considering Experian Lawsuit (long)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by genmorr, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Hi. I am at wits end with Experian. I have a Cap1 chargeoff that is reporting incorrectly. It is reporting that it is to remain on my credit report until 3/09, even though the last date of activity is 3/97. This is affecting my score because for some reason it is showing as being settled 3/02 instead of 2/00. I have disputed online twice, no results. I have disputed once after that through a customer service rep, still it comes back verified. I have sent the nutcase to Cap1, no affect. Talked to Mr Cooke on six separate occasions, no affect. (Got a new Cap1 plat card though! ;) ) I sent the procedural letter , enclosing a letter from Cap1 verifying what I am saying, which I received in November of last year. I was sent a letter from them telling me about "settlements", they didn't even bother to look at my letter!

    I have called three times in the last week to request yet another investigation and point out the error, and I was told to call back today. I called back and requested to speak to a supervisor. They wouldn't let me, they said this investigation takes weeks. Well, I don't want to wait weeks. What I intend to do is apply for a 0% car loan and be declined, and cite this as damages. I am drafing up Lizardking's lawsuit template as I speak.

    My question is there any other thing I need to do besides trot down to the courthouse and file? I don't think there is another letter. I disputed three times, sent the procedural letter. I am just sick and tired of being shafted! Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    You want to make sure you serve the proper person. You want to get all the correspondence documented. I think you have a good case that they are not verifying the information correctly. I hope they do fix it for you though without having to go through all the filing but it seems you have gone the extra mile for these bozos. Good luck.
  3. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Thanks for replying. They called me back (wow), aplogized and said they would have it corrected within 48 hours. I will check on it tomorrow. Thanks for the advice!
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I have a similiar situation, but not really.
    I had a Cap one charge off in 1998, I settled it for less than the balance in 1999. In November of 2001, Mr Cooke agreed to change it from an R9-R5. I have had to call him at least 5 times due to it changing back on all 3 CRA's, how did you get the Platinum card out of him?

    He wont budge on changing it to an R1, so I'm trying to figure out my next move. I talked to him a week and a half ago and he told me he was putting in for a 72 hour change, cause I WAS mortgage shopping then and he didnt want it to hurt me. It still hasnt changed back!!!!


    Mr Cooke if you are reading this JUST DELETE IT!!!! SAVE US BOTH THE HEADACHE!!!!!!!!
  5. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    KHM, its nice to know someone else is going through the same thing! Well, I was sent the pre-approval for the plat in the mail, I don't know where it came from. I saw the soft inquiry a couple of months ago but I thought it was Mr. Cooke trying to fix my account. It is the usual toy starter $500 card.

    The only saving grace is that I live in NY and there is the 5 year statute on negative accounts. Under this, I have had TU and EQ delete this acct. EX reports it as a current settled charge off and they wont delete until SEVEN years if it says "settled charge off". Mr Cooke was no help. I tried to reason with him. He said Experian was the one doing the inaccurate reporting. (I assume that's true)

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