Re: QUE???? Senor Juan, En que idioma es usted tratando a escribir? Si piensa que es espanol usted necesita que revolver a colegio y estudie mas. O sea quiere lecciones privados con una "flirty muchacha"? Si este es el caso escribame pronto y yo arreglare mi horario a incluirle en mis clases para machomachissimos. Ojala que usted tenga ganas a aprendar el idioma mas bonita de todos con una "flirty pelirroja muchachita". Hasta entonces y con saludos. Sinceremente, ce-la-ce POSTO-SCRIPTO: estoy llena de felicidades que el senor Psychdoc fue salvado con la ayuda de senorita Margarita! Re-bienvenidos a ti!
Re: QUE???? have you ever been told that it is rude to speak a different language in front of others when they do not speak the language, and when you could easily converse in one that is common to all? just my opinion, only got through Spanish I thirty years ago,
Sweetened ice tea Dallas, actually.... What, the reference to cold, already sweetened tea gave me away? Recipe: bring water to boil, 3 or 4 cups worth throw in 3 large tea bags take pot off stove let set awhile pour 1 1/2 cups sugar in 2 qt pitcher add tea mixture minus teabags stir until sugar thoroughly dissolved add cold water to top of pitcher serve over lots and lots of ice I still like this way better than any other preparation. And I use sugar upfront, rather than after. Tastes different, i.e. better to me. Down here, when you order tea, it will be unsweet unless they ask you your preference, and it will ALWAYS be over ice unless you ask for "hot tea" like you are in a Chinese Restaurant.
Re: career counseling for Pulse, We'll all gather 'round the bowl (porcelain is a kind of china, isn't it?) at the appointed hour, reflect on the fast, but glorious life of pulse, then, we'll flush her. After that, we'll draw straws to see who gets her frequent flyer miles and sing Ding, Dong, The Witch Is Dead and Uptown Girl. [/B][/QUOTE] lmao and spit rice krispies onto the keyboard coral