Re: Email from Equifax I sent my 10 day, "fix my split credit file or I will sue 10 days from now" letter this morning CRRR. There has already been numerous letters/faxes about this issue, but the judge requires one last ditch CRRR letter summarizing all of the points before I am allowed to file suit. I have been down that road before. I am just so frustrated over this whole situation. Equifax blames their affiliate. Affiliates blame Equifax. Either way, this crap is not working and is doing DAMAGE instead. Just as an FYI, I don't think that a person ever recovers from the "due to heavy volumes blah blah blah message." From what I gather, this is the message that you will get right before your file is too big to access online anymore. I learned yesterday that it takes 32 accounts to split a file. They would not tell me how many inquiries constitute an account. I had about 150 inquiries the last time I looked. Evidently that amount has grown since then. DO NOT LET THEM SPLIT YOUR FILE!!! IT IS A MESS AFTER THAT!
Re: Email from Equifax LisaMc - I'll do my best not to. They've been informed that I'll sue if they do. I've had some negatives removed in the past year and do not want to see them again. They need to fix their system instead of fixing individual files or if they choose to fix individual files, do it the easy way. REMOVE THE INQUIRIES!
Re: Email from Equifax Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Someone stole my planetfeedback letter to Equifax, resent it to them again on planetfeedback and made it shared:,00.html
Re: Email from Equifax LOL, that's funny! Good letter, too. I guess they feel that splitting your file solves the problem. I can't believe people with that kind of thinking are in charge of all this information. That's really scary!
Re: Email from Equifax OK. Got a letter from the lender on both properties and the credit file from pre-qualification dated May 17, 2002. At that time Equifax had a score of 658 with nooo derogs. Got a file after trying to pull for over two weeks, dated 07-03-2002. Not only do they show a split file on me now, but, I have TWO scores. File 2 is only about 150 Equifax's inquries with a score of 389, but the other file has EVERYTHING, including a BKPT in 1995. Score is 532. HELLO..WTF I cant buy a bar of soap now. Talked to my business attorney yesterday and I will be filing suit next week for damages, and correction to my files. Lost over $60,000 in pure profit becuse of this. I am in Atlanta and anyone who has the same problem, lets talk. My e-mail is on. Thanks Roni
Re: Email from Equifax This is a different Roni, Dave. She is in Atlanta, the old Roni -aka girl6 is in NJ.
Re: Email from Equifax Roni - I'm with Breeze. I'm waiting to see what they're going to do. I haven't been able to access my file. If they split my file, I'll definitely be filing suit. I'll keep you posted.
Re: Email from Equifax I just became a new member of the 45d club. "We are unable to currently provide your product on-line and will advise of the status within 5 business days via the email address provided during the registration process......" Error Code: 45D" I called Equifax and voiced my displeasure/dissapointment to the CSR that took my call and then the shift supervisor. I told them that waiting 5 days to receive an email was to long. I did not let them know that I knew anything about the problem. The shift supervisor stated that they were having "technical difficulties". The maximum length of a credit report through the online system is 64 lines. I asked if she didn't think that was kind of restrictive based upon the fact that you can pull 1 report a day, +prm+ar etc..., you would soon be over the 64 line limit. I told her I even have a promotional block. She stated that they have been getting a lot of calls and are aware of the problem. They expect to resolve it within the 5 days. Of course I totally believe everything Equifax tells me, NOT!!!
Re: Email from Equifax Now this is interesting... Privista was able to pull a report on me yesterday (there were balance changes so I know it's recent). Yet I still can't access my report through their own system. I'll be making ANOTHER call today.
Re: Email from Equifax Look at Privista's inquiries section - they don't show the 2-3 inq.'s for each time you pull, they don't show their own. I just kept Privista - waiting for the email from EFX. Today is the 5th day. Not holding my breath.
Re: Email from Equifax For all you people that have the 45D errors, are you all trying to access through Privista? Or did you sign up from Equifax's site?
More problems with Equifax While I haven't had the dreaded 45d error or a split file, it looks like today's report does not list any creditor information. It just shows 'Bank', 'Finance', 'Dept. Store', etc. Even under detail the creditor information is missing. The inquiries show as 'Miscellaneous', 'Automotive', 'Utilities'... WTF?!?