Equifax is done for

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by darkdoj, Jul 19, 2002.

  1. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    I'm really beginning to hate equifax.

    So each and every month, I request a copy of my credit report. Sometimes twice a month. The past oh, say 4 times I request my report, I get an error. So I call Equifax and they fix it.

    This last time Equifax gives me the run around. They request me to fax my DL, SSN and a CC statement to them. So I do it and don't hear anything from them, but they proceed to lock me out of the reports that I've already ordered. (The last report I got successfully was 6/22/02). So I emailed them and they let me back in. This has all been going on since 6/23/02, when I called them because I wanted a new report.

    I try to get a new report today and get the same BS. So I call Equifax and guess what? I get the same woman I've talked two the last three times I've called. She said that someone is reporting my SSN as 1 digit off and checks with her supervisor because she remembers me. She gave me the blurb about contacting all my creditors to make sure they have the correct info. I just finished doing that and guess what? Everyone has correct information. SO, now I'm going to have to sue them. It's getting ridiculous. ON TOP OF IT ALL. All those inquiries that are falling off others reports seem to be appearing on mine. You know they had to go somewhere. How could I have applied for credit with the same company 4 times in one day, Equifax says they are different inquries, recorded at different times through the day. I haven't applied for anything that I was declined for in quite sometime and I haven't applied for anything lately. I've got 20 inquiries listed that I know nothing about.

    To make matters worse, EACH time I request my credit report and get the error, I call them. They send me a report, listed is the one and only correct SSN (no variations) and they don't send me a score. California law requires them to. They still insist that its my creditors.

    So, I'm looking for help in preparing my nicely documented (I have all the reports from them they've sent me) lawsuit. It can't be that my SSN is being reported in correctly because all my other reports show the same accounts and I can access them just fine. Anyone know what the damages could be here? 1-10k in damages? or?? Any comments are appreciated.
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Maybe someone is messing with you. Who has access to your SS? Have you pissed someone off ? Charlie

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Thanks for taking ALL my inquires...
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Begin by making what is called "A Chronology Of Events".

    Basically a list of everything that has transpired since inception. Include dates, times, the person's name that you spoke to and what phone number you dialed. Include a brief description of the essence of the communication with a focus on potential violations. Don't worry about whether or not the violations are real, we'll look at that later. Don't leave anything out.

    If Cert. Mail, include cert. mail #, who signed for it and what date.

    Photo copy every single item of written correspondence 3 times. Collate it and number the packages 1 through 3.

    And then sort in ascending date order.
    This is the first thing you need to do to see if you even have a provable case.

    It's a pain in the butt but well worth the trouble.

    Well you asked for it...

  5. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    Hey George, anything for you man. Just glad I could help. But now it's time to return the favor and donate some of those fico points. I'll call Equifax in the morning and set it all up :->
  6. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    They are really stupid over there at Equifax. My birthdate keeps coming up as a different bd. I call to make them change it and they do. But then, I'll get a few more CRs with the wrong bd. They tell me to contact my creditors. I told the last representative that I'm not going to do her job for her. She needs to ensure 100% accuracy of what they report, not me. So, she disputed the one that last reported. Gorgeous. One baddie that would not come off came off when we thought it was them reporting. Well, it wasn't them. So, now I'm going to give them a call and tell them to keep on disputing.

    The really do suck!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    2 words..."GEORGE FACTOR"
  8. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    We'll have to rephrase that to Darkdoj and George factors. I went from 20 deletions to zero deletions. Disputes now all come back verified. Luckily my TU report is just about perfect, now if the score would go up instead of down (Accounts are reporting that have never reported before), I'd be a happy camper. Can't someone just give me one break lately?
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Did you tell them you don't need to contact the creditors you already know your birthdate?
  10. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    LOL lbrown you have a way with words.

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