Demand for return rent/sec dep help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Jul 25, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    LB- You have failed to miss my point again. I NEVER said that I was going to cloud his titles. Someone suggested that I do so. If you even scammed someone like this I would hope that you would have hell to pay. I have not yet heard anything back from him, tomorrow I will file.
  2. Igotarock

    Igotarock Well-Known Member

    Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with being vindictive, but sometimes that's the kind of threat you have to make to get a response. The landlord doesn't seem to be bothered by tying up someone else's money. I repeat, three months is inexcusable, especially if the place was immediately rented to someone else... I'm sure they got deposits from the new tenants. They have the money, they're just playing games because they can.
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

  4. ljones4521

    ljones4521 Well-Known Member

    Actually, they can. Once the judgement is entered then it will affect the landlord trying to get clear title as the judgement will pop up the next time he/she attempts to refinace or purchase.

    The judgement can also be placed against a particular property,but I wouldn't recommend this as wyou would have to wait for activity on that property. At any rate I say to the original poster......START YOUR SUIT. Fair exchange is no robberty. IF the landlord is unable to make the payment then he should make payment arrangements with you (add simple interest and admin fee if you negotiate one on one with the landlord). It's awful he is ignoring you.

    FYI: If you are a real estate investor you might want to consider holding deed in Trust. All of my properties are sheltered this way. No one...(Not even husband, mother and two children) know which properties I own or which properties I have an interest in. In fact the Federal Govt. doesn't know. The income doesn't detail where it comes from, just shows as income. As a matter of a fact my automobile is also held in Trust.
  5. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    UPDATE....My x-landlord just called me (NO, I am not kidding and it is almost 1:00 AM here). He is drunk and not happy with me. If only I would have been awake enough to turn the machine on to tape it. I need to reprint my suit, he is now making threats and harrasing me. Oh goodie this is going to be FUN!
  6. Mrei

    Mrei Well-Known Member

    file a police report as well..that will help the case,,

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