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Collection Manager Here

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by 1collector, Jul 26, 2002.

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  1. Ambitious

    Ambitious Well-Known Member

    I think that this is just what they want. Now all we have are a bunch of threads that pertain to nothing at all. Maybe we should just ignore them and concentrate on the real reasons why we are here. Just a thought...

  2. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    I knew I was right I was just being sarcastic...lol
  3. 1collector

    1collector Guest

    I am not here to pass judgement on anyone. Rather to learn and observe the consumer. Just as you follow us, we do the same. Nothing more, nothing less. I will treat you with respect and expect the same. It's a job. Not my entire life.
  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Oh okay :)

    BTW, I wasn't calling you numbnuts :p

    LOL I'd sure like to drag one of these yahoo's back to Brookyln with me. Maybe teach them a lesson, New York style.
  5. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    I vote for PBM to gather up all the threads associated with this evening's deceipt and dallying back and forth, and putting them to the back burner. isn't off topic the criteria? surely this nonsense applies...
  6. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    Mr. collection whatever,
    I am so happy you are posting here. Please invite all your employees to participate. If you are any example of what we're dealing with on a regular basis then our assumptions re:your competency have been spot on.

    Oh, BTW, maybe you should read the Bk Reform Act and see what YOUR new responsibilities are...oh Monsieur Gendarme of the credit world. Of course since you haven't even got the Acts that pertain to your business down correctly by the time you absorb the new bk rules we will have plenty of more grounds to sue you on.

    It certainly has been enjoyable reading your half-witted posts...have you thought of a career in comedy? Please give my regards to your office personnel as I'm sure they could use a nice word or two having a clod like you as a boss.

    Thank you and g'day!


    PS "know thine enemy!"
  7. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    1Collector is Full of %$@! I'm tracking your ass. We'll know who and where you are ASAP... Hmmm one of our friends in Michigan

  8. observer

    observer Active Member

    To Collector: Do you have a point to make or anything meaningful to add, or are we just supposed to marvel at your presence?
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member



  10. 1collector

    1collector Guest

    backspace I hope you do not speak for the entire site. I am trying to have a open line of communication here. I have done nothing to the site to disrespect others, nor do I intend to. Please do not threaten me again.
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    C'mon, guys, this is some 11 year old named Jason, playing on the computer. Probably impressing his friends.
  12. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    blah, blah, blah. You don't like it? Then get lost.

    Can't you tell when you're not wanted?

    Sheesh. I sure as hell would not be somewhere I wasn't welcome.

    Bye now.

    Don't let the FCRA hit your backside on the way out.
  13. mitchra

    mitchra Well-Known Member

    Who threatened you? Anytime one of your employees contacts a consumer we get to hear your views and thoughts. Your particular industry treats people like sh*t. Why do you expect any different treatment from consumers for which members of your profession have harrased, threatened, and generally made life hell.

    This site is for consumers that have been screwed by unethical and criminal collectors such as yourself. I would love it if you would learn our strategy and implement measures in your organizations to follow the law. Then we wouldn't have to spend our time writing letters and suing to get CA's to fix their illegal reporting.
  14. lena

    lena Well-Known Member

    I am a Collection Manager. I love to read all the threads. Keeps me at my best. For all my employee's this site is required reading. Please keep up the great work. The word is spreading like a bush fire. President Bush I mean. To cheers for the new Bankruptcy Laws. Help take a bite out of consumer crime.

    1 With a Bullet

    Remember use Western Union Quick Collect. It's the quickest way to good credit.

    I instruct my employee's to lurk. You will never find them posting. We want to make you all feel comfortable in our surroundings.

    I instruct all my employee's to follow the FDCRA FDCPA. I run a tight ship. Anyone falls out of line they are givening warnings. Termination is always possible if the problem still remains. We have a job to do. We are the police of the credit world. If not for us no one would pay up. Most of your employers hire us to collect on their loses. Remember that next time you cash your paycheck.
    You aren't making much sense right now. Your previous posts clearly show that your ARE passing judgement, and being disrespectful to creditnet readers. Why are you changing your tune all of a sudden?
  15. 1collector

    1collector Guest

    Re: FAKE!!

    I will just remain in the back ground for now. Keep up the good fight.

    BTW.. backspace do you really think I would use my real IP address for this site. I have to deal with debtors that disappear for a living. I am in the business of consumers using threats on me all the time. This IP address was a one time deal with a one time name and address.. Bye Bye
  16. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    I'm with breeze on this one...this poster is a cyber-phony who is whackin' his wang doing this because he lives alone as his friend ted koscynski is in jail.

    just leave us alone you uni-netter bomber!

  17. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    Yeah right 1Collector... I use computers and algorithms to chase people away like you everyday, hence your immediate stumbling of your words and Exodus now... You say you're not using your real IP. One time name and address my $#@ UUNET won't allow it.. GO AWAY... Just send me my damn Validation
  18. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: FAKE!!

    I disagree with you nugentk2. His employees can't spell A O L. Charlie
  19. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    1Collectors FIRST post.

    I am a Collection Manager. I love to read all t
    1collector 07.27.2002 @ 00:12
  20. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    The "R" key is waaaay over to the left of the "P" key.

    No possibility of "hitting the wrong key". Just a case of shear stupidity.

    Another imposter BUSTED.

    It took all of 2 hours this time.

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