Hello Board, I sent the "dispute inquiries" letter found here on the board to Equifax. It came back verified. The letter told me to contact the company making the inquiry and talk to their fraud dept. Now it is my understanding that the CRA must validate this NOT me. Futhermore it is my understanding that they (the CRA) must provide me proof, not just say "we verified it". Am I off base here or what? I am thinking of sending this letter, please provide any editing you think is necessary (like should I take out the smart ass middle part about the magical truth).... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Equifax Information Services, LLC P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374 08/06/02 Dear Mr. King On 5/23/02 I sent a letter disputing inquiries on my credit report. I received your response that states that these are accurate. While I am sure your automated verification computing system tells you that they are accurate, they are not and I demand they be removed immediately. Your response goes on to say that I should contact the creditor directly, however Federal Law prevails here and states that the burden of proof lies with you, not me. Since it is impossible to prove a negative, I cannot prove these entries are not mine and unless you can prove they are mine then, once again Federal Law prevails, you must remove said inquiries from my credit report. Your saying these entries are accurate does not make it true, although I wish it were that easy: to make a statement and magically it becomes truth. Think of the fun we could have with that! What will make your statement accepted truth is to provide me data proving it. As I stated in my first letter to you the following information needs to be re-investigated. I will accept nothing less that an instrument bearing my signature authorizing said inquiries for legitimate business purposes. Failing that, the unauthorized inquiry must be deleted from the report as soon as possible. They are as follows: blah blah blah blah blah blah Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your re-investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within 15 days of the completion of your re-investigation. Sincerely, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please sand any suggestions you may have Pav
All I can say is good luck trying to get any CRA to delete an inquiry. I have tried with all 3 multiple times with no luck. I did try directly contacting one of the companies who pulled my credit and they agreed to remove the inquiry. So I would suggest contacting the company who pulled your credit and you will probably see better results.
I personally have had great success disputing inquiries with EQ. I dispute by phone and never more than 2 at a time. TU is impossible, and I don't know abou EX since they have stopped letting you dispute via Creditexpert. I have 0 on EQ and EX, and 3 on TU. Charlie
As for your signature authorizing an inquiry, you do need to go to the creditor for that. You can request the procedure they used to verify the inq. Cra's do not and are not required to have written documentation of your authorization. The only time a cra needs to have something in writing, as far as I am aware, is when a previously deleted item is resinserted. Then they need to have "certification" that the info is correct.
When you disputed with EQ, did you dispute the two oldest, two newest, etc? Any particular phrases you used that they responded well too? humblemarc
I've mixed it up. I try and be ignorant, so that I can be on their level. I'll say that I remember asking for that one but not that one. It took a while to get them all deleted, but I never had a problem . Charlie
What about the hard inquires that the CA's make. Any luck removing them. I RMA pulls whenever they feel like it, as if it were free for them. Well they used to be EQ so they probably have some deal going on. The BASTARDS that RMA are
I also have never had a problem with EQ deleting inquiries. They just deleted 4 from July for me. I always dispute this over the phone. So now I have 0 inquiries with them. TU and EX, forget it, they won't budge.