More Umbrella Bank Madness

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mark LA, Jul 15, 2002.

  1. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    A few months ago I opened a "rainy day" savings account with Umbrella Bank - with $100 min deposit and 3.09% interest.
    I wasn't cross sold a credit card - i swallowed my pride (cough) and moved on.

    Today - after reading DaveLV's posts (thanks Dave) I decided to open up another account with Umbrella Bank - this time a "free checking account" also with $100 min deposit.
    Logged into my savings account - clicked on "open another account" filled out what was needed and THIS TIME I was cross sold a classic 2K visa.

    My lowest cc at the moment is 5K - don't really need the 2K - so I'm not sure if I'm going to send in my application for the checking account (if you don't open the account - you no get credit card).
    Just thought i'd share - for anyone who was';t CROSS SOLD the first time around when they opened a deposit account with Umbrella Bank - will most likely be cross sold the second time - ALL with a soft inquiry
  2. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    I got turned down. They said my score was too low. EXP said since I have only 1 account it's not enough to have a score. Any ideas on getting accounts so I can get a score?
  3. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Mark LA what scores do you have?

    Any indication that Umbrella is bk friendly?

    Best regards,
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    bigmon, Try Capital 1. They are a very good credit building CC all the way to prime. Charlie
  5. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    I tried Cap 1 last month and they said the same thing. Insufficient credit. I can always go secured if I have to.
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    How bout your bank? If you have a savings get a secured loan for $3-500 and pay it off in 6 months. Call Eugene Cooke at Cap 1 and see if he'll give you a modest CL (maybe 300). Charlie
  7. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Mirage - don't know if they're BK friendly or not
    you can call them 1-866-UMBRELLA

    My score on Experian - that's what they checked for me - was 697.

  8. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Mark, thanks for the response. I did applied last night and received an offer for checking and savings only.

    My gut feeling is that the cc offers have been tighten.

    Best regards,
  9. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Mirage - try this:
    Take the checking account (min deposit $100) you can re-apply - if they approved you once I think they'll re-approve you if you didn't accept - and it's a SOFT inquiry.
    Wait til the account is established and APPLY again - this time for a "rainy day savings accountn" - min deposit $100 - with 3.09% interest which is not bad.
    Be sure to log on to your checking account - and apply form there for ANOTHER new account - because it shows you're an existing client.
    When you apply for the second account - the savings - I'm guessing there's a better chance they will cross sell you a credit card - granted - probably the classic woth a 2K cl - but their apr is 10.9% which is not too bad.
  10. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Mark, thanks. Will give it a try. Gotta find something to replace the 4k Nextcard cl.

    Best regards,
  11. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Hi Mirage - hi Mark! I opened both a savings an checking today with Umbrella Bank. With 3% being paid on $100 or over - I sent in $1K to be divided
    700/300 savings checking.

    When I opened it, I got an invitation for a home equity loan, but will see if anything happens once I get access to the online services.

    Either way, it is a great interest rate with no fees -
    this was a no risk decision.

    THX M- dogman
  12. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    GAY Parade.....

    The way this Umbrella Card looks - it would certainly be appreciated in some crowds.....LOL!
    The designer circuit maybe - aroooooooo!

    down boys - arrfff aarrfff - dogman
  13. curiouser

    curiouser Well-Known Member

    Re: GAY Parade.....

    So what's wrong with a blinding nuclear yellow front with regal purple backing?

    I bet if you stare at the card long enough you'll get that really cool optical illusion that looks like the card is pulsating.
  14. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    yeah dm - the 3% on savings with only a hundred min is WAAAY better than my BoFa savings account!
  15. mattg554

    mattg554 Well-Known Member

    I also just signed up for a savings account. 3% interest is better than anything I've seen locally. I am making an initial deposit of $800 and hoping that they will offer me additional services at some point.

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