First I'd like to give a little background. (I have posted in the past and provided details that pertained to a certain situation.) Sorry if it's too long! I had a Mortgage Lender pull my CR 01/01. Scores: XFN Fair, Isaac Risk Score: 496 01/01 TUC Empirica Score: 521 01/01 EFX Beacon Score: 513 01/01 More recent Scores: TU 562 6/02 Creditexpert 612 7/02 Privista 564 7/02 Eloan 586 4/02 EQ 526 2/02 I know it's gone up but can't remember or find where I wrote it down. Here is what I've done: The top is info from the report that the mortgage lender pulled 01/01 and the bottom info is my updated CR, after some disputes, as of 06/02 EQ History: First Union: R1 30(15) 60(4) 90(8) Date open:6/93 (now MBNA) R1 30(3) 60(4) 90(8) Providian: R1 (no derog) Date open: 03/99 no changes Fidelity: R1 30(8) 60 (0) 90(0) Date open: 10/94 R1 30(9) shortened payment 11/00-(dumb) Richs: R9 30,60 & 90 all blank; however adverse ratings show 3 x's a 5- Date open 10/92 R9 30(1) 60(1) 90(5) (chngd due to disp?) *Please note,I paid this charge off 03/01 Dr office: O5 30,60 & 90 all blank Date open: 06/99 09 90(1) prev status 05/00-O5-dsp chng? *I also paid this 03/01, showed pd colletion, $0. bal with open status therefore disputed. Results: Verified that account not paid,reopend to report as such. Redisputed, results-see above freakin charge off. How can it go from collection, to paid in full, to now say, charge off. Jerk!! Cap1: R1 (no derog) Date open: 11/00 Now same as above no changes NCS: O9 Collection-disputed w/CRA now deleted!! Account was paid 03/01 Arrow Fin: I9 Disputed w/CRA, now deleted!! Account was paid 02/00 Belk: R9 30,60,90-blank Prior adv rate 3x's a 5 Date open: 07/94 R9 30,60,90-blank and no prior adv ratings. Says paid chargeoff. I have disputed, w/ no luck. I paid this 03/00 Chrysler Fin: I1 30(20) 60&90(0) Dte open:5/95 Now same as above no changes but paid a/c, I have disputed no luck, yet! Creditrust: O9 Collection-disputed w/CRA now deleted Account paid 3/00 Levitz: R9 Disputed, w/CRA now deleted!! *This was the Arrow Collection a/c OC Mervyns: R9 30,60&90 all blank Date open: 7/93 Now same but says Pd chargeoff Paid in 03/00, I disputed w/no luck Sterling & Assoc: O9 collection-disputed now deleted Paid 03/01 Valley Natl (Bank One): I1 30(5) 60(1) Date open: 5/95 I1 w/no derogs-paid account WFFinancial: I1 No derogs Date open: 3/95 I1 No derogs,Paid a/c WFFinancial: I1 30(10) 60(3) Date open: 5/97 I3 30(10) 60(2)Paid Cap1: R1 No derogs-on CR 6/02 Date open:11/01 Household Auto: I1 no derogs CR 6/02 Open:09/01 GMAC Mort: I1 No derogs CR 06/02 Open 06/01 Well, that's the good, the bad and the ugly! LOL Anyway, I wanted to list everything so that this would help you see if what I plan on doing will be okay. I have read the FAQ among many other things and here is what I think I should do. Since my prior charge off and derog accounts are paid I've decided to do the following: Richs, Mervyns, Belk: Send Docs Nutcase letter or the Knockout letter. I'm not sure if one would be better than the other. I understand that the Nutcase letter challenges only late pay tradelines however, I have seen other posters that have used this for paid charge offs with success. I have read that the Knockout letter is for paid charge off accounts, but not sure which would be best, yet. Chrysler, Valley Natl(BankOne): Send the Nutcase letter-paid with a horrid derog tradeline MBNA(First Union), Fidelity Natl: Goodwill letter because these are closed accounts yet I am still making payments and would like to have some of the derog info deleted WFFinancial: Dispute w/CRA because I have not done that with these two accounts. Dr office: Nutcase letter, they can't make up their mind whether this is paid, or not and collection or charge off (See above) The only thing that worries me is Richs it's a charge off yet it's my oldest account(almost 10 years). I'd rather have this update from chargeoff to paid as aggreed instead of deleting. What do you think? The same goes for most of my older accounts, as those were either charged off or paid with numerous lates. On a different note as you can see above my credit sucked and the scores as well. Yet, I obtained a FHA mortgage last year. I qualified for a $99,000. loan. So if you think you can't do it, guess again. I had already begun paying my old debts and I did have 2 or 3 to pay prior to obtaining the home loan. My goal now is to have my credit reports look "nicer" in order to refinance the home loan and HOPEFULLY one day get prime cards again. I know this is quite lengthy however, I feel as though you needed the whole spectrum to see if my game plan is okay. For the record I will not hold nor it's members liable should the letters not work. Meaning I won't blame anyone. I have nothing to lose as my debts are paid. Thank you for your time as I know this was a long post. Have a wonderful weekend!!! Ambitious
