New thread - Need Checking Account

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MrTexas, Aug 2, 2002.

  1. MrTexas

    MrTexas Well-Known Member

    I have an acquaintance (thankfully it's not me this time) who has records with both Telecheck and Chexsystems. She is trting to pay them off but her boss is pressuring her to get set up with direct deposit. And you guessed it, she can't open a bank account because of the aforementioned reasons.

    I'm trying to find a bank for her locally (Houston, TX) because I've had nothing but bad luck with the so called "internet banks."

    Does anyone have any hints they'd care to share. Or a forgiving "second chance" bank?

    I've taken her around to multiple banks and got shot down every time (B of A, Wells Fargo, and Bank One).

    Note: to those of you who are wondering why this is posted in 2 threads, I thought this might be more apt to be read in it's own, clearly titled thread.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Some of the "LOCAL" banks here "LOOK THE OTHER WAY" for "MAJOR" business employees DIRECT DEPOSIT!!!

    Especially great for WAL*MART employees to bank with the DEPOSIT BANK for their store...
  3. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I have an account with the local credit union, does she have one available?

    If not she should just find a local bank and tell them of her circumstances.

    It is my understand that direct deposit will also work for savings accounts, I don't know but I do know of several people who do have direct deposit into their savings account.

    I wish you luck!

  4. jia-li

    jia-li Well-Known Member

    This is true. I know that every job Ive had always gives the option of having you deposit into a checking OR a savings account. It really depends more on what you want!

    To the poster, tell your friend GOOD LUCK! I wish him/her the best b/c I know that can be trying. While I havent had trouble with either of the aforementioned systems, I know that being rejected for some pitfall in your life can be dreary! Tell him/her to remain hopeful...

    Question: Why is her boss pressuring him/her to have direct deposit? I thought that was his/her own choice as to how money is received?
  5. MrTexas

    MrTexas Well-Known Member

    I will try these then, it's just kind of disheartening for me even when they say no.

    I know what she feels like though. I've gone through this as well, but only had problems with chexsystems, not both chex and telecheck.

    I'm hoping there's someone here from TX who has an answer.
  6. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    You're in luck! here is a list of "second chance banks in Texas" However it's best for your friend to call the bank manager and explain his situation, since it is done on a individual basis. Hope this helps!

    Abrams Centre National Bank
    Armed Forces Bank
    Bank Of Houston: (713) 529-4881
    BOK Financial
    Chase Bank of Texas
    Colonial Bank
    Compass Bank
    First Convenience Bank
    First National Bank of Texas
    Fort Sill National Bank
    Frost Bank
    National American Bank
    Southwest Bank of Texas
    SouthTrust Bank
    Union Planters Bank
    USAA Federal Savings
    Woodcreek Bank

  7. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Mr. Texas,

    There are about 14,000 Mutual Funds out there right now, many of which have "check writing privileges" and they don't check with CS. At least the funds I represent don't.

    Find a Broker you can trust and ask him/her. Don't be afraid to tell him the truth of the situation.

    If it were I, I'd tell the boss to kiss my a$$ and mail the damn check. But that's me.

  8. Myst

    Myst Member

    go visit

    as for banks try USAA, i have yet to hear of them turning anyone down based on chex record. not sure about telecheck. but i know if you pay telecheck, they will take you out of the system. as far as chex, they are by their own admission a cra and subject to fcra. in other words dispute just like you would the big 3.
  9. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Hey about a year ago i was in your shoes, a friend pointed me to a group called and they fought for chexsystem victims. This was email i got from them and bascially it depends on your time in chexsystem. How old is the info? I took this info and went to a few banks they still was hardnosed til i made them aware of the new mandates. I even took a copy of the article that appeared in the Wallstreet Journal. They immediately opened an account (BOFA)...let me know if you need the article

    Dear XXX,

    Greenlining has hosted two Chexsystems follow-up meeting since
    I have listed the changes in chexsystems policy by bank as a result of
    efforts. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

    Bank of America
    Oct. 2000: overrode 600 ChexSystems accounts throughout CA
    Nov. 2000: overrode 1200 ChexSystems accounts throughout CA
    Now looking at non-customers as potential customers
    Notifying employees: 10/3 = Emailed banking centers on new policy
    Maximum time in ChexSystems: 3 years
    One year if debt is repaid
    Result: tripling of approval rate
    Efunds will offer courses in the east, central, and west by January 1st

    Notifying employees: All managers can override ChexSystems if necessary
    Maximum time in ChexSystems: 2 years w/review after one year
    No penalty for extenuating circumstances such as loss of job or illness
    Threshold: Was $150, Is now $200
    Notice: 30 days, via phone
    Notice via written correspondence: 60 days
    Clients can have a review whenever they want at their own request

