I just found out that the judgement that I disputed as not mine was deleted from Experian. That was a sweet feeling. However, here is the dilemma. I just paid this judgement not too long ago and I am afraid that when the OC updates it records as satisfied, it will appear back on there. Has anyone had this happen? And really what can I do now if anything?
How did you get it deleted from Experian? I am tyring to get one delete too with them and they are not wanting to re-investigate. I even sent an "intent to sue". I need help with this thing.AARGGGHH!!!!!
To tell you the truth, this was the first time that I had disputed it it. It was a judgement that was filed in VA. I just decided to try it as a whim. The weird thing is that I also disputed some balances on the report that were truthfully wrong. But they came back as verified and this one which was mine came back as deleted. There is no rhyme or reason. I think that the 30 days expired.
the court records the judgment not the oc, so you should be fine. usually when public records are deleted they stay that way!
Thank you very much for that vote of confidence. I just now disputed it on Efx too. I will see what happens there.
Diva/anyone? ......question for you. Experian doesn't want to re-investigate unless I provided new evidence. I sent them an "intent to sue", but it looks like it may not get me anywhere. What I did was send them a copy of my social security card and liscense which has a different spelling of the name that is on the judgment. Do you think still might make them re-open the investigation and then delete?
I wish that I could tell you that it would. I know that some on this board have had success doing it that way. I really don't know what to tell you though. Especially, siince they will not even take a look at it anymore.