Asset Acceptance knows Creditnet

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pulse, Jul 25, 2002.

  1. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Who cares what AAC assumes? Beech is not on your side, he's going to tell you all the wrong things. His bottom line is the money. He doesn't care what laws he violates to get it, either.

    What do you mean he has seen this type of Wollman letter before?

    This is not a letter creditnetters made up. It's from the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission. It was written by one of their attorneys.

    They've been monitoring us for alot longer than you may think. I can understand you wanting your privacy as far as your next move goes, but don't let him intimidate you.

    If your e-mail is not enabled, please enable it. I'll talk to you about what you should consider doing next.

    If you'd rather not talk about this anymore (privately, that is) I understand. In that case, good luck to you on whatever you decide to do.
  2. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    I am curious how you got on the subject of creditnet with the rep from Asset Acceptance. It is not something that is casually brought up in between yelling matches with CAs. Did you mention the site? Or did they bring up the site due to the letter lookalike?

    I have no doubt that the CAs, OCs, and CRAs read this board. We really can't be ignored with almost 4000 members and growing.

    But, to all members going through credit repair, be very very careful what you say on this board (or any board). I have no doubt that there are "bad people" impersonating "people that need help" or "who offer help". Ninety-nine percent of the people on this site or good, but we really don't know who are the 1% that make up the bad apples, yet.

  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    They already have. Don't worry about Michael Beach. Do a search and you'll see what an idiot he is.

    They watch this board for counter-terrorism purposes and how to intimidate you.

    He's STILL wrong!

  4. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Mr Beech never mentioned Creditnet by name he said the letters I sent look like something that was on a credit repair site he's seen before. And scripted credit repair letters. He said I have to be careful in using these letters, they may get me in more hot water. He said the letter was just a Opinion Letter and just that. Bottom line is I owe the debt and to cough up the money etc...etc..

    Like I said he's a real SOB......
  5. frencheese

    frencheese Well-Known Member

    why are you talking to him on the phone? he can say whatever he wants on the phone.

    I think he should be a little bit more worried about the opinion of an agency that can squash his little CA like a bug

    i think if you're going to keep talking to him on the phone you should start recording the BS he's saying and really burn him in court... if you can

    does anybody know if you can record interstate phone conversation as long as both parties are in one party consent states, or do you have to do the 15 second beep thing?

  6. pulse

    pulse Guest

    When he calls my job I have to take it. Company policy here. I am going to send a C&D letter.
  7. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Asset Acceptance knows Creditne


    Can you answer any of these questions?
  8. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Re: Asset Acceptance knows Creditne

    I do hope that AAC reads Creditnet they need to learn HOW to follow the LAW.

    If anyone have a problem AAC please file a complaint. I cannot stress how important this is! If enough people do this then the FTC will come down on them and there will be proof. I filed my by snail mail with copies of all documentation. The FTC acknowledged receipt of this and said they are compiling incase they take regulatory action against them.
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    *IF* they file suit, and *IF* this is the debt that is past the SOL, then when you receive the paperwork to file your answer, all you have to write is uncollectable, Past SOL, ORRRRRRRRRRRR

    You can countersue for FDCPA/FCRA violations, Mindcrime so eloquently described them for you.

    Some advice, sign off creditnet for the night and read the FDCPA and FCRA until your head hurts, then read again until you head explodes.
  10. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  11. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Find out what it's called, where it is in town and when. I'll spy for our side. :)
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    ---------------------------------------- -----------------

    Ask him does he also know from this board that he can be sued?
    O U made A goodie!
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Asset Acceptance knows Creditne

    Yes it was Michael Beech.

    That scum sucker....


    You mean the son of a BEACH!

  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    2 more violations at this rate they will be paying you and the debt both.
  15. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    anyone wondering about why she would even be talking to them, if indeed she read all the FAQ's and primers that are on the board for dealing with a CA?
    and why on earth would Pulse be initiating a call to a CA from her work phone? how can this be for real?

    be certain to review the other posts by this same person , don't consider this thread as a standalone

    mmm, mmmm, mmmm.
    could it be liar, liar, pants on fire ?
    << if the shoe fits, please considering wearing it>>
  16. ljones4521

    ljones4521 Well-Known Member

    What state are you in? Contact me offline at
  17. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    pretty strange conversation with a CA.
  18. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    All I have to say is in my own personal CN tradeline below:

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