Re: Troll drmgirl, At 11:00 i'll be picking up the little pulses from daycare. But they graduate college at Noon. I've only stayed in this loveless relationship because of the kids. Once they are on their own, say by 1:30, I could meet you for a cocktail. But this time I want to take it slow, know more mistakes. Love, JohnM ps please bring a current tri-merged report as well as a complete medical history. Mine is available online at I thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Re: Troll Ok, its a date! But I know you've got your daughters wedding at 4:00 so we'll drink quickly.
update on Pulse ??? perhaps??? Latest update perhaps from Pulse? Arranged for wedding plans for LittleMsPulse, but her sorry groom, an employee of a highly respected CRA, dumped her at the alter, said he could not validate her virginity, so he had to delete the marriage plans. He knows if you can't verify, you have to delete, learned that from me. LittleMsPulse's godmother, JustMe, is absolutely crushed. She didn't have to travel far for the wedding, just down the block, but she would go anywhere for her little PulsieBaby. It was probably best that her father was not able to give her away, as he has been too busy filling my Prozac prescriptions and arranging appts with therapists and it would have broken his heart to see her. Her godfather, Collector1, walked LittleMsPulse down the aisle. You should have seen Collector1, he was all dressed up in his Credit Police uniform (instead of a tuxedo), and now he's all dressed up with no where to go, since the reception was, of course, cancelled. Quite a snazzy sight, though. What a mess, stuck with all this food, cake, and champagne. Think I will take it with me on my next trip to China, and see if the starving children can benefit from it. BTW, am writing an expose titled "How to repair your credit while waiting in airport security lines for $7.00 an hour". Have asked Doc and Breeze to write the dedication and forward, respectively. Marci is going to arrange my book tour. I am donating all my profits to the CreditNet board members, especially all the veterans. ps...JohnM, you crack me up, woke up the dogs laughing so hard. they can't understand what could be so funny at 3 in the morning...
Re: update on Pulse ??? perhaps??? Well, I didn't want to say anything but, JohnM wasn't filling Prozac prescriptions. We met for cocktails before his daughters wedding and well, one thing led to another, and now we've decided to get married. His divorce should be final in about 1 hour and we'll be married and on our way to honeymoon in, guess where, that's right, China! (His ex-wife apparently has some connections there so we thought, heck, why not? Free vacation.)I'm so happy! He is such a manly man!
Re: update on Pulse ??? perhaps??? Dear Diary, This may be my last entry for you,Dear Diary, as I lie here in this bed at the Dr. Jack Kovorkian Clinic. Alone and unloved, I wonder were it all went wrong? My hopes, my dreams, all lie crushed under that mountain of debt that has dogged me for 600 years. That collection notice last week from Arrow about the parking ticket from 1947( they now want $3.2mil) was the last straw. I owe it, the validation backfired, and I must pay it. My children hate me; Collector1 and JustMe wonâ??t speak to me. My life is over. Speaking of Collector1, he really didnâ??t deserve the death penalty over that little bribery thing; just the humiliation of the defrocking from the Credit Police department was punishment enough. I lost the love of the only good man I ever knew (JohnM), Last I heard after that brief fling with dreamgirl (that hussy) and his failed marriage to Maggie, He and Doc had moved to San Francisco and opened a combination flower shop\credit counseling service\sushi restaurant called â??Violets and Validations served with a side of seaweedâ? (Maybe he wasnâ??t quite as manly a man as I thought after all??) Well enough of this rambling, here comes Dr. Jack with my cocktail, best wishes to all, TATA, Pulse Ps Could you put on my stone: â?? I lived life as a newbe and died as a newbe, Take heed, Let not this life be lived in vainâ?
Re: update on Pulse ??? perhaps??? OMG!!! This is absolutely the funniest thing I have ever read so early in the morning!!!! I'm sitting in my cube reading this, trying to hold back the smile and then trying to hold back the laughs! I'm sure the people in the cubes around me are wondering WTH I am doing in my cube making all these little giggling noises!!! Q's, Will pulse survive the Dr. Death cocktail? Will drmgirl6 and JohnM tie the knot? Or will she find out how messed up JohnM's credit is from having pulse as an AU on his ALL his cards and dump his a$$? Will Collector1 try to comfort LittleMsPulse and end up running off with her to elope? THESE ARE THINGS I NEED TO KNOW!!!
Re: update on Pulse ??? perhaps??? I thought I had a twisted sense of humor! You people all need to pull up to a plate of sushi and talk this through with PsychDoc right away. If that doesn't work, try the kimchi. That'll take the kinks out of your hair. ;^)
Re: update on Pulse ??? perhaps??? He died last year. "Take me out to the ballgame Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and lots of beer, I don't care if I never leave here. For it's root, root, root for the newbies If they don't win it's a shame For it's one, two, three strikes your banned From the Credit---Net---Game!!!"
OH NO! Dear newbies, I had unprotected sex for the first time at 7:30 this morning (yes I was proud to still be a virgin but the old timers on creditnet pushed me so hard emotionally I had to seek solace somewhere) and at 7:35 after taking the at home test I discovered I was pregnant! I am so freaked out as I have no medical insurance. The father of this child (collector1) has abandonded me upon hearing of my condition...I am crushed as I really thought he had more integrity than that...I mean being a collection agency manager and all. First bankruptcy and now this...creditnet has ruined my life. I am so worried you think the bk trustee will make me sell the baby to pay my debts? Does the FCRA cover collector1's responsibilities in this matter. Any newbie advice is appreciated as I know you will be the only ones that can appreciate the dire straits I am in. pulse/mother of ca's baby2b
Re: OH NO! Dear pulse, Your fruitful coupling with collector1 was no accident. It was part of a grand scheme to wreak havoc and revenge upon the heads of all these creditnetters who spurn and ridicule you. Creditnetters should be on the lookout for the sign of the triple sixes! Yours truly, Rosemary's Baby