Re: to JustMe Dag on it. I knew I forgot one. Is yours copyrighted or trademarked? We need a copyright thread. Dani
Re: to JustMe JustMe states "NEGITIVE PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD. ALL I GET IS INSULTS AND CUT DOWNS. JUST BECAUSE I SPEAK MY MIND. THIS PLACE IS LIKE A LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. NO ONE CAN DEBATE LIKE ADULTS. GEORGE HAS THIS , DOC HAS THIS, YOU KNOW WHAT NO ONE HAS ANYTHING. THIS IS A PUBLIC FORM FOR CREDIT AND CREDIT RELATED DISCUSSION." Since you are throwing around insults, I wanna crack at a few. Screw you and wherever you came from. May you get papercuts on your eyelids, may a bird of paradise fly up your nose, oh and its NEGATIVE, geesh. For someone involved in credit in one way of another you should have seen that word in one way or another. Oh and the BIG question of the day, Your Thread Topic, "We All Let Pulse Down" Seems like Caps Lock worked fine there and, it seems WE didn't do a thing to pulse to place her in debt, SHE did.
Re: to JustMe very observant on the caps lock, Kiyi. I hadn't even noticed that In my first post, I really was only trying to alert someone to posting etiquette so that it wouldn't be so hard on the eyes to read the content just another case of finding something when you're not even looking for it....funny how that works
Au Contraire! At 2:33 pm PDT, I posted this: Quixote | 879 posts since Aug 2001 | 07.26.2002 @ 14:33 . . . . In light of all the hubbub going on in at least three other threads, I'll qualify this advice by saying that in my own case, all but a small few of our derogatory listings were Paid Collections or Paid Charge Offs. In the case of paid derogs, there is no downside to doing a broadcast dispute just to see what happens. Since those old paid creditors have no money to collect from you, they will not become an "awoken giant". The only thing you have that they want is the ability to quit bothering them. For unpaid creditors, better to do your homework before deciding how to proceed. That said, something smells funny to me about all this hubbub all of the sudden... (emphasis added) Quixote As of 12/26/2001, EX: 613, TU: 622, EQ: 741 (I don't get that last one either!) Also, for the record, sometime late Friday morning I e-mailed LKH, who was participating in the questionable threads early on, with the same suspicion. Since I did it by clicking on his name here, I have no record of it, so I'll leave it to him to confirm (and tell us what time it was) if he wishes. Does that mean I win the paranoiac insomniac award? Pretty soon I'll start wondering if there really is a dog...
I still miss the Spiel Chekr buttn. Hey Coral, Just watched a Jimmy Buffet concert on Austin City Limits. Very Cool. "I wish I had a Pencil Thin Mustache..."
Re: to JustMe And finally, Doc, Doc, Doc. You've been holding out on us. I thought I killed me. You kill me.
Well, maybe its "JUST ME" but if I had been given bad advice, and was complaining about how rude and insensitive everyone on a particular board was, I would no longer be associated with that board. Why are you still here?
Maybe someone should read some of the advise JUSTME has given. On one occasion he was the first to respond to "Should I file BK", he immediately said yes go file. Another occasion he spoke of a friend that had over $250K in charged off debt that she is running from and next time plans to get away with MORE, he also suggested another poster try this, because BK was a waste of time. Of course I am not quoting, but simply click on his name and go to read all posts from this user. These were the few instances that stuck out in my mind.
Re: back to DOC 1*..The way I would do it is by "planting" a few newbies who would post just enough times to look like they're for real, then start posting about how "When I tried this stuff that you guys are pushing, I got sued, got divorced, got flogged, went to jail, I got acid reflux disease and the heartbreak of psoriasis. You'd better not do what I did. You better just pay your debts and wait seven years." Sound familiar? 2*pulse- is really holding on to her conviction that there is no hope and no way to proceed except to capitulate, despite the best efforts and good information of a number of well meaning posters. Quixote