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Experian = LIARS

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cinderella, Jul 26, 2002.

  1. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    I am just so upset with EXP right now. I had a CA account that I disputed in late April. At the end of 30 days, EXP did nothing. Never notified they were not going to investigate or why they wouldn't, they just did nothing.

    So, in early June, I sent dispute#2 to EXP. for same CA account. Except this time, I accompany my dispute with a letter from the CA requesting deletion. About 20 days later, I get response from EXP that they refuse to investigate because not enough information provided. Sounded like some cheap tactic on EXP's part to me.

    Next, I file dispute #3 for same account, but this time online. I figure I am getting nowhere by mailing in disputes, I am going for a mortgage loan at end of July, and this CA account needs to be off and I am getting nowhere by mailing disputes to EXP. WHo knew they would ignore my first two disputes. Well, those frigging liars are keeping it on my report, claiming they verified on day 30. Yeah, sure you did.

    No way did they verify, this account was removed by EQ within 5 days of the letter for deletion by CA, and within 15 days by TU. Three disputes later, on the last day of EXP's investigation, they verify?? I just don't buy this BS. I think I am on their **list**.

    This is not my first problem with EXP. In the last few months I have had many. I can't believe I am going to have to sit in front of bank for a home loan and explain why my EQ fico is 790+, TU is 703, and Exp is sitting there at 630. I think I am going to be embarrassed mostly. Not embarrassed that I have a 630 score, but it just seems kind of **suspicious** to me if I were a loan officer and there is almost a 130 point difference in a person's credite score. Either you believe EXP is incompetent, or I am just lucky that EQ and TU are not reporting the same derogatory information about me that EXP reports. I am just so disgusted with these guys and yes I am planning on filing suit against them next month. I just wanted to vent.
  2. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    You bet they are. I've just had a similar, equaly unbelieveable experience. Today, a dispute i sent them came back as verified, depite a letter from the creditor that the account was never late, and as of this month is paid in full. When I called Experian, they said that the creditor had verified the information. I said what about my letter? They responded it didn't apply. I called the creditor, who said that they have had no communication with Ex since sending them their update to correct the late pay three weeks ago. EX is LYING. No question. I am at my wits end. I have asked the creditor to call directly and discuss the matter with EX, which they said they would do. But I am skeptical that anything will happen. Unfortuantely, I do not have time to sue, because my refinacning which depends on these deletions won't go through, and I will go under by then.
  3. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member

    Simuar situation I have been working on my reports since April to get in line for a new house. Remember, if you are going to court and since you are ready to buy the house that any increase of interest you have to pay maybe considered DAMMAGES for you to take to court with your documented violations.

    I was told by another savy credit person in a different thread - Please read

    (Advisor) "If this is the only negative on your credit report, then go apply for some kind of credit and get yourself some damages - unless you already have some. Then a lawyer would take your case, and you could sue in a higher court.
    (Me) I am prepairing to purchase a home and the only damages I believe I would incurr is higher interest rates.
    (Adviser) IF you have all your paperwork privding hey ignored you and providing you disputed, then take it to a good consumer advocate/lawyer, explain that you are having to finance your home at a higher interest rate, want to sue for damages. You can get a lawyer referral at Http://www.naca.net

    Hope this helps!

    Good Luck!
  4. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    At least you will have real damages then. Small consolation in the end though...
  5. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice nugentk2. Based on my problems with EXP, I kind of anticipated more problems with them. In early July, I spoke with a loan officer about the problems I have been having with EXP. I basically told him that I have disputes pending with EXP that **should** be resolved by the end of the month, but I could not guarantee what EXP will or will not do. If I have to eventually take them to court to comply with the FCRA, I will do that. But, that means I will still not have the FICO score I need from EXP to qualify for their lending program. He assured that would not be a problem, because they will take the middle of my three scores.
    So, regardless of what EXP reports, I should get the loan.

    I really do not want to get too involved with a federal case against a CRA. It is not that I am afraid or don't think that I would win, but I have been down that road before. Having a court case, particularly one that is drawn out, can take a real toll on someone. I just spent about four years fighting two insurance companies.....I was pro se and the case became it's own entity. Insurance companies are ruthless. I won the original case after two years, and after I won I got a lawyer to continue to represent me, because I had other things to deal with and did not spend all my time fighting legal battles. I won a good sum of money, both with the original case and another settlement after the lawyer handled the case, but the case took four years of my life. Whatever I won in the case and settlment, I **earned** every penny of it.

    I just want EXP to do what they are supposed to do and be fair. I just really do not want to have to go through a "serious" legal battle again. I probably could win more $$$ in federal court, but for stress and peace of mind, I **think** I can get what I want filing in small claims without the stress of a federal case.

    As far as damages, I am just planning on applying for a CC that pulls EXP before I go to small claims. I **think** this should work. Have to do some research.
  6. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about what EXP is doing to you MSB 212. Won't your lender do what mine is doing and take the middle of your three scores? Maybe if you talked to them and showed them the letter from the creditor they will overlook it. That is what my bank said they would do. Take my middle and supply them with letters from the CA and OC's showing that EXP is in fact reporting inaccurately.

    I know exactly how you feel. I hope your lender will take this into consideration.
  7. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    They might, but since my scores are already very borderline (low 600s) every point counts. Very frustrating. Unfortunately this is not the only negative item however. I just don't want to have to go and have explanations for 4 different things -- and there are items like a state tax lien from 1995 whic I can't do anything about, and two bad accounts from MBNA that won't come off either. So I will have to explain those already. I'm in the same situation with EX on a single 30 day late on my existing mortgage that the creditor agreed to remove and sent letters, but EX will only say theya re investigating even though they have a letter telling them to delete it. Nightmarish.

    My other reports all have similar situations -- stuff gets deleted on one, and gets worse on the other, even though the creditors have agreed to delete, and have sent letters to me and them. They're worse than OPEC.
  8. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    When you apply for the mortgage they only count the middle score so experian will not count. As long as the chargeoff is paid it would not matter anyway. They will collect paperwork so just give the paper from the CA stating deletion and they should do a rapid rescorer anyway.
  9. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    You guys want to testify for me? :)

  10. nugentk2

    nugentk2 Well-Known Member


    I am in the same line with you and have said the exact same thing to my creditors. Luckly, I have 5 months of fighting the credit bureaus. The only thing that stinks is my active credit lines are all paid on time and I have had 7 items (all) negs removed. You would think my scores would go up...nope! Some have gone down as much as 89 points. So you see a perfect payer with low scores. Which is worse is my husband has higher scores, but I make the money. When I am ready to sit in front of the lender I won't have anything to say except FICO, and all three bureaus screwed me.

    "In early July, I spoke with a loan officer about the problems I have been having with EXP. I basically told him that I have disputes pending with EXP that **should** be resolved by the end of the month, but I could not guarantee what EXP will or will not do."
  11. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would be willing to testify on your behalf against EXP, depending on where you live. Let me know.
  12. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    take em to court.
  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I'll let ya know, cinderella and thanks! Should know more this next week.


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