A few months ago I opened a "rainy day" savings account with Umbrella Bank - with $100 min deposit and 3.09% interest. I wasn't cross sold a credit card - i swallowed my pride (cough) and moved on. Today - after reading DaveLV's posts (thanks Dave) I decided to open up another account with Umbrella Bank - this time a "free checking account" also with $100 min deposit. Logged into my savings account - clicked on "open another account" filled out what was needed and THIS TIME I was cross sold a classic 2K visa. My lowest cc at the moment is 5K - don't really need the 2K - so I'm not sure if I'm going to send in my application for the checking account (if you don't open the account - you no get credit card). Just thought i'd share - for anyone who was';t CROSS SOLD the first time around when they opened a deposit account with Umbrella Bank - will most likely be cross sold the second time - ALL with a soft inquiry
I got turned down. They said my score was too low. EXP said since I have only 1 account it's not enough to have a score. Any ideas on getting accounts so I can get a score?
Charlie, I tried Cap 1 last month and they said the same thing. Insufficient credit. I can always go secured if I have to.
How bout your bank? If you have a savings get a secured loan for $3-500 and pay it off in 6 months. Call Eugene Cooke at Cap 1 and see if he'll give you a modest CL (maybe 300). Charlie
Mirage - don't know if they're BK friendly or not you can call them 1-866-UMBRELLA My score on Experian - that's what they checked for me - was 697. Regards, Mark
Mark, thanks for the response. I did applied last night and received an offer for checking and savings only. My gut feeling is that the cc offers have been tighten. Best regards, Mirage
Mirage - try this: Take the checking account (min deposit $100) you can re-apply - if they approved you once I think they'll re-approve you if you didn't accept - and it's a SOFT inquiry. Wait til the account is established and APPLY again - this time for a "rainy day savings accountn" - min deposit $100 - with 3.09% interest which is not bad. Be sure to log on to your checking account - and apply form there for ANOTHER new account - because it shows you're an existing client. When you apply for the second account - the savings - I'm guessing there's a better chance they will cross sell you a credit card - granted - probably the classic woth a 2K cl - but their apr is 10.9% which is not too bad.
Mark, thanks. Will give it a try. Gotta find something to replace the 4k Nextcard cl. Best regards, Mirage
Hi Mirage - hi Mark! I opened both a savings an checking today with Umbrella Bank. With 3% being paid on $100 or over - I sent in $1K to be divided 700/300 savings checking. When I opened it, I got an invitation for a home equity loan, but will see if anything happens once I get access to the online services. Either way, it is a great interest rate with no fees - this was a no risk decision. THX M- dogman
GAY Parade..... The way this Umbrella Card looks - it would certainly be appreciated in some crowds.....LOL! The designer circuit maybe - aroooooooo! down boys - arrfff aarrfff - dogman
Re: GAY Parade..... So what's wrong with a blinding nuclear yellow front with regal purple backing? I bet if you stare at the card long enough you'll get that really cool optical illusion that looks like the card is pulsating.
I also just signed up for a savings account. 3% interest is better than anything I've seen locally. I am making an initial deposit of $800 and hoping that they will offer me additional services at some point.