Just one negative (paid collections-Macy's on TU, Chevron on EX & EQ) left on each of my CR's. I'm attacking each of them directly with the OC's using a Nutcase variant. Scores are: EQ: 665, EX: 650, TU: unknown- should be in the same neighborhood based on tradelines. In the meantime, my CR's will be pulled by the mortgage broker around August 1. Should I place those three tradelines in dispute or leave them lay?
Quixote If the collections are old then you shouldn't have a problem qualifying for a conventional mortgage. Your current scores should be sufficient. Happy house hunting. fla-tan
I had one EQ item in dispute when I applied for a mortgage in April. Although my score was probably enhanced somewhat, I still had some 'splaining to do regarding the circumstances behind the item, the same as if I hadn't put the item in dispute. wajaba
Macy's is six years old; falls off next year. Chevron was pdated to Paid Collection in April 2001. It's incorrectly scheduled to sat on until 2007. First delinquency was in 1998, so it should be scheduled to go off in 2005. Haven't been able to get that redated (man, Chevron is really a PITA). Not sure if that makes a difference. Thanks for the feedback.