JUDE60 is a troll!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by clc18940, Aug 3, 2002.

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  1. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    Applaud, Applaud. Great post.

    In regard to Jude's not responding I have to agree with whyspers, he is probably terrified. A few have stated that he should defend himself...what for? There is already doubts in people's minds. Will he be accused more? Many of us have been considered as trolls (or being alleged as someone else entirely), myself included, at one time or another. It hurts and you feel self defeated because you don't know who is buying into the lie and accusation.

    As for someone's reply (clc?) on if he were innocent he would defend himself, didn't Pulse try defending herself? And we all knew she wasn't innocent.

    The method to this madness is a troll is more likely to defend themself, while an innocent poster will slip quietly away. More likely going to other boards and receiving horrible and inaccurate advice.

  2. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    I'm with you KHM, Dani, and Whyspers!

    I think maybe we've all got a slightly overinflated collective sense of self importance.

    In the grand scheme of things, we're what, 2500 or so members (optimistically- probably more like 200-300 participating "regulars"). Out of what, 10-20 Million people (my wild guess) who have debt problems and regularly deal with slimeball collectors? This board, while wildly, almost miraculously helpful to those of us who have taken full advantage of the information freely available, is a pimple on a flea's ass relative to the junkyard dogs of the collections industry.
  3. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    You are a lot of fun to read. :) (I'm being serious -- this was not sarcasm. You are an eminently colorful writer who I've always enjoyed.)

  4. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Thanks Doc!

    I consider that high praise indeed.
  5. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Sorry to all that don't....but I agree. God I love America.
  6. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    I'm with Butch on this one. Of course all this talk on poor little jude60 being too intimidated to post on his defense is complete baloney as far as I'm concerned(a borrowed legal and/or medical opinion from p-doc on another thread)...but from now on I will leave it to the so called creditnet experts to out the trolls...when I have my doubts or I fall off my chair in laughter at an outlandish post (like cashing in an exempted asset in anticipation of bk) I will keep quiet and only just share it in private emails with my credit net friends. I'm sure if we all do this the creditnet board will progress amazingly.

  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    What is so outlandish about it? I didn't know the difference???

    How would you like it if the "regulars" started questioning you? Afterall you've only been here a month or so. Would it be fair for us to assume and accuse you of covering up your trollness by outing anyone new that asks a question YOU think is outlandish???

    The only thing that is disrupting this board is this thread. If you think Jude60 is a troll, "alert" PBM and let him be the judge.
  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Butch and clc,

    I must disagree, ignorance shouldn't make you a troll.

    It's not against the law to give or take stupid advice, heck, it's not even against the law to be stupid.

    Don't you watch the world's stupidist criminals show? ;-)

    God forbid we should be afraid to ask questions for fear of being labelled dumb or a troll -- if we thought the question was dumb, my common sense tells me we wouldn't post it.

    I worry more about those posters posting to fluff their self-esteem and senses of self-righteousness and self-promoted guru status.

    True trolls quickly go away on their own when their demented attempts for attention and perpetual drama aren't met.

    The collectors can lurk all they want, the infamous this board has eyes thread confirms they do. Once they start being concerned with doing their jobs correctly instead of what we're typing, they'll go away too -- we'd not have an active board or legitimate dispute mechanism if they elevate themselves to the lawful requirements of their profession.

    And finally, he's the BK post of Jude's:

    "We went to lawyer to start bankruptcy. I quit my job and went on SSD in March. I have $2,000 in a 401k that he said that I should just cash it out. Will that be considered income and that the money should go on bills? Isn't 401k's exempt? I forgot to ask him and would like to know. Do I report that I received a check?"

    Reads like a regular hard-working joe question to me; someone who's contemplating bankruptcy because of life circumstances -- obviously not a BK player taking advantage of the system that he surely isn't familiar with. That's what you pay BK attorneys for, advice, if you've never filed BK before, why would you know a thing about it?

    Someone misread or took liberty with the interpretation of the post which seems to have led to the troll label. Jude doesn't say the BK lawyer told him to cash out 401k and use it for bills -- whoever decided that's what it meant needs to read the question again.

    The question Jude needs to ask his BK attorney is why he is recommending that it be cashed out -- no matter whether we think it is sound financial advice or not.

    However, it seems to me that perhaps the cash out recommendation didn't have anything to do with paying bills, but a way for Jude to access cash that he likely won't be accumulating again without employment.

