Home Depot raises CL again

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveLV, Jul 28, 2002.

  1. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I called the Home Depot automated system again today to see if I could get a CL increase. I started at $1,250 and was later increased to $2,000 after a couple of months using their automated system. I tried last month again and was declined.

    After you are declined the system sends you to a customer service person. I always hang up at that point. I was declined again today by the automated system for a $400 increase but this time stayed on the line and spoke to the live person.

    She asked for my name and account number and how much more of a credit limit I wanted. I told her $700. She took a second and told me she could increase my limit by the $700 I wanted but told me that I qualified for an increase to $3,400 if I wanted it.

    Of course I took it.

    I remember when I used the automated system for the first increase I always wondered if I should have asked for more. Now I know that if I speak to a live person they will tell me the maximum amount for which I qualify and I'll never have to wonder.

    When I opened the account I made a purchase of about two-thirds of the credit limit under a no payment, no interest until January 2003 program. I've made $100 payments each month even though there's nothing due. I have not used the card since the initial purchase.

    So my advice to Home Depot card holders: Don't use the automated system for credit limit increases. AND don't be discouraged if the automated system declines you. Let the system transfer you to a person and be brave!
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Congrats DaveLV!! Someone on this board got a big CL increase by telling Home Depot that they were going to make a large purchase to build a garage, I think, and it was going to cost 7-9K. They got the CL that they wanted. I bet that if you slipped in that Lowe's would do it, but you wanted to use Home Depot because of the 0% they probably would do it. Just a thought! What were your scores when you initially got the card? Charlie
  3. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    I am just curious about the Home Depot Card. Did you receive a 10% discount goods towards any purchase with your home depot card? I heard from a friend that Home Depot usually sends these out to new customers as part of a "welcome packet."

  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    You can get a 10% off with a "change of address" packet from the Post Office for Home Depot. I don't know about the CC, but you can get the Post Office one all day long. Charlie
  5. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    When I opened the account I got 10% off my initial purchase.
  6. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    I don't remember off hand what my scores were (they preapproved me based on my TU report -- I think I remember my TU internal score was about 611) and when I accepted the preapproval they never pulled a hard inquiry.

    I may try the garage thing next month when I move into my new house. When I call them with the change of address I'll give it a shot just for the hell of it.
  7. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    That is what I thought, 10% off for first purchase.

    Here is what I am thinking of doing for recarpeting my house:

    I have $1,000 in Home Depot GC that I bought at 20% discount...paid $800

    Use a split payment for the 10% off at Home Depot...these 10% offers usually require you use your home depot card. The 10% should take off 10% of my entire purchase regarless of how I pay, as long as one of my payment methods are a Home Depot card.

    Total Purachase:
    $2500 less 10% = $2,250

    $2,250 I pay with the Home Depot Card and with the $1000 in Home Depot gift certificates.

    But I only paid $800 for $1000 worth of gift certificates.

    Now a $2,500 puchase used with the GC's and 10% for using my card, should cost me $2,050.

    Thanks for the tip about the post office Charlie, I will have to check that out. I know Lowes has those available. You just have to send it to them with and they will mail a 10% off, you don't need a Lowes CC to qualify for the discount. But I wasn't aware of the Home Depot inserting these in the movers pack that they carry at the post office. Will check. Would actually be better if they do have these and I can use the 10% off without a Home Depot CC.
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I have seenin Texas that some realtors give a $1000 gift card when you purchase a house from them. I know Century 21 is one. Charlie

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Find somebody that needs me to buy a house in TEXAS...I need a $1,000 gift card...somebody want the house???

  10. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    GEORGE, If you sell a house thru them you get $1000 and get another $1000 if you buy one thru them. Pretty sweet deal! Charlie
  11. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    That is a sweet deal Charlie. Now if I could only get the DH to agree to sell our house, I could get that $1,000 home depot card.....assuming I can find a 21 realtor offering the same offer.
  12. techman

    techman Well-Known Member

  13. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    Good move to talk to the live person. They have a number on their screen that shows the maximum you're "pre-approved" in their system for.

    You can do it every 6 months or so-- they are VERY generous with limits.

  14. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    If home depot pulls TU I wonder why I cannot get one with a 663 score. Sigh. We are hopefully gonna get a house soon so a home depot card would surely come in handy.
  15. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    no wait they pulled experian the last time I applied with I think a 646 score. And I was turned down
  16. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Yeah but it's really weird that:

    1. I have only had the account for five months (actually four statement cycles)
    2. I already had one automated increase approved
    3. The automated system DECLINED my request for an extra $400 just seconds before a CS person approved me for $1,400.
  17. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Okay -- To bring this thread back...

    I called Home Depot again today because when they changed my address in their system they got it wrong. I didn't get a statement this month, but I do get e-bills from them and noticed the wrong address.

    While I had someone on the line I asked about a CL increase. The person asked me how much I wanted. I told her "whatever the system will give me". She asked again what I wanted. I told her $5,000. My existing limit was the $3,400 I had received in July.

    She typed it in and told me she could give me the $5,000 plus another $500 for a total of $5,500.

    I like Home Depot. :)
  18. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    What if I have a HD card now and the limit is 2250 and I have never used it once.. nor really plan on using it any time soon - do u think if i ask for an incrase i i will get it?

    If so, how much should i ask for?
  19. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    It doesn't hurt to try. If they can give you more than the amount you ask for they will tell you. That's why I prefer talking to someone over using the automated system.

    Ask for $500 or so. If they say no, then fine. If they can do it they will tell you if you can get more. Just don't ask for some huge amount that might trigger an inquiry. So far all of my increases have been inquiry-free.
  20. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Damn! All we got was a $50 gift certificate to Williams-Sonoma from our agent..then again, she gave it to us on her own. Not part of some promo.

    Cinderella--such a deal! We are going to have our kitchen remodeled and put in new flooring. HD is running that Autum Savings event but the local stores said you only get the 10% off your first purchase until 9/29. Well our measurment appt is on 9/29! I guess we'll miss out on the 10% :-(

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