Came in last night from 15 day annual camping bliss and I don't know if it's possible to catch up on all the posts I missed -- I'm sure trying though. I could be mildly embarassed to admit that I missed you all while refreshing and recharging, but, I'm sure some of you understand the withdrawl symptoms LOL. The fondness is genuine however, odd as it may seem to some in the 3D world and I just wanted you to know that you were all missed and I'm enjoying catching up. Hi, my name is Sassy, and I'm a credit-net addict ;-) Sassy
boy, you missed some excitement over the weekend. those threads were unraveling and the keyboards were flying can someone post the primary threads so she can catch up? I suck at posting links. BTW, did you have a relaxing vacation? sounds wonderful, Maggie
I thought you were pulse? I guess not> I did miss the Saaassyynneess. Where'd you go campin at?Charlie
yeah, sassy, you missed the best troll baitin' weekend. PBM deleted all the threads...too bad as they were creditnetters at their finest! Anyway one of the trolls was named pulse...I think there are some threads from her early days 1 week ago. She was hysterical! So when you read all the pulse jokes that's who we're jokin' about! clc
Sassy, We missed you as well. How was camping? Hope you had a great time. Glad you're back. -Peace, Dave
Hey there, Butch!!!!!!!!! You hunka hunka manly stud, God of credit-netter testosterone (guess which thread I just finished reading?) LOL. Camping, my family and extended family and wanna-be family take over the same spot every year for the last 15 years -- The Arizona White Mountains, West Fork Campground, my slice of heaven on earth! The forests were all closed this year because of the fire and fire danger so I thought we'd have to go to Disneyland or something boring, but the Forest Service shocked us and opened the forest on the 13th, yeah! Sassy
Maggie, What a great idea, posting a summary! I'm still laughing at all the pulse-isms! And yes, thank you, I had a wonderful, relaxing time. The weather was cool and perfect and the campground was nearly empty except for family and friends. Sassy
sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy charlie ;-) I'm not or wasn't pulse, wishful thinking for you, thinking I'd been flatlined huh? LOL Sassy
Butch!!!!!!!!!!!! I forget your SNORT! lmao How can you claim the name butch and have no stamina? Sassy
lol clc, Thanks, I'm sorry I missed the pulse drama. Hmmmmm, maybe I can bribe pbm with some of butch's testosterone, what do you think? Sassy
(((((((((Dave)))))))))))), Camping was great, thank you! I'm glad you were here to keep the place sane ;-) Sassy
Sassy, we are sisters! How come you didn't invite me to go with you? Actually i was doing the same thing in California while you were camping in AZ. Feels good to have that break doesn't it? Glad you are back! Your sister, Lisa PS I was able to catch up on the pulse thing before it was all deleted. These credit netters are slick. They don't miss a thing. I must admit. She had me fooled for the first few posts! <<I'm embarrassed to admit that!>>
Sorry I didn't know you were going to be in my area. Would have tried to meet were so supportive during the fire. I bet you got rained on, didn't you??
Sassy, What does it look like up there (especially on the drive up?) I haven't been since the fire and I am afraid to go because I'd probably cry. I live in Scottsdale. Which way did you go? (60 or 260?)
Anything for Maggie Mae, or mae knot, as the case mae bee. The better threads were moved to the feedback forum and closed. Enjoy. It was a ho lotta fun... Welcome back Sass
(((((((SISTER LISA))))))), Well, I didn't invite you because I didn't know you were a happy camper like me, it's shocking to me that some don't like camping -- I should have figured you were though. We could have hammocked together!!!!!! Let's plan now for next year, you will love it, it is absolutely my slice of heaven on this earth! Where were you in California camping? on the ocean? I hope you had a great time and came back relaxed, I know I sure needed the break and yes it did feel great! GreyFox, I'm so sorry I didn't think to let you know, I would have loved to have met you. We'd cancelled some of our vacation time and kept praying and holding our breath that the forest would actually be open sometime this season, but, outside of hoping we didn't believe they would actually open it with as dry as everything still is and your fire having just been controlled and put out. The Forest was opened on the 13th and I started throwing things into the trailer and washing clothes. LOL, I've 4 kids, that is the biggest part of actually getting out the door to go anywhere, the laundry. Even when I think it is done it isn't. And yes it did rain on us, even hailed a few times! What great weather, I was needing a cool breeze and got just that. The camp host said right before we left that the area had received about 4 inches just since the forest re-opened. I tell you, I have a whole new appreciation for the remaining forest after watching that fire. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet this year, we go to the same spot every year about the same time too, mark your calendar for next year, I make a mean dutch oven cobbler ;-). Kristy, We take 260 and it is truly heart-wrenching. I didn't think it would be so emotional but it really was, for the kids and friends along too. It just seems so huge in spots that you can't conceive of it actually burning that large and then there's a patch of forest standing like an oasis in the middle of charred ground. We had a little side-tracking on the way up, my 12 year old daughter had a seizure and we spent our first night at Springerville Hospital. The seizure was from carbon monoxide poisoning and they kept my 8 year old overnight as well -- the rest of us just had minimal symptoms. We'd lost a tail pipe along the way, unbeknown to us :-(. Anyway, I'm droning on because as devastating as the landscape is, the people in those effected towns and cities are just incredible -- bending overbackwards to reach out to strangers, during the fire and for my family and I too. Amazing they are, genuine and sincere good people. Do go visit, have lunch, fill up your gas tank or something, OH this is credit related, LOL, use your credit card -- the merchants, hospital, gas stations, even the ambulence personnel all said the same thing, they are missing and needing their tourism bucks and figure they really won't feel the biggest impact until winter. Quixote, Thanks for the welcome and the link, I'd never have thought to look in the feedback forum. I caught up on the pulse postings, hmmmm, he/she was good for the posting stats if nothing else, lol. BTW, I'm swooooooooooooning over your new initials ;-). Thanks to all of you!!!!!!!! Sassy