Tomorrow is the final court hearing for my husband to adopt my son. I wasn't sure, so i called the courthouse and they said that tomorrow is IT!!!! She said to bring friends and family to take pictures and we get to keep the pen the judge signs with!!!!! I cant stop crying! I am so happy that this is finally all done with and when my son calls him dada its REAL!!!! So at 9am tomorrow I will be a crying basketcase. Wish me luck!
AWWW KHM. I am very happy for you and your family. Congrats! Tears are always OK if they are happy tears!
KHM, congratulations!!!! I know how you feel!!!! I have been in your shoes, well just about. My husband and I adopted our daughter 2 years ago. We were in the delivery room when she was born. She came to live with us when she was 2 days old. In Texas, there is a 6 month waiting period before an adoption can be finalized. When that 180th day was up, you have never seen two happier more relieved people. The hearing was wonderful! I thought it would be very stuffy and formal, but it wasn't! The judge allowed my mother-in-law to tape our portion. We took lots of pictures. The judge insisted on holding our daughter because "he couldn't resist such a beautiful baby." He let her chew on his tie and play with his gavel. In the middle of the questioning by the state's attorney, our daughter decided she was hungry and wailed for a bottle. The judge stopped the proceeding and said "bailiff, I need a bottle and a burp cloth quick!" He continud the proceedings, fed the baby, ooohhhed and aahhhed and acted silly for her. He called the court reporter up to take pictures of all of us. We had about 40 well wishers there--family, friends, church family, even two of our neighbors! The judge told our daughter that she was a lucky little girl to be loved by this many people. I was crying, my husband was crying, it was a very happy day for our family. I didn't even notice this until we got the pictures back. My best friend had given our daughter a special outfit for the occasion. It was a pink sweater set with a matching pink beret and booties. She looked like the original Gerber baby in it. Across the front of the sweater it said "Home Sweet Home" and there was a picture of a mom and a dad and a baby embroidered on it. How fitting is that? Adoption is a good, good thing. Your son will have a good life and a stable home. Congratulations! I know it has been a long journey! LisaMc
KHM, congratulations!!!!! to you and your husband. family is such a wonderful thing. It's the only thing in life that really matters. Lisamac, your story brought tears to my eyes!! kathy
Kathy, our baby (now 2 years old!) is the best thing that has ever happened to us. She is the light of my world.
Lisamc, My daughter is going to be 2 years old in a few months. are'nt they the greatest thing in the world, especially this age. Their personalities are a riot. It makes me really happy when I hear stories like yours and KHM's. I wish you guys the best. kathy
Kathy, it always used to amaze me when Mothers could understand their 2 year old children. I would hear "blah xfesa sdfsdf blah asdfsasdf blah." The mother's answer "No, you can't have any more juice." I do the same thing now! My daughter has her very own vocabulary that only i understand. Milk = Wa Pink Security Blanket = Ma All food = bites All bites must be analyzed for "yucky" before eating. If they are determined to be yucky, the meal is over. Shoes = ooze the rubber bands that hold a pony tail = beeps light switches = bees water = wawu cowur = colors pay de youtshide = play outside swings = pings She moves her head from side to side slowly and with the most disgusted look on her face says "Oh Gwoss." To you and me that would be "Oh, gross." All animals are dogs. She can't say "dog" she says "God". So, the homeless dog walking down the street is "a pitty God." aka a pretty dog She can identify our house on the street (which is pretty hard being all houses in the subdivision look pretty much alike) She knows half of her alphabet and the other half is all "d" for "daddy." She knows all of the basic colors, but likes to color everything pink or "peep." My husband works for a commercial airline. She is fascinated with airplanes. He has taken her up on flights several times. He takes her to the hangar with him and lets her watch the planes come in from his office. Now she sees an airplane and she screams very excitedly "Daddy's Pane. Daddy's Pane." This past weekend a plane flew overhead. I asked "Is that Daddy's plane?" She said "No, MaMa." I said "are you sure?" She said "Yucky, MaMa, dat pane not bwu." My husband has taught her that all airplanes that are not Continental jets are "Yucky." She can tell the difference as they fly by. The jet I asked her about was a Delta plane. That list could go on for a month. Like you said, they have very distinctive personalities, even at this young age.
((((((((((KHM and officially official family))))))))))) That is great to read, congratulations!!!!!!!! Lisa, WAVING! LOL, I love doing that. What a great warm and fuzzy story you have, thank you for sharing it -- special blessings indeed! Sassy
Congrats Congrats. Yes. That is sometimes the only true fun the court staff get to have. Normally that have to deal with families being ripped apart. I'm sure they enjoyed it. I was adopted at 9 years old, so I was very aware of the proceedings. Mom made me dress up in a tie and everything. The whole thing took 10 minutes and the judge was very nice. Then dad took everyone out for dinner. All and all, a very nice day. Cheers.
Its done!!!!!!! The whole thing took all of 2 minutes. My son, seeing as he's always called hubby dada, and truely thinks he is DAD (which he is NOW!) thought we were there just to change his name. He was so cute, the judge asked why he thought he was there and my son said "to change my name" The judge said "are you changing it from Jake to George?" my said "mom, I think he's silly, he doesn't know what he's talking about". Then that was it, the judge had my son sign the paperwork, BIG HUGE SIDEWAYS LETTERS, with a smiley Gave my hubby the whole run down, if he leaves me, he's responsible financially etc. I thought I would feel different, but I don't. Just much RELIEF!!! Thank you everyone for your support.