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Easiest Cards to get with High Util

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Cybertrave, Aug 6, 2002.

  1. Cybertrave

    Cybertrave Active Member

    Ok hereâ??s the story I have a Sears and Macyâ??s store card both with interest rates that are at 21%. I would like to get another card with a lower interest rate that I can transfer the balances to but I am very close to the limits on most of my other cards. I tried to do the Citi trick with the AA card that I read about on here but was denied even after reconsideration due to high utilization. I applied for and received a Chase Visa and Sears MasterCard in the last month. They havenâ??t even shown up on my reports yet. When I applied for the Sears MasterCard I had been hoping to get the lowest Sears MasterCard rate which is 13% and combine the line from that with my Sears Store Card so I would have a lower rate but I ended up getting the same rate as My store card and they told me that I canâ??t combine them. The Chase Card I am happy with. It has an introductory 0% rate for a year but the limit isnâ??t very high. When I called and asked them to raise the limit so I could transfer the Sears and Macyâ??s balances over there they said no. I know I could move the Macyâ??s and part of the Sears Card to the Chase card but I really donâ??t want to run that up to the limit. I want to stop wasting the money on interest and have more going towards the balance. Iâ??m assuming since I got approved for the Chase and Sears MasterCard with over 90% of my available credit being used that there are probably some other companies that would also be willing to issue me cards. My Equifax Score is 623 it was over 700 in June but I recently bought a car and have 6 inquires from looking for lower interest rate cards. My TU scare was 680 as of last week and I have fewer inquiries over there so I would prefer a card that pulls TU or Experian. My Experian score is 676 as of today. I have no derogatory or late payments on any of my reports. Experian lists my negative factors as

    · The outstanding balances on your accounts are greater than the average in your credit category

    · The total credit extended to you across your bankcard accounts is less than the average in your credit category

    · Two or more applications for credit made in the last two years

    None of my current Cards will raise my limits any more because they say Iâ??m using too much of my current credit. So I canâ??t transfer the balances there. After the Sears MasterCard and Chase card show up on my reports that should make my utilization closer to 65% so that might help.

    I currently have
    Capital One MasterCard - Limit $400.00 Balance $0.00 Interest 13%
    AT&T Universal Card - Limit $1600.00 (Recently Increased from $1100.00) Balance 1100.00 Interest 7.99%
    Sears Store Card - Limit $1210.00 Balance $1150.00 Interest 21%
    Macyâ??s Store Card - Limit $500.00 Balance $300.00 Interest 21%
    Capital One Visa Card - Limit $1000.00 Balance $800.00 Interest 9.9%
    Citibank Dividend Platinum Select MasterCard - Limit $2100.00 Balance $2050.00 Interest 7.99%
    Chase Visa - Limit $1100.00 Balance 150.00 (Transferred from Cap1 MasterCard) Interest 0.0 for a year.
    Sears MasterCard â?? Limit $500.00 Balance 0.00 Interest 21%

  2. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    I also have high usage and was recently approved for boa they pulled transunion, Im in ca they have a 2% blance tranfer rate for 12 months, good luck, Pam
  3. Cybertrave

    Cybertrave Active Member

    Thanks for responding so quickly. If you applied online were you approved instantly. I hate the suspense of waiting. Are our scores comparable and if you don't mind me asking how high of a line did you recieve.
  4. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    Your score is better than mine, I applied online and was approved, they only gave me 1000.00 limit.
  5. Cybertrave

    Cybertrave Active Member

    Which card did you apply for? I just went over to their site and I see they have a Visa Gold, Visa Platinum, Mastercard Platinum and some Airline Cards.
  6. raiderpam

    raiderpam Well-Known Member

    The visa gold.
  7. Cybertrave

    Cybertrave Active Member

    Thanks raiderpam now I have atleast one card to consider. I guess i'll wait a while and see if anyone else has any sugestions or maybe knows if boa also pulls TU here in NJ.
  8. Cybertrave

    Cybertrave Active Member

    A friend just told me that he thinks MBNA is also good with approving applications even with high utilization on other trade lines. Any Opinions? I really don't want to waste another inquiry for nothing and he also doesn't know what report they pull in the NJ area.
  9. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Guys wait two months a few has said it is more easier to get a cards around shoping season. I did get a few cards with high limits in Oct/nov/dec. The easy card to get is Kmart Cap 1,but they give a low limit.
  10. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Bofa pull TU and I am a NJ Kid.
  11. Cybertrave

    Cybertrave Active Member

    Thanks for confirming that boa pulls TU. Even though it makes perfect sense I never thought about having a better chance of getting higher limits if applying around the holidays. I'm also wondering how much the amount of income you list when applying affects your chances of getting approved and what kind of limit you get. Actually that sounds like a good idea for another thread.
  12. Cybertrave

    Cybertrave Active Member

    I applied for the BOA Visa Gold card last night and was declined for the following reasons.

    Number of revolving accounts with high balance compared to high credit

    Length of time since most recent revolving account was opened

    Length of time since oldest account was established

    Too many accounts with balances

    They did pull TU. When I called to ask for manual review they still said no and seemed to be most concerned that I have 6 inquiries on my TU report even though one of them is from them. 2 are from my recent car lease theyâ??re both on the same day one from the dealer where I leased my car and one from Nissan Finance Corporation. There is also one from TU Customer relations (I have a feeling that this one should not be there). I can't think of any reason for TU to do a hard inquiry.

    So who should I try next? I already called Chase and asked for an increase to transfer some balances. I'm waiting to hear back from them. I know that Generations Bank is a hidden line so if I could get that it would help my ratios. Is the Generations card hard to get? Are they likely to approve me when BOA declined me? What reports do they pull?

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