I am dealing with one last collection on hubbys report. It is that lawyer fee that WE DO NOT OWE. I offered payment for deletion, they told me they would mark it as paid. Ummm no. I only was offering payment because it is only 135 and I am tierd of dealing with it.Again this is for the lawyer that never showed up to my closing and now wants to collect an hours pay for his "services". After speaking to Budd Hibbs I wrote a short but sweet last attempt letter to them (scary they are attorneys remember? This is what it stated. I have not received a response to my emails and this letter is to notify you that I will be filing an ethics complaint with the state bar against your firm. I am also filing a complaint with the FTC, BBB and the Michigan Attorney General for filing a false account with the credit bureaus. Separate action will be filed with the ************ (collection agency) for their blatant disregard to the FCRA and the FDCPA. This is what I got back only 12 minutes later. Mr. OHNOSTUCK - (He doesn't know the wifey is writing the letters) I tried to call this morining, but the phone company says the line is being checked for trouble. Please contact me to set up a time to meet and go over your account. Thank you. WHAT DO I RESPOND WITH?I AM NOT MEETING THIS MAN. NO WAY IN HELL. Nothing is wrong with my phone, nice try. If I ever needed you guys it is NOW. Help me draft a response. I am at a blank.
I hear ya. Lawyers are good at screwing with people. Hellllllllllllllllllllppppppppp meeeeeeeeee please!
How is this? There is nothing wrong with my telephone. You must have the wrong telephone. Either way, at this point I am not interested in meeting with you or talking with you on the telephone. I have been dealing with this for quite sometime and am not willing to delay this any further. I am well aware of your position on this account. It is my opinion that the services offered were not provided. We have never had a contract with you, as a matter of fact I have never even met you. I have been trying for months to get this resolved. This collection has damaged my credit files and is causing me much distress. Other then removing this listing immediately, there is nothing you can do for me. I will be filing my complaint tomorrow morning.
It does not matter but I wonder why is he pushing the issue so hard for one hours work? Are you willing to call him since he claims he cannot get you by phone? Whatever paperwork he is will to show you in person, he can also fax if he wishes to support his claim. I like your letter.
Thanks Love. No I am not willing to call him. I have called him before and he is a real ass. He claims that he got a 7 page fax from our closing company and he reviewed them. That is what he is charging me for. I have modified the letter and will send if it looks ok. Thanks for responding, this is VERY important to me as it is the last derog on hubbys reports. There is nothing wrong with my telephone. You must have the wrong telephone. Either way, at this point I am not interested in meeting with you or talking with you on the telephone. I have been dealing with this for quite sometime and am not willing to delay this any further. I am well aware of your position on this account. It is my opinion that the services offered were not provided. I have never had a contract with you, as a matter of fact I have never even met you. My understanding of our deal was for you to accompany us to the closing of our home. This did not happen. You claim that you were faxed seven pages of my closing papers. I do not know who faxed you this information but I assure you it was not me. I certainly would have never of retained your services for you to "take a look" at a small percentage of my closing papers. Regardless, I have been trying for months to get this resolved. This collection has damaged my credit files and is causing me much distress. Other then removing this listing immediately, there is nothing you can do for me. I will be filing my complaint tomorrow morning.
Question: he claims that he was faxed a copy of your closing papers, did he ever comment on the docs? Can he provide you with a copy of what he received? Obviously, I am trying to catch him in a lie.
No never. He just claims that he only got a portion and everything was fine so he didn't respond. He is such a friggen nutcase. I am sending this letter as is. I really am not happy with this jerk.
No. We delayed our closing over an hour waiting for him. The seller wanted to back out of the deal and give the house to his daughter. I was already past the time that was given for us to close. I was lucky to even get the house. I did get screwed at closing too. I paid ALL of the taxes for that year and moved in in May.
I am sorry ohnostuck. What a horrible situation. Do not call him. Everything is to be in writing. I would send him a letter or e-mail stating how he held you up at closing, he did not return your calls, and so forth. I am afraid if you were to speak to him over the phone, he will either lie, charge you for his services, or both. I don't think you will have any problem winning a lawsuit against this idiot. Ooh, I hate lawyers. Dani
Thinking out loud, lol If a writer sends his book to an editor for review but the editor may/may have not read the book but also does not give an opinion but sends a bill??? It's not the reading of the material that you pay for (anyone can do that), its the expert opinion of what was read that you pay for. SUE HIM!
Thanks Dani. He knows that he held me up he also knows that his charges are crap. I bet you are right, he would charge me for another hour. LOL What a crook.
Re: Thinking out loud, lol Yep. That would be like all the people that reviewed of this thread sending me a bill.
Re: Thinking out loud, lol Well I just read this entire thread--just to make sure things were being posted okay. I'll send you my bill for $200 but since you're a Creditnetter I'll give you a 20% discount. :-D
Re: Thinking out loud, lol I would ask for a copy of the 7 pages he received and see if the taxes part is in the pages he got, then if it is sue hime for not speaking up and saying HEY WAIT why should OhNo pay all years taxes....just a thought
Re: Thinking out loud, lol OK. I will try that. He has never presented the pages to me this is just what he claims. I am awaiting his response and I will post if he does in fact respond. Thanks again all.
Re: Thinking out loud, lol Man what a day for the reports belonging to my hubby and I. He responded with this. What do you suggest? Mr. I called ***-**** number in the phone book. It still says the number is being checked for trouble. Since your e-mail of July 26, I have learned that it may be possible to have the account cleared in exchange for payment. Please let me know your preference.
Re: Thinking out loud, lol Sue his sorry butt. He doesn't even have your phone #! The jerk probably had no intention of showing up for your settlement, he never looked at the papers probably because no one sent him the papers, and now he wants to get paid for doing nothing?? Baloney. He ruined your husband's credit for how many months? I would sue him for $135 + the cost of filing suit + emotional distress (a bad credit report). Dani