Experian "not enough info" crap

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mommy2cats, Aug 5, 2002.

  1. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    I'd like to hear from others who have gotten a letter ffrom Experian saying that they could not "process your request with the information provided."

    It feels like a definite delaying tactic. For those who have gotten that - what was your response? What happened?

    Mine was in response to a specific detailed dispute of several items that obviously are wrong on my report, after being verified from prior disputes. (i.e. how can an account be reported before opened and other jewels......)

  2. scout

    scout Well-Known Member

    Wow, I just got one from Experian yesterday. (10 days after I sent my dispute)

    My dispute was very clear (it was for an account that was a duplicate). I sent another letter today regarding this to them. We'll see what happens.

    However, I think this is another way for them to call your dispute frivolous. (look at the FCRA section dealing with frivolous disputes)
  3. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member

    Are you going to send the requested info?

    Geesh, how can they call this frivilous? Well, I know they DO say junk like that - but the things I disputed are pretty clearly wrong. I'm thinking they are just hoping I won't respond so they don't have to do their work! (it's also clear that some of the verifications weren't really done)

  4. SK

    SK Well-Known Member

    I think I recieved a letter similar to what you are describing. Exp said that they could not conduct an investigation because I had not specified "why" the information was incorrect. I had been very specific as to what info was incorrect and on what account. I had even provided them with the correct info. Their response could only be a delay tactic. Since I did not report the info, how the hell am I supposed to know WHY it's wrong on my report?

    I sent another strongly-worded letter about that, stating that the info I had provided was perfectly adequate and by not investigating they were in violation of the FCRA...and IT WAS IGNORED! There is no doubt in my mind that they are breaking the law. I finally disputed online a couple of weeks ago, and they now list the account as in dispute. I'm debating my next move, because it has been about 6 weeks since I sent the first letter, and they claim that the investigation will not be concluded until Aug 21.
  5. scout

    scout Well-Known Member

    I took the same route you did. Sent them another letter (today) with the original letter. I even highlighted the relevant sections in the original letter when I attached it to the new letter. I also stated that this did not restart the 30 day clock.

    Perhaps, when they get a lot of disputes, they just randomly do this as a delaying tactic, since they probably can't get all of the investigations done whithin the 30 days. It could be their way of ignoring the 30 days while still staying "legal". We'll see though...
  6. Mommy2cats

    Mommy2cats Well-Known Member


    Sorry... I still want to hear what others have done with this type of thing from Experian. I'm deciding whether to comply or just do a suit. I'm thinking I should attempt to comply as it might look worse to a judge. Of course the fact that they have DETAILED info doesn't matter to Experian - I think it's just a delay tactic. There's no question that this is NOT frivilous - have some GOOD back-up and proof.

  7. mysti_summ

    mysti_summ Well-Known Member

    The same thing happened to me. I sent my dispute certified mail on July 22. Received a letter in the mail stating that "The item listed could not be investigated because you did not tell us why it is inaccurate." I got that on 8/3. August 5, I disputed on line as not mine. Now it shows being in dispute and they have until 9/4 to respond. Does it now go by the second date?

  8. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    I sent a letter to them from the orginal creditor showing the account was closed with a 0 balance , they say now that it needs to be signed, they cant accept it, they are a big pain in the ass!!

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