Congrats George. Keep up the good work. Your posts are almost always interesting and helpful to those of us with less experience. May you get a 10k cl increase to celebrate reaching 10,000-plus status.
GEORGE, may you get the respect that you deserve from the CC's in the next 10000 posts!!! Congrats!!! Charlie
Congratulations GEORGE!! You made it. You didn't implode. (whew, I was worried there for a while) Looks like the GEORGE FACTOR will survive another 10K postings.
then we would have had a doppelganger GEORGE or maybe we would call it GEORGE CLONE"Y" congrats on making the magic number GEORGE. fla-tan
<And the crowd goes wild!!!> ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ GEORGE gets his first WAVE. . Congrats GEORGE! . Start the countdown to 100,000. Can the system counter handle it? Who knows?
EXCELLENT and CONGRATS to GEORGE!!! Now GEORGE, hurry up! I want to see 100,000, and 1,000,000 after that! LOL.
Quixote, allow me to demonstrate the theory of relativity (hope the vb code works...) ŸŸŸŸGEORGEŸŸŸŸ