Today I received a letter from FH in response to a PFB complaint. They are requesting my DOB, my SSN and all addresses since 1999. I disputed the account as I never received any merchandise from them. Should I reply to the letter, she's giving me until 15 August... It was from Deb Murphy in the St. Cloud Minnesota office. So what should I do? Thanks
What does FH stand for? And can you give us a quick run-down on your situation with this company? What I can say from what you've posted is: you're not claiming "not mine" rather "merchandise never received", and in that case, I see no valid reason for them to require your DOB and social security number.
I sent Fingerhut a dispute through Planetfeedback and I received a reply in my email requesting the DOB, SSN and address info..I didn't reply to it. So, now they have sent me a letter stating that I didn't reply to their email and that I have until 15 August to send them the requested information so they can "continue their investigation". I initially disputed FH on my TU and EQ report as "not mine". It came back verified and so I disputed again (via email to Robin Holland) that this account is being reported wrong because I've never received merchandise, statements from them. I also disputed the late date activities. Basically, I was trying to stay this account can't possibly be mine as I've never received any merchandise from Fingerhut. Now I think Fingerhut is trying to validate so they can re-report as "verified". How should I reply to them? Thanks
This was a "CHARGE-BACK"...I don't have to prove who I am...YOU HAVE TO PROVE I RECEIVED THE MERCHANDISE...
George thanks for the reply. So, I should tell them what exactly? That it's a charge-back??..I don't mean to sound totally clueless, but I am. I was thinking of responding by telling them that THEY are reporting the items in my credit files, therefore they should already have my personal information and that I have never received any merchandise from them. Also, should I say that I never received the billing statements? (I didn't because I had moved 3 times already). I think I read somewhere that if you admit to never receiving any correspondence, they can start the entire process from scratch. "THEY" being original creditors, collection agencies, etc. Thanks.
I don't think you should say it was a charge-back, if you're also trying to say that you never placed an order. Or are you trying to say that you returned the merchandise, but never got a refund? I think it's a good idea to tell them that they should already have your info because they're reporting it.
Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to figure out a way to properly tell them that I never received the merchandise and the statements, because I had moved (I had already moved according to the dates they are reporting), but I don't want them to update any dates to current based on my never receiving their correspondence. I think I read somewhere that they can do that.