Okay so today in the mail I got a letter saying that I was approved for a $200.00 limit and that I would need to put down $99.00 for the security deposit. I guess I am a little shocked-- I was thinking I would at least get 400-500 credit limit. Is there any way to have them raise the credit limit? I looked in posts with the search option, but I have not been successful in finding an answer. Thanks!
things are tightening up everywhere in the credit card world. You can try to PFB Mr. Cooke. Or use the card and wait for a review for a CL increase.
yeah.. Cap1 from the vrious postings and articles I have been reading are tighetning up... once you get your card I would PFB mr Cooke to see what he can do...
Ah gotcha-- I will see what I can do. If they can not do it.. then I will just wait the six months and then request an increase. I was just shocked-- BUT still grateful.
Hey, I am so happy for you. I told you everything will work out. Please be good with this card, because the posters aren't joking about how tight Capital One has become. Planetfeedback is helpful to some. Good luck with your new card!!!!!!!
I think I will be very very good. In college I really did a job on my credit and it is embarassing to think that I made a poor credit job out of cards with very low limits. I have learned my lesson and I have been paying only cash since 98. It has been very very hard. I have made sure to be extremely careful and thank goodness I will now be able to clean up my reports and if I need to settle with past bills I will be able to do so now with the money I have and also be educated about how to ask for deletions etc etc. By the mid of this month I will be sending out my first dispute letters-- I have disputed minor items off of my reports with success online. Now for some of the charge offs (I have 5 with small enough balances) I will dispute and validate-- and if I need to settle them I am prepared to do so as well. I have goals now--- I would really love to buy an apartment/condo by the spring or summer.
They must have tightened up. Before it was $49 would get you a $200 limit, and $99 would get you a $500 limit.
Hi jrjr - hey aLL - Jrjr is correct - when I got my first Cap One secured card - is was $99 for a $500 limit - and they paid some interest on the deposit as well. I went from that credit line to $30K car credit line in 5 years, and Plat Card. You were LUCKY they issued you a card - the entire bank industry is under fire. When I was responding to Hotsauce's request for a secured visa in a different post, it was hard to recommend secured card companies still in business.... FCNB - are they taking new people? NEXTCARD - could not recommend MERRICK Providian - may or may not issue a card Cross Country - nope Orchard is a possibility - he would get $500 I am sure... later - dogman
Hi Sal - we don't know if they have stopped completely - they have gotten much tighter due to notice from FEDS that they may have increased loan losses in the sub sub market. You can't order a card from the internet - except for excellent credit Platinum cards. I remember a few years back, Cap One did not take call oir email offers - then they went back to it. I got your deal a few years back - its worth it - particularly with how fast they credit payments. aarff - dogman
I got approved for $500 with a $49 deposit back in March. That was when they had the option on the internet for secured cards. Janet
I know, I could not believe it either till I got the card in the mail. This happened right after my bk7 was discharged in early 1998.