Rcv'd FH PFB response by snailmail!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cavent2, Jul 18, 2002.

  1. cavent2

    cavent2 Well-Known Member

    Today I received a letter from FH in response to a PFB complaint. They are requesting my DOB, my SSN and all addresses since 1999. I disputed the account as I never received any merchandise from them. Should I reply to the letter, she's giving me until 15 August... It was from Deb Murphy in the St. Cloud Minnesota office. So what should I do?

  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    What does FH stand for?

    And can you give us a quick run-down on your situation with this company?

    What I can say from what you've posted is: you're not claiming "not mine" rather "merchandise never received", and in that case, I see no valid reason for them to require your DOB and social security number.
  3. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing FH is Finger Hut.
  4. cavent2

    cavent2 Well-Known Member

    I sent Fingerhut a dispute through Planetfeedback and I received a reply in my email requesting the DOB, SSN and address info..I didn't reply to it. So, now they have sent me a letter stating that I didn't reply to their email and that I have until 15 August to send them the requested information so they can "continue their investigation". I initially disputed FH on my TU and EQ report as "not mine". It came back verified and so I disputed again (via email to Robin Holland) that this account is being reported wrong because I've never received merchandise, statements from them. I also disputed the late date activities. Basically, I was trying to stay this account can't possibly be mine as I've never received any merchandise from Fingerhut. Now I think Fingerhut is trying to validate so they can re-report as "verified". How should I reply to them?


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    This was a "CHARGE-BACK"...I don't have to prove who I am...YOU HAVE TO PROVE I RECEIVED THE MERCHANDISE...
  6. cavent2

    cavent2 Well-Known Member

    George thanks for the reply. So, I should tell them what exactly? That it's a charge-back??..I don't mean to sound totally clueless, but I am. I was thinking of responding by telling them that THEY are reporting the items in my credit files, therefore they should already have my personal information and that I have never received any merchandise from them. Also, should I say that I never received the billing statements? (I didn't because I had moved 3 times already). I think I read somewhere that if you admit to never receiving any correspondence, they can start the entire process from scratch. "THEY" being original creditors, collection agencies, etc.

  7. skittens

    skittens Active Member

    I don't think you should say it was a charge-back, if you're also trying to say that you never placed an order. Or are you trying to say that you returned the merchandise, but never got a refund?

    I think it's a good idea to tell them that they should already have your info because they're reporting it.
  8. cavent2

    cavent2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to figure out a way to properly tell them that I never received the merchandise and the statements, because I had moved (I had already moved according to the dates they are reporting), but I don't want them to update any dates to current based on my never receiving their correspondence. I think I read somewhere that they can do that.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    If you didn't get the order statements are a moot issue.

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