Thanks to everyone with the information I found here, We were able to get approved for accepting all credit cards at my little humble online store. If anyone ever tries to get a merchant account with pisspoor credit, you will know its not easy. So remember when everything seems bleak, it is. Dust yourself off and try again and again til you can find another way. I am gonna stay here for a long time so I can give back for all the help I received here. Oh and if you want to try out any new cards you have, go to my site and I will help you. I will give discounts just say that you heard it here.
Thank you for staying and sharing...I know I need ALOT of help...yes that kind too...that is what got me in trouble in the first place Congrates and nice site
Hi, Congratulations. Thank you for agreeing to stick around the board I didn't forget my promise to shop at your store. Good luck............ By the way, I like the part about if things are bleak, they are. LOL!!!!!!
Well, it basically all started when you have a small operation and you are doing things by cash, money order and checks. It gets really slow in this fast pace business, I wasn't online but I knew it would help. Then I saw how awful my credit was and continued to toil and be frustrated by not being able to have the funds available to ship the products. So I made it a do or die oath to get this taken care of. I started in february 2002, I had 0 credit, I know of Target Visa, Target Guest card, Chevron Gas card. Limits are 700, 200, 600. Not great, but soooo helpful when I need to get stuff done. I pay off most of the balance and leave alittle so they can make some money off me as a thank you. But I have to say its also very uplifting to know you have all your information correct or as close to correct as you can stand without going insane. I really have alot to be thankful for finding this site.
Kiyi, You give such great advice and information here, I am sure glad you will be sticking around for a while. Congratulations on the merchant account...nice huh! And oh yeah, I will buy something from your store, but I need some time...I am still a bit disappointed over the false advertisement of the naked dancing. ) I will get over it, but in due due time.... LOL -Peace, Dave
Kiyi, I have been to your site and wish you nothing my SALES, SALES, SALES. I too own my own business and as you can tell by my scores I know your pain. If you get a chance read my thread called There are going to get it, mount up! How were your scores when you got the targets and chevron
target guest card was 618, visa and chevron were 735 with no derogs, I had 13 derogs on it in Feb. I went to court once when I was sued. Rest I bluffed. kbanger, Regarding creditors that turned you down, Make sure the CRA that pulled your report from? Keep all the letters in a file for damages and when you get that report cleared, make sure that CRA sends your new report to all those past creditors that you specify so they can be fighting over you for good rates and CLs. Thats what I did to get Target Visa and Chevron. Still waiting on AMEX and Texaco.
Kiyi, I have not applied for anything except a mortgage in over 6 months. I want my first real inquiry to for the car, from there I will my first next attempt will be for the Target Visa from there I wil have a Macy' (100) Visa (680) and hopefully a Target. However Macy's says they will incr. my limit once I pay 3 consec. (I just got it reinstated in july) So in Nov. I will hopefully get an increase. This way by the time january comes around, target visa. By june AMEX you are fine. Am I dreaming or do you creditnetters thing it can be done (nothing is impossible) except a score of 900
Here is a running list EQ 19 (6 are Student loans, ain't going nowhere) The rest are dead meat (3 will be deleted by 8/10) leaving 16 with 10 to truly deal with. The loans will be rehabed in 1 year from now 1 judgement that is my name wrong address (I will take this one out as well) EX 20 (9 are Student loans) The other 11 are going down. TU 21 (7 are student loans) 6 will be deleted by 8/18 leaving 8 to deal with 1 judgement with my name and current address, have no plan for this as of yet. I know Amex pulls EX & EQ in my state. (I had one of my buddies apply, he's my neighbor)
For every semester you get Financial Aid it is considered a loan. So for two semesters you could. Have 1,2,3,4 or more loans depending on the amount. I owe Approx. 20K in student loans. 10K to US ED and the other 10 is split between several other lenders. I have heard two stories rehab takes a year and then that US ED has rehab in as little as 4 months. I am praying for the 4 month to be true for me. Because that will be January/ February for me. Leaving the others for next August.
I am soooo clueless about student loans, I just got my first one a few days ago. I am gonna go study LAW Gonna sue them high gonna sue them low. gonna sue sue sue, sue sue.
You go Kiyi, get that money!!! What do you think about the student loan derogs and my chances at Target. Also any ideas on the judgement
Judgments, I have never had. I do know if you were improperly serve the warrant, you can get it vacated. If you didn't get served you can get it vacated and if the person is no longer around to answer a motion you can get it vacated.
The judgement was placed on my CR on 6/2002, it is for paying a friend of my girlfriend for a summer internship. Long story that i really hate to tell. Trying to be a nice guy got me screwed.
um yeah don't be nice, I'm not. Geesh. Well is she still your girlfriend? If not, god, I would kick his ass all over the place.