Reinserted trade, wait five days?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by FatTony, Jul 23, 2002.

  1. FatTony

    FatTony Active Member

    I just pulled my EQ this morning and a collection that was deleted 4 months ago has reappeared There was no notification from EQ, so should I wait 5 days or call them and harass them now?

  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    DONT CALL!!!!! Wait the 5 days. And then DONT CALL. Do you have them on other violations?

    ***Expert members***
    In a case like this do we really need other violations? Do we jump to a lawsuit?
  3. FatTony

    FatTony Active Member

    Yes, they have also failed to mark two items in dispute. They have a DLA of 10/93 with negatives and should be removed, I called yesterday to ask why they were not marked in dispute and they said that it was in dispute on their records, but it's not on my CW report.

    They also say they revalidated my student loans but now they are all showing as being currently late which dropped my score over a hundred points!
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Can you get a letter from your student loans stating that youre NOT currently late? If so, it may be time to start a lawsuit.

    They are obviously not following the law, and this may be the only way to make them.
  5. FatTony

    FatTony Active Member

    They were actually defaulted student loans from '98. I am currently rehabbing them, but they are now reporting as currently 120 past due, which is the only thing that changed on my report and my scored dropped to 528 from 658. They were reported as charged off.

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