Re: where is Doc? Dear Maggie, No I did not make JohnM and dreamgrl's ceremony as I have much more important world shaking things to do with the minutes of my day than to indulge in stale cake. These kinds of activities damage a great thinker intellect such as mine. Thank you for mentioning the efforts of one of my favorite hobbies...architecture. I did indeed submit my plans for the new WTC. I worked for minutes on the damned thing and my efforts have been rewarded by being nominated as one of the design finalists. Of course I must also give credit where credit is due...thanks to my no profit paractice of psychiatry (am closing my office down today) I have been able to afford in the last couple of days the time and expense of many trips to Japan. While there I dined many times with I.M.Pei who is a close and dear friend. It was with his 60 second advice and encouragement that I submitted my unique design for the new WTC. Let me touch on the winning aspects of my design. As we all know there is now a real fear of living and working in skyscrapers. My empathetic design addresses this very issue as my towers do not go up but rather down. Yes you've got it...107 stories of basement. Imagine the joy and relief of the people who have fear of heights. The utilization of sparse and expensive real estate is also very nicely addressed in my one-of-a-kind design. Whilst it might not add much to the skyline of downtown NY I have included in my design the permanent fixture of the "tower of lights". I mean this was a damned fine idea...with ConEd's discounting of the utility bills for this I think I may have a winner here. After spending 1 1/2 seconds studying your latest post Maggie I can only say "Get thee to Hazelden" as this constant obsessing over JohnM is ruining your life. When you can finally see the difference between a realy manlyman such as Butch and a shyster two-timin' manlyman like JohnM your rehab will be a success. Here's to a successful recovery! clc m.d. AIA
Re: where is Doc? NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE COMPLAINT Dear Sir/Madame: This letter shall serve as formal Notice of my Intent to file a Complaint with the FTC, due to your blatant disregard of the law. As indicated by the attached copies of your posts and mailing receipts, you have been delivered by registered mail dispute letter, dated 8/03/02 1:46Pm EST. As of this moment (1:47Pm EST), you have not done your duty mandated under the law. Your inaction in this matter is inexcusable, and your disregard for the law is contemptible. Rest assured, I will hold you to account. As you are well aware, federal law requires you to respond within 30 seconds, yet you have failed to respond. Failure to comply with these federal regulations is investigated by the Federal Trade Commission (see 15 USC 41, et seq.). I am maintaining a careful record of my communications with you on this matter, for the purpose of filing a complaint with the FTC should you continue in your non-compliance. I further remind you that, as in Pulse v. CreditNet., No. 02-6445 (C.D.Cal. Aug, 8 2003), you may be liable for your willful non-compliance. For the record, the following information is being erroneously included in your posts: 1. The status of my manliness. 2. An incorrect reference to my "two-timed ness". I am actually good for 3 or 4 times. See attached affidavits from: (a) Dream Girl 6 (b) Maggie75 (c) Pulse (d) My next-door neighbor, Mrs. Robinson 3. Listing occupation as "Shyster", although I am a graduate of Harvard Law School, I am not a practicing attorney, I am gainfully employed as a restaurateur and credit consular. If you do not immediately remove this inaccurate and incomplete information, I will file a formal complaint with the FTC. Furthermore, I intend to seek redress in civil action, for recover of both damages, costs, and attorneys fees, and a trip to China, should you continue in your deliberate obstruction of the law. For this purpose, I am carefully documenting these events, including the lack of response REQUIRED under law from you. You are further directed to supply a corrected post to all boards who have received a copy within the last 6 minutes , or the last 2 hours for employment purposes or marital consoling. Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each board or other subscriber. Under federal law, you had 30 seconds to complete your re-investigation, yet you have failed to respond. Your continued delays are inexcusable. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within 15 seconds of the completion of your re-investigation. Sincerely, JohnM, PHD, MIA, DDT, DMV, ESPN II SS # 123-45-6789
Re: where is Doc? Dear Mr. JohnM, I read your "intent to file complaint" letter with much interest. It seems you think you have a cause of action under the FTC but you are sadly mistaken. I have reviewed the relevant FTC acts and find no citation that would support your claims. In my extensive study of the law (the last 60 seconds) I will opine that you might have a cause of action for libel. Of course cyber publication and print publication are not one and the same. For cyber publication I would refer to the complaint filed in Suarez v Meek. While this case settled before it came to trial the references to cyber publication re:libel are most interesting. In closing I would like to add "if the shoe fits WEAR it! clc m.d.,FACP, AIA. jd2b(by 4pm EST time)
Re: where is Doc? NOTE FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Ms clc18940, Surely you know I do not want to file suit against you, but it is my right under the law. The final determination of this suit is not up to you or I, rather we leave that to the court. It is up to you to respond to my complaint when filed in a court of law; failure to do so leaves you open to a judgment being entered against you. I was hoping that you would prefer to settle this without long drawn out and expensive litigation. In a spirit of compromise I offer the following settlement terms. I will cease all legal actions against you on this matter. I will withdraw or refrain from any further suits, complaints, and administrative actions regarding this matter. You will immediately provide for complete deletion in all repositories of the disputed information as outlined in my previous letter. You will cease & desist all legal actions regarding these items. If these terms are not accepted within 3 seconds suit will be filed in the US District Court in Puerto Rico. (A very pro-consumer venue I might add). I await your response. JohnM Cc. Shady & Shady, PC
Re: where is Doc? Caro Senor JohnM, Si eres tan estupido a confiar en los jueces de puerto rico entonces vaya con dios mi amigo porque tendras que necesitar todo el suerte posible. No voy a retractar nada que he dicho. Tal vez tengas una molestacion pero yo lo dudo. Tengo muchas ganas a confrontarte enfrente de un juez...preparate bien porque soy muy inteligente y muy estudiado en la ley. Hasta la vista. Dr. clc, AIA. jd2b
Re: where is Doc? Hola el clc, Como soy seguro que usted está enterado, Inglés del ms es el lenguaje offical de Puerto Rico. Por favor usted él en sus respuestas a mi pleito. Sinceramente, Sr. JohnM (hombre muy de hombres)
Re: where is Doc? Thank God for Maggie's quick thinking. It was her call to the FBI that ultimately resulted in my dramatic rescue! Doc
Re: where is Doc? Doc !!! I am so relieved. My intuition told me that only a kinapping could have kept you off the Board for such an extended period of time. I know that those minutes seemed like hours, and hours seemed like days, and days like weeks.....all in Pulse time, of course. So happy that you are safe and sound,
Re: where is Doc? Like the morning after a party that got out of control, spilled out into the streets, disrupted traffic, caught innocent bystanders in the crossfire, and was made into an episode of COPS when it was broken up by riot police with german shepherds, I guess we now have to face a lot of unanswered questions. I notice I've got all these wierd initials after my screen name. I don't remember those... What's up with that? Why is Doc lying over in the corner? Who were those flirty women? Well, I guess I gotta start scrubbing on all these initials and slogans. I hope they come off.
Re: where is Doc? And most of all, and I do mean most of all; Who is that fat lady singing? It isn't, no... it can't be... I think I heard something <<<clanging>>> it? Is it CreditMama???
to Quixote and JohnM JohnM is correct, AFG = A FLIRTY GIRL Since I didn't add on a slew of tags during the PulseDrama, I think I'll keep mine for a while, kind of makes me smile thinking about all those flying keystrokes BTW, true Flirty Girls are always "Girls" no matter the actual age