My Orchard and Providian annual fees will be coming up in the next month or so. It will be the first yr anniversary of me having these lines. My question is has anyone been successful lately getting anything reversed and what should I say to get them to do it???? I don't want to threaten to close because I need these tradelines to rebuild and I've read here to often that they just say "ok" and do it. Sorry for the silly question, I just would like to know what others have said to get it reversed or waived. Any advice would be great. Newstdt
PFB Providian and someone will call you. I got my annual fee waived $59 without any hesitation. I did this about a week ago. I tried three times to get the Orchard annual fee $79 waived, and they would not do it so I closed it. I spoke with 2 different reps, and one retention CSR.
I have a Cap 1 card and I called to cancel it because of the annual fee. (BTW this was all automated response.) It said to cancel press 1. I did. It said are you cancelling because of annual fee press 1. I did. It said congrats you have been approved for a 10 dollar reduction in annual fee, if you agrees press 1 if not press 2. I pressed 2. A real person came on the line and I gave her a dumb me story...I had no idea this had an annual fee, or I wouldnt have opened it. She agree to waive 1 year of annual fee. I'll do this again...but remember I had 0 balance at the time, I dont suppose it would have worked with a balance. There was also a automated choice to say are you cancelling because of the APR? I suppose they would have automatically lower the interest rate too!! Pav
Re: ? on getting annual fees waived I had no success with Orchard. I had their card for a year, and called to close the account to avoid the $59 fee, hoping, of ocurse that they'd waive it. No dice. I got the option of a line increase or halving the fee to $30. When I pressed the CS rep on the fee, I got "I'm sorry sir, we don't issue any no fee accounts." Of course a waiver is different from upgrading the account, but I didn't persue this fact. I told her to go ahead and close it. I PFB'd them after the fact, and two weeks later got a form letter reciting the same claim the CSR gave. Your results may vary, though. I've read on this board of people getting their Orchard fees waived yearly.
I pfb'ed providian and they lowered my rate and removed my annual fee. They did not give me a limit increase. I was satisfied. I did not threaten closure of the account. Dan