I disputed 2 things with TU online. A couple of days ago, I received a letter saying they were forwarding the dispute to the "local office". Today, I received a letter from the local office. Enclosed with the letter was a copy on the online dispute. This is what the letter says: Dear Customer, We are in receipt of your recent letter requesting an investigation/copy of your Trans Union Credit File. Unfortunately, further information is required to comply with your request. Please complete the following and return this form with all enclosures to the address above. Use the reverse side of this form if necessary. Full Name: Signature: SSN/DOB: Spouse's Full Name: Signature: SSN/DOB: **BOTH PARTY'S SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED FOR JOINT REQUESTS** Ok....on the enclosure page, my full name, ssn and dob are already listed, so the only thing they do not have is my signature. I am really resisting the urge to send back something totally sarcastic (like why on earth would I need to use the back of this sheet to provide you with the information that you already have???) Do you think I can just write N/A for the spouse info? Neither dispute is joint. Both were actually from long before I knew my spouse. Also, should I sign? Left handed signature? I am not disputing either as "not mine", so I am not worried that they will be trying to match signatures. Any ideas?
They don't need your signature. Send back your letter with your name, social security number, and D.O.B., along with what you're disputing back to them. Also, you could include a letter (typed) to them citing that they have 30 days per the FCRA......: § 611. Procedure in case of disputed accuracy [15 U.S.C. § 1681i] (a) Reinvestigations of disputed information. (1) Reinvestigation required. (A) In general. If the completeness or accuracy of any item of information contained in a consumer's file at a consumer reporting agency is disputed by the consumer and the consumer notifies the agency directly of such dispute, the agency shall reinvestigate free of charge and record the current status of the disputed information, or delete the item from the file in accordance with paragraph (5), before the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date on which the agency receives the notice of the dispute from the consumer. ......From the date they receive this letter. I'd say go with the original date you disputed on, however since it had to go from the main office to an affliate, you may not be able to use "that" date. No where in the FCRA does it say you, the consumer are required to sign a dispute letter. There is no reason for them to have your signature. I've never given mine when mailing/faxing dispute info to the CRA(s). If they need your signature so bad, maybe the person sending you the "request letter for your signature" should sign their letter, and also include their s.s.n. with DOB, so that YOU can verify who they are. LOL
Thanks all!! Mindcrime, they stamped the copy of the dispute letter with the date that the affiliate office received the dispute. I think I am going to go by that date (which was July 8th). What do you think? If I make a copy before I send it back, I have the proof that their office originally got this dispute on the 8th. Thanks, G
Gilian- My affilaite tried the same thing. I sent a dispute via fax to the main office with my name, SSN#, DOB and signature as well as all of hubbys info. They sent my letter back stating "SSN# missing, required to begin dispute." I wrote back saying "Open your eyes, ITS RIGHT THERE!! Don't try and stall, you have 30 days from the stamoed date, seeing as a=you had all the info then, but chose to ignore it." It didn't help my case any, probably cause of my attitude, but it gets my goat knowing how STUPID these people are.
Gillian, As far as I know, there is nothing in the FCRA that says a CRA (whether national or affilate) is required to have your signature before initiating a dispute. You have already provided them with more than adequate information. That being said, you should be able to use the original date (July 8th). What helps your "case" is the stamp from the affiliate which proves which date they received your dispute. Go ahead and make a copy of it, but don't send them back the original (that's for your records now) send them the copy. Write up a short letter outlining your dispute again, and advise them you have already provided them with enough information to initiate a dispute (you never have to provide your signature when disputing on the phone or online, why the heck would you have to in writing?).
Just have to put in my 2 cents, I have disputed one account so many times with TU that they sent a frivilous letter to me and told me not to disupte again. Anyway, they never asked me for more information just the opposite all they did was wait 30 days to tell me they verified the account was mine and contrary to me insisting it wasn't they didn't care. They will not accept anything from me or will make the effort to find the truth. Sad.......