I just got a phone call from arrow financial regarding a debt. I told the guy on the phone that i was not aware of the debt. He got real snippy with me and said "yea beacuse you have made a payment in two years". They are calling me at work i told him to call be back at home tonight and i would talk to him about it. What should steps should i take at this point. I have drafted a validation letter but wasn't sure wether to send it or not?? BTW the debt is a credit card for about $2200. What should i tell him on the phone tonight?? thanks mburris
Firstly I would check which state he and you are in and see if they are 1 or 2 party consent states. Then I would get a tape recorder and one of those $5 microphones that connect from the recorder to a suction cup that goes on the back of the phone. If it is legal tape the call as they usually hang themselves. When I call I would tell them I never got any initial letter and you wish to validate the debt and obtain their fax number. Fax in or send a certified letter they have to sign for so you have proof. Arrow will then proceed to screw the entire process up. When you get confirmation they got the letter of the fax I would then go dispute it with the CRAs so they can rack up even more violations. With the validation letter be sure to send the cease/desist letter so they do not bother you.
Texas is a one party consent state. You can record all you want. Be careful about recording parties in another state that is two party - you could get in trouble if you ever visit that state. That would be extremely unlikely, but possible.
A little bit more info would be helpful. Is this your debt? If it is, is it still within the SOL? If this is the first contact they have made with you regarding this, they have 5 days to follow up in writing notifying you of your mini-miranda rights. If they don't, then this violation #1. As picantel pointed out, if one party consent taping is legal in your state, tape your call. Tell him you aren't allowed personal calls at work, and you will only communicate with them in writing. Every time they call you after being informed of this will be another violation.Go ahead and send your validation letter. If this is being reported the CRAs, pull a report a week after they receive the validation letter and see if it's marked as "in dispute". If not, violation #2. Dispute with the CRA and if they verify it before you receive validation, violation #3. If they rack up enough violations, they will be paying you. If they follow the law and provide you with proper validation, and this is still w/in the SOL, be prepared to try and settle for deletion. Gib
Well i just got off the phone, well the young man on the other end changed his tune from the first call. He was a little more polite. I keep telling him that i wasn't aware of the debt. he kept rattleing off my ssn and employment information as proof. He offered a settlement i told him no, that until i got validation i wasn't agreeing to anything. So far so good!! A question, he commented that he verified my employment and knew how much i was making. I never gave him permission to do this i'm not sure how he did it. can he do this?? Thanks for all the support through this nerve racking experience. mburris
mburris, Arrow is a bunch of buttholes. I would NOT and I repeat, NOT talk to them on the phone. When they called, I would have simply said, "I do not know anything of this debt. Please give me your address information so that I may send you a validation letter". This happened to me with Money Control. Thank God I'd already been to CreditNet and KNEW what to say. The young lady, who was polite, kept trying to push to find out when I would be sending money. I said, "I will be sending you a validation letter, thank you" and hung up. Again, if you are not very very GOOD about talking to creditors on the phone, do not accept calls from them. Instruct them "Do not contact me anymore via phone - consider this my verbal notice - written notice to follow". Good luck with them.....they are a bunch of characters.
You want them to bother you to the tune of 1000 bucks per violation.So I would not send the C&Dat this point .
Arrow is one of the worst to deal with... just send validation letter and follow up with cease and desist letter.. If i know arrow they will not validate... If its on your credit report wait till they receive validation letter then dispute with CRA it better come back account in dispute on your credit report. if not violation..do not speak to them ever...
Their is a lot of talk about Arrow violating laws and suing them. Has anyone ever successfully sued them? I received a voicemail from them today, but I haven't responded yet.
I am also being harassed by Arrow. They call me 1-2 times a day everyday. Not only that but lately someone has been calling and hanging up after the first ring. I can't for sure Arrow is pranking me but I don't know who else would be considering the number is unknown and I don't know anyone that dislikes me enough to keep doing that. I have told the other person on the line to not call me anymore and hang up but apparently they don't get the message. I will most likely be sending them a C&D letter soon.
Ah, good 'ol Arrow. A summary of this thread would be: 1. NEVER talk to any CA on the phone 2. Send validation letter 3. Record any calls 4. Be prepared for if they DO validate (don't want another Pulse on our hands)
The saga continues... The jackass called me again today, because he faxed me a settlement letter. I got the letter at round 10am he said the offer was good until 11am. nice guys?? Left me a message that i had 10 minutes to call or else..ohh no!!! I mailed the vaildation letter today (certified) Should i fax a copy as well??? I guess they turn up the heat toward the end of the month. If it's a $1000 per violation i hope the jerk keeps calling $$$$$ thanks again for all the help mburris
TRY THIS - It worked lile a charm with me for NCO a few months back. Get that certified letter for legal documentation, then go to : http://www.debtbuyers.com/whoswho.php3 There are a couple of preople there listed with arrow email addresses and check registation: Arrow Financial Services (ARROW-FINANCIAL-DOM) 2450 West Peterson Ave Chicago, IL 60659 US Domain Name: ARROW-FINANCIAL.COM Administrative Contact: Cutler, Brian (BC6830) brianafs@MSN.COM Arrow Financial Services 7301 N. Lincoln Ave Suite 220 Linconlwood, IL 60646 847-557-1100 (FAX) 847-763-0901 Shoot off a C&D email to the conatacts and their domain registration contact starting out by saying, since you are the only representatives of the company with an email address, I am sending this to you. I have put a read-receipt on the message and am following up wit a certified letter and fax. I did this last year to NCO, they called me at work and left 2 messages at home in the morning. BY THAT AFTERNOON, I never heard from them again. (and yes I did get read verification back - but no reply. Since these people are obviously not the minimum wage phone monkeys - I bet they make sure it is processed ASAP
From their website: Arrow Financial Services LLC 5996 W. Touhy Avenue Niles, IL 60714 (800) 279-0224 Toll Free (847) 557-1100 Phone (847) 763-0901 Fax
I keep seeing people telling others to send a C&D letter. I don't believe this very good advice. A partial C&D maybe, but to tell them outright to cease and desist all communication is not a very good idea. If you mean by sending a C&D letter saying that all communications be in writing, you should specify. If not, it's just bad advice. It's a good way for someone to get sued. Gib
I've been under the impression that the Cease & Desist letter meant that they are not to contact you anymore (written or by phone)unless they have proof of the debt. As we have seen with some collection agencies, they can be very agressive in their attempts to collect and this is a means of acknowledging that you dispute the debt (within the 30 day guideline after you receive the collection letter) and that you wish for them to provide proof that this is yours plus to stop hounding you. If proof is provided, then possible settlement talks can begin. How can you be sued exercising your rights? Not an expert, just asking the question because I've used the C&D letter before and this has never been an issue.
drmgirl6, Just because you demand validation doesn't mean you can't be sued. A lawsuit is not considered continued collection activity. I think what the previous poster is driving at is the ca may feel with no means to communicate with you then there only recourse to get your attention is a lawsuit. Always remember that what a judge considers proof of a debt can be at a lot lower standard than what the Wollman letter would consider as proof.