually says they will "make your life miserable", tape it NOW for use in the lawsuit.

    I want to hear it too! Post that phone number.

    I'll bet CN could put these guys in a world of hurt if you posted the number.
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    This is another d/b/a of Gulfstate. I'd start faxing validation letters to their compliance department and go from there.

  5. Touchdown

    Touchdown Well-Known Member

    That is hillarious!
  6. CaliGirl

    CaliGirl Well-Known Member

    OK, I logged back on to check what your opinions were and so I called the number back again one last time. I just wanted to make sure I didn't misunderstand.

    You are not going to believe me, but honest to God that message was there. Now, it is a totally different male's voice (not deep like the prior one) and it is very sweet and business like.

    I promise you that before it said exactly what I posted!

    So now I am left to wonder the following:

    1. Do they frequent this message board (and others like it) and did they read my message and remove it?

    2. Do they have a caller ID system that automatically pulls up accounts that match the number calling in? (we had one were I used to work at a collection agency) And if so, if I call back on my home phone (rather than cell) will I get "Mr. Personality's" message again?

    3. Have I taken this credit repair stuff so seriously that I am turning into a "litiguous nutcase" who is hearing $1000.00 fines all over the place?

    I am going to try calling again from my home phone.
  7. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Answer to 1: Yes, CA's frequent this board all too often. We already have proof that TU likes to visit our chat room.

    2: Not sure about this one. However, if when you call from your home tonight, it's back to the original message, tape it!
  8. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    to mindcrime

    has it been good or bad that TU is peering over the shoulder? what has happened, if it's okay to know? do we think that is why don richman doesn't seem to be answering emails anymore?
  9. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Re: to mindcrime

    As far as what has happened, here is a HUGE thread on it. It all started with LKH mid-2001.

    It's a long thread, just to let you know. The condensed version is someone from TU was hanging around the chat room, and LKH was posting something in reference to TU, and they figured out who he was.

    As far as Don Richman goes, he needs to mind his own business and go away. He likes to spy on us, because his real job at TU (aren't 'real job' and 'TU' oxymorons-LOL) doesn't satisfy him enough.
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: to mindcrime

    This board is being watched

    LKH | 3429 posts since Apr 2000 | 09.06.2001 @ 14:43

    I received a letter today in response to a letter I sent to TU last month. The last sentence was "I
    am also aware of your postings on the Creditnet member chat room; we reqwest that you refrain
    from any further libelous comments about Trans Union, or the matter will be referred to our counsel
    for appropriate action".

    Finally approved by Amex. May 10th 2002!

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