Hi all. Citibank called yesterday offering the AA World Mastercard to replace one of our Advantage cards. I did not accept however I did ask about combining the 2 AA cards I have. I have a Silver 5000 limit and a Gold 7500 limit. BTW- I was to chicken to call and have these two cards combined when I got them because I could not believe that I got them. Anyway, she said that we could trade for a plat select card with the same limit that we have for both the other cards (12,500) with 10.29 interest 2.9 balance transfer. This is without pulling my credit report. We currently have just over 13% interest with the other cards and of course the yearly fees. What I am wondering is, will this hurt our scores dropping the 6-7 month history of the other cards because we change cards? Or will they report this new card with the start date of the other cards? I should add that these are the only 2 cards that we really use right now. Total balance between the cards is about 5,000. 600.00 of this is a cash advance (I know bad bad) Do you also think that when I transfer they will put the cash advance in as regular usage or am I dreaming?
heh actually. I've found that yes, they dump all the old card balances into the purchase rate (cash advance, BT). So you can lose or win when combining/converting. If you had a 1.7% BT for life, and it gets dumped into the purchase rate, that sucks. If you had 19% Cash advance, it gets dumped into the purchase rate, you win. Not sure if its policy or idiocracy, but i've had both situations happen in my 4 or 5 AA BDD experiences..
Thanks Sam. So good news on the Cash Advance! Do you know about how it is reported to the Credit Bureaus? Citi still hasn't hit my Experian (I think this is a good thing) Currently I am only at 8% card usage there! I do not plan on getting any more cards. I am comfortable with what I have now. I will give you all a breakdown of what I have. Citi already mentioned Chase WalMart limit 4000 balance 458.00 (walmart purchases at 5.9 percent for school stuff for the kiddies) Sears 2400 0 balance Target Visa 1200 0 balance Cap One 1400 0 balance Fingerhut lol 350 limit 0 balance (leaving alone still shows open 39 month history)
i've tried to dispute them. It varies with the bureaus. Some will drop them off, some won't. I've had to dispute some 4-5 times to get them to pop off, and some are still stuck there. When you transfer/combine an account, there will always be an orphan old account with $80 limit. If you use citibankcards.com login you'll have a big -ASS- list of cards because you can't Delete your old cards ever. strange.
Sam, You had a list of cards that would approve you if you put everything in to dispute, do you know if this still works? I would love to have a Citi card, but am afraid they woudl take it back once everything came out of dispute. Have you heard of this happening to anyone?
no they dont take things back. Even in dispute, if you do not get the card, its because a human will review your credit file. You need to be within their guidelines however, with or without dispute.