Citi posts-no cl-SCORE DROPS

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mark LA, Jul 28, 2002.

  1. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    I've just joined the Citi-Experian screw up club.
    My Citi Illumina just posted - after 4 months - on Experian - they don't give a credit limit - and post an old balance of $2550.
    Eq and TU report correctly - cl is 6.1K.
    Of course - my score on Experian dropped by 5 points - KICKING me out of the 700 club...........
    I disputed online with experian - wrote correct credit limit and balance,
    Does anypone know how long it takes to get corrected?

    Mark LA
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    When I disputed a while back with EXP about my Citi CL, it was "verified" in about 5 days and left with NO CL reported.
  3. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    Did you re-dispute?
    That doesn't sound kosher
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Nah, I called Citibank and asked them to do it. It was because I had the AA card and there was technically "no pre-set spending" on it, so there was no real limit. I converted to the PS and everything is now kosher :)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    MY EXPERIAN/AMEX BLUE credit limit dispute was the END of my AMEX BLUE on EXPERIAN...FOREVER!!!
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Heres MY EXP/Citi problem, one of the accounts I combined into my PS (BDD) has been reporting one day as just CLOSED, then gone the next, then back on, then gone. This has been going on all week, and my score has been up and down one point everytime.

    It's up one point now cause its GONE!
  7. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    gotcha :)
    the citi illumina does have a limit so i'm hoping they'll fix it.
    also might convert or apply and consolidate to Plat Select somewhere down the road - the Plat Select has better terms and a 12 month 0% bt offer without any transaction fees - at least that's what it says on their web site at the moment... hope it doesn't change.
  8. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Funny, mine just started reporting today too on Experian. My score went up 16 points. It also has a limit of NA. I wonder if I can send (or should send) Experian a statment that shows my credit limit and ask them to report it.

    I also found out something else very interesting. I just tried to combine the 2 AA cards I got in the BDD for the Plat Select...they only converted one card and gave me 12,500 (the total limit that I had between the other 2 cards) and my left me the other card with original credit limit....Not a bad credit limit increase with out a credit pull (5,000)..LOL Not to mention my cash advance was put into a BALANCE TRANSFER at 2.9%!!!!

  9. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    Mark- I have both and the terms are identical (APR = 9.74) .. BUT .. Illumina has Citi's version of "best value guarantee" which, though excludes internet purchases and internet ads, at least offers something.

    The 0% for 12 months is for new cards only ... and they won't allow you to transfer a Citi debt to another Citi account (you'd have to do a stop-over into your checking account 1st).

    I kind of like the Illumina's look, but it does get finger-prints on it easily.

  10. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member


    I would recommend you to write or send fax to:

    Citibank Credit Bureau Disputes
    PO Box 6241
    Sioux Falls, SD 57177

    Fax (605) 330-6780

    that's what I did and they fixed it within week or so.
  11. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU very much Platinum.
    I'm going to fax them
  12. gavenraj

    gavenraj Well-Known Member

    It would be much appreciated if you could post an example of the letter you sent to clear up your situation with Citi.

    Thanks in Advance,

  13. slppryslp

    slppryslp Well-Known Member

    Someone a while back suggested something I thought was interesting. That the reason that highest balance and credit limit are the same column is that one tries to imply the other. Your highest balance is a minimum for your CL. So the suggestion I give is to max your card by purchasing something the day before your cycle ends and returning it shortly after(or if you have a balance on another CC transfer it). FYI the CC balance sent to you is generally the same amount reported to the CBs

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