Email from CA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by quigs, Jul 25, 2002.

  1. quigs

    quigs Well-Known Member

    I recieved an email today from a CA I had dealt with in the past. During the period of getting this account removed, I had several conversations with the CA's attorney. I paid the account off six months ago, but when they recieved my intent to sue, they pulled a hard inquiry. Keep in mind I owed them nothing/nor applied for credit when I sent the intent to sue letter. Well I thought even though things were over and the account was removed, that I would have a little fun. So I sent an FTC opinion letter about permissable purpose. I got this back today.

    Dear Quigs,
    Kindly review section 604(3) of the FCRA, which clearly sets forth that a CRA can provide a credit report to any person that it beleives is using the information in conjunction with the collection of the consumer's account. Do not construe this as legal advice to you as it is not. However, this information should lay this matter to rest. Thank you.

    I believe everyone should send this guy some clarification, in what ever form you think is appropriate. Let me know if that would be cooth and I will post his email. hahah
  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    How can he say this when you already paid off the account? What collection could he possibily be refering to?
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    How about using that letter Christine over at Bayhouse used, I believe it's the 24 hour letter.
  4. quigs

    quigs Well-Known Member

    Yes, I remember Christy's letter. In my response I told him that I knew now why he works for a CA. I paid the account off fully in 02/2002-he pulled the hard inquiry on 06/02. The reason he did this was pure revenge. I had a letter of settlement that included deletion. Well, after scrambling to pay the balance off back in February, I tried like hell to get them to honor their agreement. It took the threat of legal action to get them to respond. As well as, 4 months of waiting patiently for them to respond. I have two pending lawsuits that I may have to file by the end of next week. If I don't have to file those, then I will move on to this CA.
  5. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    obviously a graduate of the cracker jacks school of law.
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Quite correct. FROM THE CRA'S STANDPOINT. Unfortunately for this atty. he's and END USER. As such HE must have a permissable purpose. Which he DOES NOT.

    Moreover, he knows this and has therefore lied to you.

    Demand your $1,000 immediately and post his address. I have a few choice words for this nitwit.

  7. gavenraj

    gavenraj Well-Known Member

    What is the procedure for demanding the $1,000 violation?

  8. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Send me a check made out to XXXXXX for the amount of $1000.00 for pulling my credit report without a permissible purpose. Send it via regular mail on by this date XXXXX or I will file suit on this date XXXXX for violations of the FCRA.

    Thats all there is to it.

    Although I have tried this with 2 companies and they haven't sent the check.

    So next week it's off to court were I will file those 2 in addition to 8 others as well!

    I'll be a very busy man in the next couple of weeks.

    I already have court for 2 CA's on August 8th.

    The judge is now scheduling most of my court dates for the same day!!!

    It'll be pretty funny to look in the courtroom and see all of the people I'm suing just waiting for their turn!!! LOL!!

    Should be quite intresting!!

    PS: the Clerks are getting to know me on a first name basis, is this a bad thing??

  9. gavenraj

    gavenraj Well-Known Member

    Have you taken them to court before? If so, what kind of results have you had in the past? I am most interested as these damn illegal inquiries are ruining my score.


  10. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    No, this will be my first time taking a creditor to court for illegal inquiries and pulling my credit report.

    It should be fairly easy to prove since I never did business, applied for employment or owed these people anything whatsoever.

    So I have nothing to lose!!

    The first inquiry was a Kohl's department store.

    I've never even been in a Kohl's store let alone want to apply for credit with them!

    And no it was not a promotional inquiry or soft inquiry, this was a hard inquiry.

    The second is for a CA which I also owe absolutely no money to but they pulled my CR anyway.

    The only reason I could think that they pulled my credit report is because my wife was contacted by this CA over an old Citibank account which she had way before I met her.

    Them pulling her report is fine, but them pulling my report is a big no-no!!

    I have asked them what their permissible purpose was and they have ignored all correspondence.

    Ironically they could not validate my wife's account and by threat of a lawsuit they wrote me back stating they will be deleting, and they did!

    They will either prove they had permission to pull my credit report or arrange payment after court for their violations.

    I will not hesitate to file suit over anyone who violates my rights, let alone someone who get's my confidential credit report without permission.

    My advice is to go for it! The more suits you file the easier it gets!

    I am however not advocating abuse of the courts, this should be a last resort if a dispute cannot be resolved by contacting the source.

    I can prove to a judge that I have written these people more then once over the course of several months and they have ignored me, what am I to do??

    Good Luck!

  11. quigs

    quigs Well-Known Member


    Here is the moron's email. Everyone here should fire off a letter with emphasis on FCRA 604 (3). Give him all you got. enjoy!!!!

    His name is David Crossley
    Cambece law office/collect america
  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Consider it DONE!


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