    $2,000 bucks won't get you very far in a retirement account -- compounding and aging computations aside; not everyone rolls over monetarily minimal retirement accumulations in employer funds, especially when immediate living concerns, like food and electricity, are present.

    He quit his job and went on social security.

    He had a consultation with a BK attorney.

    He has 2,000 bucks in a 401k that the attorney recommended he cash out for unknown reasons.

    Maybe instead of deciding that ignorance does a troll label make, we should remember the tone of this board -- instead of becoming elitist and label-Gods, and give him some better advice or options -- he's either not getting advice and more important, options, or not understanding what he is getting.

    Should posts become a confirmed troll status -- pbm takes care of that straight away. No doubt he'll let us know if he needs help deciding troll status.

    I think this board has always been near saintly patient and graciously accomodating with newbies learning the process or with oldies treading in new water -- I for one, hope that isn't changing.

    If asking a dumb question, being ignorant of a subject, learning about something for the first time, learning something new, teaching an old dog new tricks, or learning about something through the school of hard knocks makes someone a troll -- well, ban me now, I'm the first to admit I'm not all-knowing and all-seeing on all topics and all subjects, in fact, if any of us were my bet is this isn't the message board we'd be hanging out at.

    Lesson: Let pbm decide who is and who isn't a troll. If we can't answer a question without making another feel stupid for having asked it, then, do your brother a favor and don't answer at all.

  9. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Nicely said sassy.

  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Amen, amen, amen!!!!! This is the best post of the year. Thank you, sassyinaz.

    clc- you are completely out of line, particularly for someone who just started posting yourself.
  11. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Wow Sassy, I had to take in a deep breathe after reading that one. I don't think any of us could have said it better!!!
  12. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I had not read Jude's bk post, but now part of it has been posted, I would like to point out that up to $2,500 cash on hand *is* exempt...as are other items. $30 for a watch, up to $4,500 (I think...don't recall off the top of my head) for a car, $10,000 in a homestead exemption, and there are others. I didn't find his comments that far out. Maybe I'm still missing it.

  13. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    This came from clc in one of her first posts. I think that if I picked through ANY other members posts I would find something strange there, Sometimes when we have NO IDEA what we are doing things sound weird.

    I even looked through some of my old posts, if someone was looking for a troll they may think I was.

    Some other people say things that I find very hard to believe, be it HUGE lines of credit or just some random ass story. CLC just from the first few posts from you one could assume you were even a troll...first you say that you have been on full disability since the 90's and now you are a paralegal. Now I am sure I could have easily missed the posts where you talk about returning to work, but maybe you get my point.

    Either way I will be superwoman if you want, just lets all keep working together to help eachother do what we all came here to do.

    BTW- This was a great post...

  14. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I am someone who happens to like just about everybody on this board, including clc, and butch. But I do caution against bringing all the case law into this and trying to interpret it without the advice of a competent legal professional. Attorney's go to school for several years to learn how to do this. But, I do think reading the FDCPA and the FCRA is a good idea. It's pretty self explanatory but ask questions about what you don't understand. I know this was a bit off topic but i thought it should be mentioned only because i've seen BUTCH do it several times. Again no offense..just be careful.
  15. clc18940

    clc18940 Well-Known Member

    I think quoting things about me out of context is a mean and malicious thing to do in a public post. Yes on one of my earliest post I told milkmom about me being on full disability in 1992...which I was...in mid 1993 I was fully employed once again. That was the thread which when I was a complete newbie that I contributed some $$s like many others to help milkmom during a crisis in her life. I am still in contact with milkmom and try in private emails to keep her spirits up during her continuing tough times. Pretty troll-like behavior dontcha' think.

    And of course my recent thread dissecting the new bk reforms and warning people to read and understand the new laws was also so troll like I'm surprised pbm didn't just whisk me away to troll hell for my luciferific dissertation.

    Just because someone is new to creditnet does not mean that they begin their membership as brain deads. I will put my knowledge and professional experience in bk and tax laws up against any member on this board. I thought that was what this board was about....sharing experiences and knowledge. Now it seems more about who posts the most. I happen to believe that the quality of one's posts are more important than the quantity...but as a troll I'm sure I'm wrong on that account as well.

