I am in dire need of a credit card. Since it will probably have to be secured (which is not a problem). I'm looking for one with the best rates / best credit limit + fastest time in hand service. Any thoughts on this? I'd appreciate it greatly.
I would recommend Capital One, until you mentioned best credit limit I started out at 12 percent. I am now at 9 percent Some people are offered a 500 credit limit for a 49.00 fee. It took about 2 weeks to receive my card. (That was 2 years ago). I was able to unsecure after EXACTLY 1 year. I hope that helps, and good luck on whichever card you choose.
I recently got a cap1 card... took about two weeks to get it.. I paid 99dep for a 500CL.. Interest is HIGH.. something like 19% but I always avoid carrying a balence
MrTexas, Not to pry, but do you need this card to help improve your credit, or do you just need it to make a purchase or conduct some business that requires a credit card? The reason I'm asking is because you mentioned a desire for a quick turnaround time, and pre-loaded cards like Bofa's Visa Gift card and the Visa TravelMoney card can be activated pretty much instantly. If you're looking for an actual tradeline on your credit report, however, then expect at least two weeks to get the card (and that's with a CC company that offers some sort of express service); a month or so for the card to show up on your reports; and probably several months after that before the new tradeline helps--rather than hurts--your score. As far as limits and rates go, try Cardweb's secured card survey to find one that's right for you. Hope that helps... wajaba