I could have sworn that I saw a way to transfer balances to my Captial One card online at their web site last week. I'll be darned if I can find it today though... Anyone else know? The CSR I spoke with wasn't sure. TIA, Dave
Yeah, it was a couple of months ago and it was on their initial page -- you didn't have to sign in to get there. It's gone now -- the promotion must be over.
Yes, they do offer balance transfers online. I just logged into my account and it shows in the upper right hand corner of the screen. I used it several months ago. No problems. It is offered to me everytime I log in.
I suspect I have an explanation. When you log in to your account, there is a "promo box" in the upper left corner of the main display area. Every time you refresh the page or move to another page while logged in (like customer service), the contents of that box change. My wife has a new $7K "no hassle" line with a 0 balance. Whenever I log into her account, the BT box is one of the first to pop up. When I log onto my account (20.5K line, 19.8K balance), the box does not appear. And using the URL extension my wife had generates an error message. Clearly, this promotion is targeted. I suspect my high % utilization is keeping me from accessing it. (I'd like to BT the last bit of the 0% line so that the CSRs get a true picture of the limit on this billing cycle.) Looks like I'll have to call in to get that done, unless thre are other suggestions.