I have a Citi Plat Select with a 17.5k CL and a near-zero balance. I was just approved for a Citi.You at 3k (toy). I was hoping for a line at least twice that so I could take advantage of a good BT offer. Can I have them take a few thou from my Plat CL and give it to this new card? RM
Yes. Citi will split the two limits if you call the reconsideration department. I was facing the same situation, however, I did not want my limits split. She offered to split the limit between the two cards instead of offering me a second card with a higher limit. Search the board for a contact number.
Went through regular customer service. They placed a request and then called me the next day and told me that it could not be done since the card is a Citi.You (odd charge/credit combination card). I'm gonna max it out with a BT, then go "overlimit" with my purchases (there's no preset spending limit) and pay down the purchases every month. After doing this for a few months, maybe Citi will get a clue that they aren't making any interest off me and bump up the CL. RM