    U.S. Bank
    Maximum time in ChexSystems: Three years
    One year if debt is repaid
    Threshold: $100
    Notice: overdraft, continuous overdraft (5 days), continuous overdraft
    days), closed account (30 days), ChexSystems (3 weeks after closed

    Washington Mutual
    Notifying employees: 12/9 =Announced policies to whole company (8
    Maximum time in ChexSystems: 3 years
    One year if debt is repaid and letter from bank
    Threshold: $200

    Sanwa Bank
    Threshold: $100 (implemented three weeks ago)
    Business checking and retail checking rely on ChexSystems
    Using another Efunds system for Retail Checking

    Bank of the West
    Maximum time in ChexSystems: 3 years
    One year if debt is repaid

    Threshold: Was $25, is now $100
    Removed if paid in 90 days (was 30 days)
    Clarifying language of overdraft notice
    Still considering changes in maximum time in ChexSystems

    City National
    Notifying employees: end of November = announced to all line people and
    managers of policy changes
    Trying to include policy in training procedures and on-line manuals
    Maximum time in ChexSystems: 3 years
    One year if repaid debt
    Threshold: $200
    Not a lot of walk-ins, but 79 overrides since September 2000

    Union Bank
    Maximum time in ChexSystems: Piloted 3 year criteria in the past month;
    attracted 100 customers
    One year if repaid debt
    Notice: More disclosure
    Waiting for Efunds educational courses; looking for community-based
    to educate people in the west
    Cash N Save units deliver customized products for those in ChexSystems
    8,000 customers over the past five years

    Wells Fargo
    Will follow the Bank of America model or go beyond it

    In terms of ways you can become banked, I would advise you to talk with
    representative from one the banks named above, and see if your present
    circumstances fit that bank's new policy. And if you have difficulty
    opening an account, ask them what you would need to do to open an
    with their bank.

    Greenlining has decided that we will have an annual meeting with banks
    determine if they are adhering to their new chexsystems policies. So,
    anticipate a meeting this summer.
  10. MrTexas

    MrTexas Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. I'm going out of town on business today, but I'll pass the information along. Hopefully she'll have a checking account by the time I return.
  11. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member


    In order to utilize the banking aspects of USAA, not the CC, you have to have some type of military affiliation.

    So unless she has some military affiliation, she will not be able to access the banking options.

  12. frencheese

    frencheese Well-Known Member lists following banks for Texas:

    checks Equifax not ChexSystems:
    Colonial Bank (
    Pentagon Federal Credit Union (

    Bank Manager can approve if have letter "paid in full":
    Abrams Centre National Bank (
    BancorpSouth (
    BOK Financial Corporation (
    First Convenience Bank (
    South Trust Bank (
    Southwest Bank (
    Texans Credit Union (
    Union Planters Bank (

    No additional info:
    Compass Bank (
    Fort Sill National Bank (

  13. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    NONONO.. that's only for their insurance products!!!

    USAA will accept anyone into their banking side.. they'll give her a member number and she'll get a checking account and/or savings account with NO minimums to maintain... and they're incredibly customer service oriented..

    only downside: I think their only branches are in Tx and maybe in San Antonio??? anyway, she can call and get it this weekend ;) they're a great credit union.

    she can also later do a cd secured loan with no credit check and it reports to all 3 bureaus (5k min)...
  14. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Dear Marie,

    You and I talked about this some time ago. I tried to get a savings acct with USAA and they turned me down flat. I even told them my Dad was a member years ago and because they couldn't find his name they said nope.

    Maybe they've changed, but I wish I could'a got in.

  15. MrTexas

    MrTexas Well-Known Member

    Marie, I take it you bank with them? Or have?

    Also as far as a military affiliation, would 4 years in the Marine Corps work for them?
  16. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Compass might look the other way. I know they don't pull Chexsystems, but they pull Telechecks. Has she tried to dispute Chexsystems? Charlie
  17. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  18. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Also, banks with them. However, I never knew that they were open to the public.

    Thanks Marie, for the information. :)
  19. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member


    I don't know what to tell you. Yes, I do bank with them so my info isn't just theory. No, I have not one bit of military in me, I'm not married to someone in the military, and neither of my parents are/were in the military.

    I called and did the phone application for an account. they gave me a member number and set up the account for me. I don't remember how long ago we discussed this again, but if you're still interested then it's worth you calling again... ;)

    the no mins won me over ;) I'm so sick of service charge happy banks...
  20. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Maybe I should tell em you're my step sis.


    I'll try again. Maybe get a different person.

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