Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pulse, Jul 29, 2002.

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  1. pulse

    pulse Guest

    I am going to go Bankrupt. I have been reading everything said about me. It's not very funny and just goes to show how the world can be so cruel. I am glad you gals and guys had fun at my expense. Going to see a bankruptcy attorney after work today. I sure hope the next newbie that has a credit problem or question does not get the nasty treatment like I did. Laugh all you want, but it's not funny to me. Goodbye.
  2. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Adios troll.
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    I eagerly await the publication of your new book:
    From Acquiring Your Credit Reports to Perfect Validation to Bankruptcy in Just 10 Days

  5. pulse

    pulse Guest

    This is exactly what I am writing about. Being called a troll or something else is not helping me or other newbies on this board. LKH has over 3000 posts on this board. That does not give him the right to speak to me like that. I thought this board was about discussing credit issues. Instead some creditneters want to turn this into their own personal mouthoff forum. If you don't fit their mold, your just pushed away. If something does not make sense or they just can't explain it, your made fun of. It's their way or the highway. Or in my case BANKRUPTCY............
  6. pulse

    pulse Guest

    I have been in contact with Arrow for months. Over the phone before I even saw this board. They have even called my next door neighbors. The summons and complaint was just the last straw from them. I never said that the validation letter triggered the lawsuit. I just pointed out that it did not help with the process. Some creditneters came to that conclusion.
  7. pulse

    pulse Guest

    I also see that a creditneter called my husband a emotionally distant jerk. When we married my credit was in bad shape. I told him I would take care of it. We both agreed from the begining to keep our financials seperate. Good thing, because I am now going bankrupt. He credit is perfect. Without his credit we would have not been able to buy a house. He also is paying for my bankruptcy fee's. If you call that a emotionally distant jerk that's WRONG! I may be a credit mess, but my husband is no jerk. If anyone has been distant on my credit problems in our marriage it's been me. Please keep family members out of this forum.
  8. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Ok, if that's the case then you should have given the WHOLE story and not title a post, VALIDATION DIDN'T HELP ME or something to that extent. How do you think a newbie would perceive THAT statement? And we have every right to perceive new people who give half stories as "plants" or "trolls". This is a board about helping people, sure. But, if you've been around for any length of time, we've had our share of people who are here to cause trouble. So don't start that "I hope you're happy I'm going bankrupt because if that's the case and its been going on "awhile" as you say, no information given on this board could have helped your situation anyway.
  9. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    I feel ashamed for causing you to run up thousands in debts, holding you down so you did not pay them, then forcing you to declare bankruptcy. Perhaps you would not have so many problems with your bills if you took responsibility for your actions instead of blaming everyone else here.
    P.S. arrow breaks the rules all the time. I have a hard time believing every single creditor of yours followed the rules. You have to be ruthless with these people(of course you are probably one of them) and not let them off the hook.
  10. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member


    You were treated with respect and compassion when you first asked questions on this board. It was your own complete lack of coherence and an inability to keep your story straight that unmasked your true nature.

    Lying is an art form that takes years of practice to get right, I would have hoped that your years in the collection industry had honed your skills of prevarication. So I donâ??t care what you are, Troll, Non-Troll, dead, alive, it doesnâ??t matter. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart...SCREW YOU.

    Love always - your Pal,


    ps Why don't you cash in the frequent flyer miles from all those trips to China, they must be worth a fortune? Or you can always get a part time job teaching â??English as a second languageâ?.

    pss In your thread title it should be you're not your, as in you are an ass, not your an ass.
  11. pulse

    pulse Guest

    I never said that every single one of my creditors followed the rules. And running up my debts as you call them where spent on a x-boyfriend taking me for everything. I went to court and our legal system failed me. He tricked me in placing him on as a authorized buyer on my creditcards. I went to court and lost. That was the main reason I did not want my husband to know about the debts. Stop making your own assumptions on everything. One thing about some of the creditneters in here. They are quick to real quick to judge. Thats how alot of the bad advice is given out. Pulse you must be Guilty Gulity Guilty....
  12. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Then why do you stay? I'm amazed at the people who come here and say they feel mistreated and that they are given such bad advice, yet they continue to post and try to keep things stirred up? This board isn't about trying to find out every detail of your personal life but you can't come on here telling us half the story and get mad when we question its sincerety.
  13. pulse

    pulse Guest

    Yes I do go to China alot. That is one of the perks that I do receive. I do make $7.00. I do it for the health insurance. I need to be bonded because I am a courier. I am sick of defending myself because I am a newbie on this board. Having a credit problem is bad enough, this is suppose to be a place that can help me and other fellow newbies.
  14. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

  15. pulse

    pulse Guest

    No other newbie has been treated as I was up to this point now. True, I have not been the norm. But the signs have been out there. This board is getting bigger day by day. I do not want this happening to other fellow newbies that are at the breaking point and in need of help quickly. Some newbies can't read this board for months before they act on their creditors. With the new bankruptcy laws on the horizon we need to act more quickly than ever. We need a forum that is going to respect us from the get go. If newbies have to wait for months to earn the trust of a few cold hearted creditnetors this board will fail. Newbies come here for help. We don't need to be laughed at and dragged thru the mud. Branded as trolls. We want equal rights! Newbies demand it.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  16. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    Pulse, I think you are being silly, no...... acting foolish.. Show some examples of newbies not being treated properly....I have made some blunders .. some DUMB ones like messing up some of the terminology but people didn't put me down for it... As a newbie I always keep my eyes out for newbies to say Hi and tell them how I ampretty much in the same boat. The folks here from what I see welcome newbies with open arms .. I do admit lately there has been a FLOOD of newbies but none the less it seems that you are the only one complaining...
  17. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Ok, this has got to be the silliest things you've said to date. WTF are you talking about? I'm done.
  18. pulse

    pulse Guest

    They why have they treated me so unfairly. I have been laughed at and called names and branded a troll and a trader. My husband has been draged thru the mud. Is this what you call fair? Please read thru my posts. Then you will understand. You have never been in my shoes. Then mabe you would understand.

    Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
  19. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    OK I get it.. You have this daddy love me complex... PLease daddy love me, hold me... Notice me daddy...
  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Bankrupt, I Hope Your All Happy

    You are simply lying. I'm not going to waste my time now detailing the big list of inconsistencies, "insider" collections info, impossible scheduling, bizarre conversations with CAs, etc. Please just go away. Thanks.

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