I will be keeping a diary of my bankrupcty. And posting it daily on this forum. This will prove to be very helpful for any newbies considering filing before the new laws take affect. Vets are welcome to view my postings also. ________________________________________________ Newbies are here to stay. Please help us fight.
Re: Troll Dear Diary, 07/29/02 I just flew in from China to meet with my bankruptcy lawyer today, and boy are my arms tired! But seriously folks, all this validation stuff is bunk. Look what it did to me! Oh, if I had only worked with the courteous and professional staff at Arrow in the beginning, this never would have happened! They even accept payments via Western Union Quick Collect for added convenience! Well, off I go to start more threads to try to connect with as many newbies as possible, so that I might curry their favor and warn them against any foolhardy exercise of their FDCPA and FCRA rights... __________________________________ Collectors are here to stay. Please help us fight.
Re: Troll Anybody want to bet that somewhere in Pulse's bk journey she is unable to discharge her debts.
Re: Troll 07/30/02 Dear Diary, After meeting with my attorney yesterday, we have completed my entire bankruptcy trial this morning. None of my debts were allowed and I wasted $2,000 on attorney. The district attormey is filling fruad charges on me, and I have been arrested. My criminal trial is set for tomorrow, and I expect to get 10 to 20 years in state prison. I will post tomorrow and let you know how much hard time I get. This site screwed my life up...Newbies beware. I WILL SEE YOU SOON....
Re: Troll Dear diary 07/31/02 Well I had my criminal trial today. The judge sentenced me to death by lethal injection. The initial trial was at 10:00 am this morning. I had my first appeal at 11:00am. It was rejected. We did our second appeal at 1:00 pm (the judge wanted to break for lunch). The 1:00pm appeal was rejected as well. I am scheduled for execution tomorrow. Now see what the evil credit netters did to me...
Re: Troll Dear Diary, Well, this morning I was granted a stay from the Governor. However, at 9:15, it was appealed and lifted. I went to the chamber and was injected, however they did not give me the proper dosage. I am now a complete vegetable, with the exception of my left pinky, which I am typing with. The Doctors said they have never seen such a heroic person. I am sad. All this because of the evil creditnetters. Damn them all.
Re: Troll I just received a bill from the state for my execution and the Hospital bill for my medical attention. Both bills have been turned over to Arrow Collection. What should I do next? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Do you think validation is the way to go?
Re: Troll Mitchra, anna it might be the fact that i've been up all night, but those have to be some of the funniest things i have read or seen in my entire life. Sarcasm at its finest. Well played. With post like those, who needs sitcom t.v.? humblemarc
Re: Troll I think they should hook up and write comedy sketches for Saturday night live or mad TV. Those are classic! I laugh everytime I read them.
Re: Troll Dear Diary, Well today my entire life changed, for the good! This morning I met a wonderful man online(JohnM) at this really neat site (CreditNet), by 9:02 he got me a Divorce from you no who (Mr. Cheapo dodo head hisself), by 9:03 He paid all my bills, by 9:04 a new pardon( John used to wrestle with Gov. Ventura..They are best pals. We slept in the Lincoln Logs bedroomâ?¦Mrs Jessie is sooo nice). Did I forget to tell you we moved to Minnesota at 9:03:47. Now here it is at 10:04 and we are enjoying General Taoâ??s chicken on the veranda of the Peking Palace Hilton (One of my fav hotels, itâ??s sooo much nicer than that nasty old place in china town my boss made me stay in ). This is going to be the bestis honeymoon with Mr dreamboat (Heâ??s sooo handsome). Well TaTa, Iâ??m off to Paris to start my own franchise company (Credit Couriers and Collectors, Inc.) my wonderful husband has this all taken care of heâ??s just so darn coolâ?¦.. Love, Pulse Ps Did I mention he is a VERY manly man (Ladies you NO what I mean) Iâ??m in heaven.
Re: Troll Please give credit to WAJABA as well. It was his posts that got me thinking along those lines in the first place.
Re: Troll Aw, shucks, thanks Actually, I kinda wanted to read pulse's real bk diary, if it ever came about. I get the feeling that it would've been far more entertaining than anything we could've come up with! wajaba
Re: Troll Good one, John. Say, what are you doing at 11:00 am? I say ditch Puss,er, I mean Pulse and lets meet for lunch, you manly man you.
Re: Troll Sorry WAJABA, Definitely, the poconos stand-up comic bit always works! Well played on your part. "(s)he'll be here all week folks, with two performances on Sat." humblemarc