    I think what is more intimidating here is new people who have knowledge in a particular area being "flamed" or attacked because their membership doesn't date back to the year of the flood. On a recent thread "when should I file for bankruptcy" that newbie was given some good advice coupled with some harsh criticisms. The harsh criticisms didn't intimidate him not to return and post. So I think the theory about "newbie intimidation" just does not hold water.

    I feel I am no more "out of line" than the majority of people on this board. I also still believe jude60 was/is a fake as not only is cashing out an exempt asset foolish and dumb...but it is also a fraudelent activity 90 days before filing for bk and no bk atty would advise a client to do that without risking a malpractice suit and a contempt of court action if discovered and proven his client did that on his advice.

    I've said my peace...as far as I'm concerned this thread is officially DEAD for me.

  16. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    "I think quoting things about me out of context is a mean and malicious thing to do in a public post"


    Yes, on one of my earliest post I told milkmom about me being on full disability in 1992...which I was...in mid 1993 I was fully employed once again. That was the thread which when I was a complete newbie that I contributed some $$s like many others to help milkmom during a crisis in her life.

    THAT IS GREAT. I am glad that you helped her and think that was very kind of you.

    "I am still in contact with milkmom and try in private emails to keep her spirits up during her continuing tough times. Pretty troll-like behavior dontcha' think."


    "And of course my recent thread dissecting the new bk reforms and warning people to read and understand the new laws was also so troll like I'm surprised pbm didn't just whisk me away to troll hell for my luciferific dissertation. "


    "Just because someone is new to creditnet does not mean that they begin their membership as brain deads. I will put my knowledge and professional experience in bk and tax laws up against any member on this board. I thought that was what this board was about....sharing experiences and knowledge. Now it seems more about who posts the most. I happen to believe that the quality of one's posts are more important than the quantity"


    "I think what is more intimidating here is new people who have knowledge in a particular area being "flamed" or attacked because their membership doesn't date back to the year of the flood."


    "I feel I am no more "out of line" than the majority of people on this board. I also still believe jude60 was/is a fake as not only is cashing out an exempt asset foolish and dumb...but it is also a fraudelent activity 90 days before filing for bk and no bk atty would advise a client to do that without risking a malpractice suit and a contempt of court action if discovered and proven his client did that on his advice. "



    I could honestly care less if you have been here since the dinosaurs, my comments have NOTHING to do with you being new. I simply DISAGREE with you and was trying to make a point with that post. Obviously you missed it. Perhaps that is why I am an artist not a writer :)

    Talk to PBM if you want this thread closed. They don't just close because someone's feelings get hurt. It wasn't my intention at first. Now you have just ticked me off. You read and see things the way you want to see them. I never once called you a troll and really think that you once again took my post wrong. I am not going to appologize for my opinion on your posts now or ever. I have read every word that you have said here in this thread. I suggest that you do the same before you go off again.
  17. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I have to chime in...I tried to hold out as long as I could...but...

    Jeez, y'all need to get out in the fresh air a bit.

    Take a respit from the bits and bytes of CreditNet and get back into the real world for a while...the sun will do you wonders. It is summer...time to enjoy life and relax a little...come winter then you can return to the bitterness.

    As far as things go, this is pretty minor (unless you are Jude I guess).

    NO MATTER WHAT WE THINK OR ESPOUSE this has GOT to stop...it is REALLY and TRULY scaring off legitimate new posters and is TOTALLY uncalled for...no matter what you think of Jude or other "trolls".

    Everyone of us regulars has got to stop jumping to any conclusions and just return to WHY we are all here...to help one another and ourselves with credit problems...not to police the Internet and bust trolls.

    At least that is why I am here, maybe some others are here for the upcoming episode of "COPS ON CREDITNET".

    I doubt seriously that Jude has damaged anything on CreditNet nor could he/she if they tried. Nor could 10 Jude's...100.

    As for trolls, if they think they are posting inane questions to waste my time, they are not. If they were I would stop. It is that easy.


    If you ask me if I feel sorry for them, I do.

    If you ask me whether I will keep checking this thread no matter how many times it pops to the top of the list...I will.

    But then if you ask me if it was Jude or the other 50 responders to this thread that have wasted my time...I think the answer is obvious. Jude only took about 30 seconds out of one of my days.

    Back to more interesting issues....JMO

    -Peace, Dave
  18. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    "I think I'll go outside for a walk now"
  19. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Brady Bunch circa 1972 (or so)
  20. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

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