I have 2 Capital One accounts. One perfect, one not so perfect. On one account I have a 30 day late from 9/01. I have talked to Mr Cooke by phone with no luck. This is my most recent late. Can anyone suggest anything else? disputed with the CRA's (thanks for playing try again) Mr Cooke (not exactly) I am trying to purchase a house, and this derog is really holding me (my score) back. I am sure someone has the silver bullet, that will put this 30 day late to rest. tix
I'm not a Capital 1 pro, but have you tried to call the 800 # and plead with a CSR? Sometimes they have a little understanding. Charlie
Charlie The CSR stated that she would sent off a request to another department. Said they would let me know by the 24th of this month. I need a backup plan. tix
Have you tried to send a "goodwill" letter to mr. cooke via Planetfeedback. I have heard others say that Cap1 was one of the creditors that responded well to goodwill letters.
Yep, I sent a goodwill letter through PFB. After he denied my request, I called him and was denied again. Does anyone know another approach that will work? tix
I sent a goodwill letter to Customer Relations via snail mail. What worked for me is that I emphasized my long history with Cap 1 (8 years) and the measures I am taking to prevent future late payments (online payments, Paytrust autopay, etc.). I had two 30-day lates from 1999. Three weeks later I got a letter from a customer service rep informing me that they would be off my reports. Could they be sticklers about it because the late pay is only a year old? Good luck.
Well, just got off the phone with Mr Cooke. I asked him to reconsider his position. That did not work. He did give me a CL increase on both of my cards. MC $200 to $800 and V $500 to $700. (Longer history on the MC) As for now, I am still looking for a way to have that late pay removed. Capital One, do you hear me now?, do you hear me now? do you hear me now? tix
Send this document and highlight the part where a Capital One manager testifies before congress about the special waivers it was granting on late payments due to September 11 when mail service was disrupted. State that your payment was disrupted and you have found out about this notation on your credit report, and you do not wish to suffer for something that was not your fault, and are happy to find that Capital One was so commited to a partiotic response after September 11. That you learned some good new information about their company and hope that they will do the right thing about their reported late payment from you and correct it. http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/bank/hba76183.000/hba76183_0.htm (around page 14-16- also highlight other testimony about late fees being waived on request from others)
Rooms, How in the heck did you find this? After two calls to Mr Cooke, this maybe what I need. What do you think is the best wat to approach this. Do I try to get this to Mr Cooke, or should I try someone else there? Thanks for a great link! tix
As he has heard your strory, I would try someone new. I found it by doing a few google searches to try to find articles about the mail delays and late fees caused by 9/11