Opinions please...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Jul 23, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I am out of job as of 4pm tomorrow, the owner of the land is taking the gas station away from my boss (violating the lease agreement). BTW my boss is taking him to court for it, but thats besdie the point.

    The land owner takes over tomorrow and the person he has "running it" and the owner himself DONT know how to run the system. He just showed up and asked me to teach them the system tomorrow and he will give me $50 (slap in the face). The system takes DAYS to learn (and I'm a fast learner, this guys a moron). Seeing as he said when he took over hubby and I would still have our jobs and now he said we wont, should I tell him where he can go and how to get there? OR train him all wrong (dont think its possible)? OR do it and get the $50?

    I loathe this man, I hope he is forced to file BK, I hope his wife finds out hes cheating with the town *****, I hope he gets syphillis, I hope someone yanks the silver spoon out of his mouth and shoves it up his ass.
    [end rant]
  2. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Do not teach him the system for $50! Fist of all, he told you you would keep your job right? Then he said that you wouldn't right? Who says that he would even give you the $50!

    Knowledge is power and holds value. if you would like to make some money before shoving his spoon up his @@@@, negotiate a time frame and monetary vaule for training him on the system. Get it in writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If he doesn't agree, I say go ahead and shove the silver spoon up his @@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. kathy

    kathy Well-Known Member


    I feel sorry for you. that is really an unfortunate situation that you are in.

    I would train him alright. I would tell him that you charge $ 20.00 an hour for training and that it will take a mininum of at least a week. ($800.00). I would also say that you charge as well for your travel time to and from the place, he can pay by the mile if he needs you to train him so badly !!

    make it miserable for him!!


    he sounds like a real piece of crap!!

  4. Lonergr66

    Lonergr66 Well-Known Member

    I vote for the spoon!!!
  5. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    He must be joking right??? How dare he ask you to train him and then fire you. I definitely think you should tell him where to go.
  6. bhargavap

    bhargavap Well-Known Member

    I personally would not train him without first getting a signed contract in hand specifying the terms of your agreement.

    Ask for half up front as the terms of the agreement as well - This will allow you to be somewhat covered in terms of your expenses.

    I have found the best way to estimate what you should ask him to pay you is to do this.

    Wage X 3-3.5 X How much time you think it will take to train

    Add 25%

    Call this your full price

    Write him a cordial letter/note saying that since he is offering you such a 'great opportunity', you are willing to give him 10% off in consideration. He will likely knock it down another 15%.

    This way you make 3ish times more than you were before =)

    But as the folks before said - knowledge is power and you hold the leverage right now.

    Keep us posted and good luck!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    Is this a gas station accross the street from a restaurant or donut shop or something that you could SPY on him for his first day??? IT WOULD BE WORTH IT!!! Or borrow a neighbors car and sit across the street...
  9. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    If you don't train him, it's gonna cost him a hell of alot more than 50 bucks...what a jerk
  10. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member


    I have developed, as well as been involved with the development, of several patented software solutions that in the course of companies going BK and closing their doors, and other companies buying the software out of BK court or who had the patents and assigned to them (thereby getting the software) from the creditors that ended up with the patents. These "new" companies had NO CLUE how to effectively operate the software. I have made quite a pretty penny, offering to consult with the new company to get the software working on their current systems. You can charge ALOT for this type of work.

    KHM, give him a figure ($300/hour is not unreasonable and worth your expertise) after all, where else can he go for less. Tell him he can pay it, or find someone else to show him the ropes. If he agrees, tell him that you require an up front retainer or an escrow account of the payments or no deal. If he says no (and believe me MOST do) then say, "OK fine, here is my number if you wish to reach me", and leave. WHEN he calls you and says fine, inform him you have other commitments and clients now, and it will cost him $500/hr for you to afford to give him the time he needs. If the expertise is crucial for his business, and he can not get the information elsewhere easily, they ALL bite eventually. Could be a nice couple thousand dollar severence package for you.

