JUDE60 is a troll!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by clc18940, Aug 3, 2002.

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  1. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    TROLL ALERT. TROLL ALERT! go back and read his 6 posts since June...highly entertaining!

    PUT out the traps and let's hogtie another stupid ca!

  2. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    There's another half dozen or so that I read with a very wary eye. I won't make the claim until or unless I'm darn certain. I don't worry, though. Life's too short to go around paranoid all the time. The lion's share of the time, we spend our efforts devising ways to force the bad guys to comply with the law. Regardless of how many flies they have on the wall, ultimately, when they interact with us, they will have to abide by the law, because we will not tolerate anything less, and, in fact, will punish them for their typical non-compliance. So, who gives a rip? Bring on the trolls!! Best entertainment around here since CreditMama. The laughs still haven't completely died down from that last fool.
  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I HIGHLY agree with you Quixote. This is one of the reasons that I have not posted in the story going on in another thread. If you ignore them, they go away. Regardless of if a person is seeking attention or they are a collector I am sure it makes their day when we add to the drama they being to the boards.
  4. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    I do not think they will go away...first because this board is so full of good information and second this board is so entertaining. While I could give a damn if they lurk till their eyeballs fall out I certainly am going to point out their posts that are full of inaccuracies so that new members will never mistake them for legits. The legit info is confusing enough for beginners...might as well filter the inaccuracies out from the get go...especially if they are slimeball ca'ers.


  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Don't even worry about it.

    These are low level employees. When they go to their boss and say "hey Creditnetters say this and this", the boss will say "Oh don't pay any attention to those people, they have no idea what they're talking about". LOL

    The people who are in a position to change things, don't want things changed.

  6. frencheese

    frencheese Well-Known Member

    Perhaps they could not spell "Judas" and hence the choice of the name "Jude"

    probably couldn't count to 666 either

  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Who cares? Not directed at you clc, but I don't care if the ca's and/or cra's are here or not...lol.

  8. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Trolls buy stuff from my site too. <===Shameless Plug
  9. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Thats ok. Shamless plugs are allowed sometimes :). I just find it odd that someone that has been here a month or so is pointing out trolls to "newbies" is all. Or have you been here before other another name?

    Really though CLC he is not the only one. There are many more. At least they post and figure out how dumb they really are. The ones that are silent lurkers are the smart ones. Either way this is an open board and as stated before maybe they will learn the correct way to do things. For some of us that is all that is asked.
  10. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    I'm not utterly delighted with this comment. First of all CLC didn't bust this Troll, I did. It matters not how long someone has been logged in here. What matters is what's going on between their ears. (Not to disparage those respected patriarchs).

    Secondly, we don't want them learning to do things the right way. We need all the violations we can get.

  11. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Damn, I don't understand why everythng on this board is always taken a different way then they were meant to be.

    I DID NOT SAY IT MATTERED HOW LONG SHE WAS HERE. I simply said that I thought that it was odd that she felt she needed to point this out to newbies and wondered if she had been here before.

    It really doesn't matter WHO decided this person was a troll. I don't care either way. I was giving you MY opinion on trolls, If you "busted" this person in another thread I missed it. I was replying to this one. I never said that any of you had to agree with me.
  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Ok Ok,


    I had to stick up for CLC because she posted the Troll alert because I private emailed her about it, so if anyone needs jumped it should be me.

    Just stickin up for a freind Ohno, you'd do the same.

  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    It isn't the correct reporting of an account that I object to, but if they are going to put it on a credit report and then sell it, all the while touting that what is contained in the report is a strong indicator of how a person pays their debts, they can da*n sure get it right. The fact that such a high percentage of credit reports contains errors, while our whole economy is based upon credit (and the financial community) to a large degree is frightening to me. I have trouble seeing how the financial community gets any benefits from pulling credit reports since a majority of them are incorrect.

  14. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Whoa guys. I read all of Jude's 5 posts and none of his remarks sound anything like a collector.
    It sounds like a young man who is confused and isn't quite sure of what he is doing. Mentioning the letter from City Hall a few other members on this board (Calmest LA?) received letters from City Hall, too. And the meeting with the lawyer still could very well be on August 6th, but they may have talked over the phone before then. I talk to lawyers (business questions, not collections) over the phone all the time and we discuss things and options before we actually are scheduled to meet.

    Let's be careful on who we consider troll material or not. We may be accusing people who are perfectly innocent. If their trolls they will be caught eventually.

  15. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    It's cool Butch. No hard feelings. I just thought I would clarify what I meant in my post. It was not interpreted the way that it was meant to be if you felt that you needed to stick up for your friend.

    BTW- I don't think that ANY of this persons posts sounded "trollish" to begin with. Anyone else care to comment?
  16. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Whyspers: Beautifully said! I'm applauding over here!

    Dani: I didn't pick up on this person being a troll either. And, I should know, my ex was a troll..I think one of the original seven trolls...founding member of Trolls-r-us! LOL

    Perception is everything, isn't it? One person's trash is another's treasure. One person's troll is another's fishing excursion.
  17. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Maybe they'll learn something. Evidently, they need to learn something, because they keep getting hammered in court. Let em troll. ;) Charlie
  18. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Oh Cmon you guy's lol

    No atty. on the planet would advise their client to do what Jude said he was told. Heck that's an invitation to a multi million dollar malpractice case.

    Great Point Whyspers :)
  19. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Maybe not, Butch (though I've seen some whacked out attorneys give some whacked out advice, LOL).

    Charlie: That's right. I'm sure they've been in and out since this awesome site started...just move right on and hope they learn something. I like that idea!
  20. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Ha!Ha!Ha! Believe me there are attorneys out there who do suggest stupid things like above. I have dealt with them. I can only assume, but I think the attorney's suggestion of pulling out the 401(K) was to show the court that the debtor tried paying off his debts...down to the last dollar. It would make the debtor "a good guy who was trying to do the best he can" and would probably make a Chapter 7 alot easier to get.

    Is it stupid advice? Yep. But, there are lots of stupid attorneys out there.

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