I guess much of that depends on what I could afford to pay at the time. I would not overstress my budget for a derogatory item that will be there next month. By the way, time is really on your side...and a great negotiation tool...it will be there when you want to get to it, so no need to rush on a settlement From what I am told, 40% is a good settlement. I would start with 25% and see what their reaction is. Then I would offer as much as to EVEN pay the full amount if they agreed to update the listing or to delete it. My goal would be about 40%-50% with deletion. JMO though others who have dealt with NCO may have other opinions of their negotiating prowess or lack of such. Good Luck! Let us know what happens. -Peace, Dave
I don't know what your deal is but may I suggest you stop being an ass? There is no reason for you to screw with this person. This board (although it may look like it lately) is not a place for bashers.
Oh and I don't punctuate well either and nobody screws with me. If you can't read his posts then skip 'em. I see nothing wrong with what he asked. Am I missing something here? I get discouraged too. That is life. It is nice to go somewhere (creditnet) and get a little positive push.
The money isn't the problem anymore, yet it was the problem that got me where I am today. I just want it off of my reports. I would settle for the full amount, but if I don't have to then why? I'm just trying to play my cards right here and get the damned thing off of my report. If it's only going to change to a paid collection, why bother? I'll be calling them tomorrow and will let you guys know how it goes!
Mr. Texas, Don't forget that it has been statistically demonstrated that CA's are more likely to settle at the END of the month. Since July is about over I dare say that any settlement before the 20th or so of Aug. and you'd be rushing things. Just plan on playing the negotiation game for the next 3 weeks.