Re: I'm sorry, this has to be said. Oh now you're about the finest piece of work I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You need to go back and read over pulse's posts. Everytime I, or JohnM, or whoever else showed her the light at the end of the tunnel, she dug herself back in. JohnM pointed out that the debt is way past SOL, yet she kept talking about the debt "never going away" and having to go to court, and practically siding with the dimwit Beach at AAC. You and her belong together. Go find another board to infect. You've wasted enough of our time here. I had a feeling about whether pulse was all that sincere, and when I logged back in this evening, a handful of other posters helped confirm my original feelings. Hey pulse, are you really Michael Beach? Or better yet are you working for Arrow? You must be. You've shot down all of my suggestions (and others) for help. You only looked at the negative, and when their was no negative left, you went on to another debt. Arrow sure does work fast, serving you *such true validation* one day and a summons the next! So what county court are you to appear in? Better yet give us the case number. Let's see how *true* your story really is. Don't want to post it publicly? Okay, tell me so and I'll enable e-mail. Your friend also talked about how this is all "other members" fault, blah blah blah. Oh I guess we were the ones holding a gun to pulse's head forcing her to make those purchases. Oh that's right, we weren't there! Will you look at that! It wasn't our fault after all! Okay I'm tired of wasting my time on you. If you're a low life scum sucking bottom feeding collector, get off the board. And if you're not, you sure sound like one.
Re: I'm sorry, this has to be said. I'm insightful BWAHAHAHAHA. Hey BTW anyone know anything about IQ tests? Whats a good score?
Re: Don't be sorry! The most fun I've ever had that was credit related (except for hearing about kiyi's disputes) came at Arrow's expense.
Re: I'm sorry, this has to be said. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a duck and posts like a duck - then I would say it's a duck (aka Plant).
Re: I'm sorry, this has to be said. Hello Just a question....I am a newbie and this post has not stopped me from asking my questions. However am I asking the wrong questions or misphrasing my questions?? I do a search on my topic and read all the posts and try to place them against my own personal experience and then I post questions for opinions on my course of action and no one seems to be responding (except Dave...thanks). Can I have some advice on how I should be asking my questions. I am just getting paranoid that I have been blacklisted or labeled a "plant"...which I am not...just a single mom trying to get ahead in the game for once. Thank you
Re: I'm sorry, this has to be said. I felt the same way and so, rather than publicly challenging the story, I decided to run my paranoid thoughts past someone whose judgment and discretion I trust before going public with them. For the record, I am Person # 3 in Doc's post.
Re: I'm sorry, this has to be said. Anybody ever get a newspaer delivered? You know that section that you never read? Even when you put the paper in the bathroom? You skip over it, until finally there is nothing left to read, then you read it? ...That's how I treated posts by PULSE. There was no content. I joined in June2001, and don't even have 200 posts. I have read my butt off. Made mistakes, and kept questions to a minimum. Most of them where already answered by privious reading. I am very knowledgable in credit, fcra, and fdcra. Shoot, I know the fcra better than The Star Spangled Banner!!! I love newbies. Always showing us new things. You guys ARE WelCOME here!!
Re: I'm sorry, this has to be said. I'm also a newbie and feel alot like there a "proper" way to pose questions? I'm trying to read as much as I can and ask intelligent questions, but could definitely use some clarification (and patience) as I go along. I sincerely appreciate all the knowledge and advice available's inspiring how everyone has worked hard to learn the law and protect themselves. I esp. commend the vets who faithfully post great tips based on their experiences.