WOW!!! Congrats on the house, the score boost and the CA deletes. I would save Chrysler for last, the are the hardest to get off, or change (from MY experience) I would send out Quixotes letter, I'm not sure if that one is the "knockout" letter or not, its the one where he, Bill B., and Doc had some input. I would nail the Doctors office to the wall (provided its them reporting and not a CA), if it's a CA, file suit. (FCRA violations they are responsible to furnish only accurate data, one of them has GOT to be accurate, but it's not your job to guess). I would nutcase any other paid charge offs you have. Search for "goodwill adjustment" on the currently OPEN accounts that you may have been late on. The Rich's one is a toughy, its your oldest, but it's still damaging, however if you get rid of your oldest that too could be damaging. Is Rich's still open? If they are (they've all closed where I live) you may try the nutcase letter (modified for an OC), if they are closed it would be a judgement call, cause they can't validate if they dont exist. I think I got everything. Good luck and keep us posted
I wish I could take more time to reply, but duty calls. Short version; You are on the right track. My personal congrats, btw, for choosing to pay off your debts and then tackle the CR's. Not only do I believe that it's the right thing to do, but, frankly, it's easier and less fraught with danger. You're totally in the drivers seat now. The only thing you have that they want is the ability to quit bothering them. Dangle that as a carrot. One thing I would encourage you to do is take the parts and pieces from the Nutcase and Knockout letters that you need, and personalize them to your situation. I did this here and it was remarkably effective, at least with Chevron. The jury is still out on Macy's. Put in there all the applicable sections of the FCRA that you intend to sue them for violating. By this point in the process, there is always some violations. I leave it to you to research them and document them, although in the letter I posted in the other thread, you will find a number of sections cited that may save you some time. Best of Luck.
Thank you for your help and compliments. The house was a dream come true. I couldn't get a decent car loan but could get a house, go figure?? Anyway, I'll wait on Chrysler since you've had experience with them. This loan was paid 2 1/2 years ago and I had hoped that they would have records or care when I disputed. Well, EQ says that they verified. You mentioned Quixotes letter, did you mean that I should send that letter for my Chrysler situation? Not sure if I understood correctly. Yes, the Dr office is the one reporting and screwing everything up. Although I paid to a collection agency the Dr office is the name on my credit report not the CA. I agree Rich's is a toughie. I've read other threads where an older tradeline was deleted and their score took a nose dive. Yes, Rich's is open here where I live. The account was paid over 1 year ago, note paid in full not settled. I'll worry about that one later also or maybe send a goodwill letter and beg for some derog delete not whole tradeline delete.??? Thank you again. I think that most of my CA deletions have been pure luck. I'm very glad that I paid these because the validation process seems to be a headache and much of the FDCPA 'stuff' is kind of confusing. Like I said before I have read the FAQ a few times, in fact I've even printed some of the info. and still get a bit overwhelmed. The other posts were right it will take time, and lots of it!! Ambitious
Thank you for you responses and your compliments, KHM, Quizote and jrjr35. Quixote, it did feel good to finally get those things paid. When I paid some of the items over 2 years ago my mother even asked, "Doesn't feel good to know that you paid your debt?" Don't get me wrong I'm not implying that I am better than anyone else because of this. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you. Y'all are such a big help and inspiration. Ambitious P.S. I found a post where I stated that my EQ as of 5/02 is still 529. I don't think I've checked it since then. I need to pay for the Credit Watch membership.
Out of curiousity, do you think that if I mail Mervyns, Belk, etc the Nutcase letter that they could reage the accounts? Note, on EQ both Mervyns and Belk show no derogs just paid chargeoff, which doesn't make sense. I was wondering because according to my EX CR Mervyns is to drop off 03/03 and Belk 10/03. I would rather they disappear now. LOL. Also, does this mean the date to drop off is the same on all CR they are reporting too? I don't remember seeing anyone that has had a reage problem that used the Nutcase Letter but wondered if it were a possiblity. Thanks again!! Ambitious
I don't think there's any in between with the Nutcase-type letters. It either works or it doesn't. If they do re-age, cite the FCRA section as another violation in your next letter, an Intent to Sue letter. Christi post a good one a while back. I'm sure it would show o\up in a search.