EXP hides old/deleted info!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by laurie33, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Yea, you're right. Handle this right and they can buy you your house.

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Look at the BIG BIG BIG! picture.

    This stuff doesn't scare these people in the least. If the entire country were to sue them tomorrow and win $BILLIONS they would just go to Congress and get approval to increase the cost of a cr from $8 to $20 in need be. They don't care, it's just a "pass through" expense.

    Congress will be all too happy to ablige too. All the Lobbyist's need are some Rolex Watches, $2,000 Italian, silk suits and an appt. with Senator Torecelli.

    Sorry :(
  3. karak

    karak Well-Known Member

    I also think they are selling these hidden/deleted files also. I had 4 mysterious accounts and an incorrect address that were once on my Experian report ( and no where else) deleted from EXP some timew ago suddenly appear on my Trans Union report (incorrect address too) all showing as being reported since 1996 when thay never were on my TU report ever. Pretty fishy if you ask me.

  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    This is a matter of routine. The CRA's communicate with ea. other all the time. They just never seem to share GOOD info., only bad.
  5. karak

    karak Well-Known Member

    Is that legal? I thought they had to certify the information is correct.

  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Excellent point.

    The original CRA can't repost without the certification. But with regard to CRA1 transmitting to CRA2, there may be many more layers of complication.

  7. karak

    karak Well-Known Member

    Is there any code that pertains to this situation. I mean if a CRA can just share info ( especially hidden or deleted information) with another CRA isn't there some law thay have to follow to verify the information is correct? It seems it would be illegal for them to report it was "reported on a certain date" ets when the information was not truly reported at all. this is worse than re-insertion by the same CRA. I don't even know how to fight this one.

  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately Kara,

    This may be the toughest battle of them all. Mainly because you're now dealing with VERY internal stuff. All the CRA's protect each other.

    You amost have to have a spy INSIDE the CRA to sneak out documents.

    Not to mention the fact that the law requires them to communicate with ea. other.

    Oh brother - LOL
  9. karak

    karak Well-Known Member

    what law requires they communicate with each other? And do you thin I should even tyr to fight it?

  10. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Maybe we (the citizens of this country) are too passive in our participation of the running of this country. These congressmen work for us. I for one am getting sick of getting kicked around!!
  11. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The only thing I can find so far about cra's sharing info is in rule 611 of the FCRA.

    (D) Automated reinvestigation system. Any consumer reporting agency that compiles and maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis shall implement an automated system through which furnishers of information to that consumer reporting agency may report the results of a reinvestigation that finds incomplete or inaccurate information in a consumer's file to other such consumer reporting agencies.
  12. karak

    karak Well-Known Member

    What does that mean exactly? I keep reading it over and over and am confused.

  13. Melvina

    Melvina Well-Known Member

    Am I reading this right? The CRA must provide the results of an investigation to all other CRA's?
  14. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about that - doesn't it say "MAY provide ...."

  15. Melvina

    Melvina Well-Known Member

    So it does - wishful Freudian thinking on my part - hey it started with an "M".
  16. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    That's it LKH,

    That's all they need.
  17. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    After thinging about it for several months, I decided to go shopping yesterday for a new Jeep. Dealer #1- (hereby know as TU dealer) Our TU reports are both totally clean so I'm thinking, no problem. WRONG. They did come up clean, but the scores were 100 points lower that what I get. This put me in the lower tier for a lease. Anna throws fit #1. TU dealer's financial genius is stumped. How can someone with perfect credit have this low of a score? I figure it had something to do with inquiries and new accounts, but 100 points? Well, I didn't have time to educate him, so I walked out ranting and raving something about this being un-acceptale, and something about BS. (It was all a blur at this point) I heard him saying he would see what he could do, he'd call me on Monday, yak, yak, yak. So it's on to dealer #2 (hereby know as the EQ dealer) We only have one ding on EQ, so I figure the score may come in higher that the TU, since there's not many inquiries on it. So the EQ dealer pulls it and low and behold, the one remaining ding has been deleted apparently within the last couple of days. Great, you say. WRONG There are now 7 med collections, 1 eye Dr collection, and 1 charge-off re-inserted after being deleted. These do not show on my reports, the last on dated July 26. Anna throws fit #2. The financial guy (nicer than at TU dealer) says if I bring in the paperwork on the deletions, they can re-score it and raise me up a tier or two. I hope, cause I'm getting this car. I don't care. I'm getting this car. Lower tier, upper tier, I'm getting this car. But if it's lower tier, people will pay. Perhaps EQ would like to pay for half of it. $9000 in violations would be a nice start. Anna returns home, still fuming. There's a message on the answering machine from the TU dealer. He "has news for me." I have news for him! I'll make him wait, then call him back. The game is on!
  18. karak

    karak Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your car shopping fiasco. That is awful! It appears our efforts can prove worthless if we have stuff deleted for it to reappear someplace else and to also think we are "clean" to see the "real" credit reports when we go to get a loan. I just can't believe it!

  19. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The original CRA can't repost without the certification. But with regard to CRA1 transmitting to CRA2, there may be many more layers of complication.

    Might be a good way to sue them both.


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