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(Newbie) Recovering Credit Abuser

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by TeamSobaco, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. TeamSobaco

    TeamSobaco Active Member

    hello everyone I am brand new here and I have terrible credit due to being an idiot and 80% is the fault of my EX wife. I also haved paid this clown Bill Bauer $50.00 for what I feel was a "rip off" he wants to charge me $50.00 every month...for little or no contact....I sent out certified return recipt letters and they got back in just under 30 days....in other words took about a month just to send and return..I Live in the Caribbean.....so now this Bill Bozo wants more money to tell me the next step.....not a chance...I found you folks and was wondering if you all could help me for less money...Thanks talk with you soon.

    DOITMYSELF Well-Known Member

    You wont pay a dime here for the advice that you get from the people on this board. Also do a search for any topics you may think can help your situation if you still have questions feel free to ask there a plenty of helpful people on this board. Good luck

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    A clown???

    Good choice of words...
  4. TeamSobaco

    TeamSobaco Active Member

    Oh great now I find out that I should only dispute 4 entries at a time. The Creditwrench Bozo had me send letters out to all 12 derogitorries. I gues now the CRA will think I am playing frivirlously eh?
  5. TeamSobaco

    TeamSobaco Active Member

  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i wouldn't be overly concerned about it. just wait and see what happens. there are differing opinions on this and none have been proven scientifically. some people have had a lot of deletions by sending disputes all at one time.
  7. TeamSobaco

    TeamSobaco Active Member

    Ok so I have sent out the disputes and it is closing on the 30 day mark what is the next letter to send? Keep in mind I am confused because the Creditwrench Bozo got me all mixed up...WORST 50 BUCKS I ever threw away!!!!
  8. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    It depends on the the results, if some are deleted. great move on to the next one. but if they are verified, time for the validation letters. I am also a newbie and have to say read, read, read then read some more. Some of the vets on this board have made what I am trying to do go as easy as 1,2,3. So to them as always BIG UPS and thanks so much
  9. TeamSobaco

    TeamSobaco Active Member


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