    George is right, for $50 do NOT teach him a thing...but if the price is right, then by all means, teach him a lesson :))

    -Peace, Dave
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't even teach him where the CIRCUT BREAKER BOX WAS FOR $50.00!!!
  12. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    good ole supply and demand.
  13. smogtek

    smogtek Well-Known Member

    Why not give him the Christian version of F-you.

    God Bless You!
  14. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Ok he came in to work this morning and asked if I was willing to stay after 4pm to train the new guy. I told him it's my last day here and my kids and I have plans. He said "I'll give you $50 if you stay til close" (an extra 5 hours). I looked at him and went "ooooooooo really? A whole $50 for me" He asked what would be suitable for me. I told him he couldn't afford me, he laughed and said "try me" I wrote on a piece of paper $300 per hour plus a $50 gas card, he couldn't stop laughing.

    I told him "good luck with your business". He asked why I was being "ridiculous". I said ridiculous maybe, but knowledge is power and right now you have no power. I said you are f*ucking with me and my family and I'm not gonna sit tight and be ok with it. Then you have the nerve to insult my intelligence with a $50 offer to train you? I said "J, you're a businessman, get real"

    Then I asked him to leave, he was going thru stuff there, when he has no business there until 4 pm. He hemmed and hawed so I said "Tell me J, what does it feel like to have an entire town hate you?" He said "F*ck this" and left.
  15. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member


    He will pay you. Either that or his business will suffer. The laughing is the best part...he thinks he has had the last laugh...but it already IS you who have the last laugh. Stick to your guns and WHEN he calls you and begs you to show him the system...laugh right back (synacally) and tell him your new rate. :))

    Sorry to hear about your job, unfortunately it happens, and to alot of people lately...keep your chin up and persevere! My hopes and prayers will be with you in your job hunt.

    -Peace, Dave

    PS Incidentally, I read somewhere recently that in these times of layoffs and cutbacks, more and more people start home businesses...maybe you could use this as an oppurtunity to start something on your own and have more time and freedom to yourself...just a thought. Good luck with everything!
  16. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    You did the right thing. :) I just hope no one shops at his store...can't stay in business long that way. But, to be perfectly honest, people who treat other people like crap and take advantage of them usually get what is coming to them. We reap what we sow.

  17. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    You've already taught him all he needs to know, some manners and the fact that you won't be taken advantage of!

    How dare he insult you like that!! He must have thought you were stupid or something. I worked for a company that was taken over. I taught people at the new company how to use the system and I was terminated 2 days later.

    Knowledge is power so don't teach anything unless it will benefit you in the long run. Because once you do teach him the system you lose all your leverage.
  18. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone. I was really surprised how well I was taking the whole "out of a job" thing. This makes things much easier, knowing that by losing me, he will lose many regular customers and not know what he is doing with the system.

    The town we worked in is relatively small and everyone knows everyone. We have told all of our regular customers and our charge accounts, I would say 80% have said they wont return. In fact J's own attorney said he is going to speak to J and let him know he is making a mistake.

    J couldnt pay me enough to work for him.

    Hubby is actually a tattooist, he has been wanting to start his own business. He is licensed but not interested in working FOR anyone. He does friends tattoos in home for very cheap. he is an EXCELLENT artist, he does all his own work. Hubby also wants to take a bartending course.

    We knew this would come. I know it's for the best. We are eligible for unemployment, and Massachusetts is NOT stingy with their benefits, we may even get health ins. through them.

    I have been sending out resumes left and right. The only thing that makes me nervous is I have no college degree so my pay may be a lot less, BUT I will NOT drive 40 minutes to work ever again!!!! I have an interview Friday, the pay sucks but it's 5 mins. from our house. Hubby is applying for one of those security jobs at the airport, very good pay and he has 5 years of security experience.

    Ok I'm done babbling. Thanks again everyone for your support!!

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