We are under attack

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tmitchell, Jul 26, 2002.

  1. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Auntie M.....Auntie M....it's a twister~
  2. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    double post
  3. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Hey 1collector, do you have any contacts for EXPERIAN that you would be willing to share? I could really use the help of a **higher up**.

    OH, don't give me the Blair Witch, she is worthless.

  4. 1collector

    1collector Guest

    We report by tape or I send in a rush, in the form of a UDF. Just keep pressing them. They are very busy people. If you think consumers have problems with them only you are incorrect. I have had my share of problem with CRA as a Collection Manager also.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Oh wow! What have I been missing? Go to work, come back and all heck has broken loose!

    I love it, hehe.
  6. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    1Collector is Full of %$@! We'll know who and where you are ASAP... Hmmm one of our friends in Michigan

  7. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    breeze....you are right, all hell has broken loose - I actually think it is good for the board.
  8. 1collector

    1collector Guest

    Tracking me down for what. I have done nothing wrong nor do I intend to. This is why we don't make are self known here. There are sites dedicated to the IRS for past due taxes and such. Those sites have IRS Agents giving advice to taxpayers. What is the difference here. I really thought we could have a open line of communication.
  9. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    To 1Collector......

    Fearing Caesar's ambition, Cassius forms a conspiracy among Roman republicans. He convinces the reluctant Brutus-Caesar's trusted friendâ??to join them. Brutus,
    troubled and sleepless, reveals his dark secret to his wife, Portia. Caesar's wife, Calpurnia, fears for his life, but her concerns
    are rebuffed. Then, as planned, Caesar is slain in the Senate on March 15, â??the ides of March.â?
  10. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    hmmmmm open lines of communication...is that the communication that sometimes starts before 7 and goes on after 9? Or do you mean the lines of communication to someone"s neighbors? Or maybe you mean the lines of communication to someone's place of work...those incessant lines of communication that jeapordize someone's job.

    In another thread you described yourself as the credit police...in fact you are the credit bottom feeders. OCs...and I worked for one of the largest banks in NYC, think of you as repulsive lowlifes. Basically if you want to buy old charge-offs...hell why not take your money...good luck and good riddance.

    So don't keep posting on here as if you had some high and lofty purpose. All the people here are dealing with you legally...and that is the crux. We are using laws enacted by our legislature to protect our rights. This is the great American way. If you can't prove we owe it...then you should not be able to collect...period...end of sentence.

    I am a proponent of capitalism as a viable economic philosophy...so I support your rights to engage in lawful economic recourse. But like beets (I hate beets) it doesn't mean that right makes you any more palatible. So keep lurking and keep posting and let us know how you're doing on a regular basis as god knows we need the comic relief!

  11. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    man your battle stations.
  12. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Collector1, get a life and do your real job which is to follow the law.

    I hope all ca are reading this board, you may learn something - follow the law.

    It's funny how you and pulse show up at the same time and you say she is not one of you. How about the other idiot, JustMe? I guess he's not one of you either, huh?

    Tell your trolls that you need to read the FRCA and FDCPA and get your story straight BEFORE you post and try to cause trouble. Trying to sue and collect on a debt past the sol? Calling at work and getting summons in a matter of days?? Get real!
  13. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    How do you know Pulse isn't one of yours? This person could be a renegade collector, not telling all the other collectors that they are trying to infiltrate creditnet in order to make a name for themselves. Dant, dant, daaaaaaaaaa! LOL. Well, if you truly are a collector, then you would know that all we advocate on this board is for you to follow the law. If that were happening, you wouldn't have to "Lurk" here and try to cause trouble.
  14. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member

    Congratulations CreditNet,

    You have done yourself proud!! I saw more good advice and compassion come out of this board in one day than Iâ??d seen in two months. The level of discussion was high; and no personal attacks were launched, until the TROLL was unmasked. People were truly caring and concerned.

    I sensed in your posts a real frustration over the attitude, values, and conduct of our friend Pulse. He\She thought that this board is a way for deadbeats to escape paying debt. He\She lacked any sense of personal responsibility regarding debts that were legitimate and only seemed interested in â??beating the systemâ?. He\She used good legal techniques, which insure that a CA obeys the law, in totally inappropriate ways without a logical plan. He\She expressed a general level of naiveté and stupidity that in retrospect was a sign of his\her true purpose here. He\She just wasn't one of us.

    I personally welcome more visits by CA employees, they need to see what we really are fighting for, compliance with the law.We DEMAND compliance with all the laws they are required to operate under, failure to comply can only lead to lawsuits and fines. If they cannot operate without violating the law they will face the FTC and the courts (remember DC Credit Services, Inc.).

    If the current skirmish is the best they can do to us, then the war is over, WE WON.

  15. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Look I don't like CA's more then the next person, but name calling and being disrespectful towards someone who from what I've read really isn't being outright disrespectful is not the right thing to do.

    I'm sure various creditors, CA's and CRA's log onto this site to see what we are up to.

    What they find is that we are using the laws to our advantage and making them play by the rules.

    They do not like this, they all want us to pay, not dispute and just go away.

    We are the real threat to them, plain and simple!!

    To be quite honest I am flattered and I kinda like this "credit repair" thing.

    I have found it just too damn easy to catch any of these people in a violation of the laws.

    People like collector and such need to realize from surfing this board that their companies need to adhere strictly to the laws that govern them.

    If not there are plenty of people here that will nail their ass to the courthouse walls!

    I have found the people on this board to be more knowledgeable then most attorneys on this subject.

    By doing countless hours of credit research and such most here could be considered experts.

    My advice to collector and all the others is this.....We are watching you too, stick to the rules and you won't get burnt by them, mess up and be prepared to pay and answer for your mistakes!

    Thats all there is to it!

  16. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    John M, I applaud your post!! I think that if they are watching they can't do anything but LEARN. We are just trying to get them to learn and abide by Federal LAW. How can, say ABC Collections watch and lurk for Amy B in Houston for a collection? A) We know that they aren't that smart; B) Houston has 5 or 6 million people, and maybe 50,000 Amy B's. Does it really matter? If they adhere to the FCRA, FDCPA, TLA and other laws, instead of their own FCRPA, then that would make our job of getting 100% accurate info on our CR's much easier. Our headaches and stress levels would diminish greatly, but in the real world I believe many more lawsuits will be filed and won by the members of this board. We have had CC people on this board who have tried to bring us insight on their side of the picture, and people have chastised them away. That is this boards loss. I personally hope that the collector stays on this board to share his views and maybe both sides will learn. Charlie
  17. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Mebbe she wasn't at the coven meeting?
  18. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    And they'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for us meddling kids!

    Scooby Snacks for Everyone!
  19. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Actually, we Creditnetters shouldn't rest on our laurels just yet. In the midst of all this espionage and intrigue, it's painfully obvious that we've really been slouching in the spying department. So...who wants to be a mole? Quixote, you're currently between jobs, aren't you? How about it, are you up for some reconnaissance work? :)

  20. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    LOL, Quixote.

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